Chapter 20 - gone

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Youngjae's POV
I wake up and go to y/n's room to wake her up. She's not in her room so I guess she's in the kitchen with Daehyun. I walk down the stairs and look around. No y/n. "Daehyun where's y/n?" I say and rub my eyes. "I don't really know.. you should read this" Daehyun says and shows me a paper note. I take the note and read. "Dear Youngjae and Daehyun.
I will be leaving for a while. Has nothing to do with any of you guys there's just something I need to do. I won't say where I'm going as I don't want you to come look for me and I know Youngjae would if I told you guys where im going. I will be back as fast as I can. I took your Christmas gift with me and will open it on Christmas. I left my Christmas gift and anniversary gift on your desk in your room. I also left a Christmas gift for Daehyun on his desk.
I love you baby Jae
See you guys soon."
I read the letter over and over and feel tears starting to run down my cheeks. "How long do you think she will be gone?" I ask and look at Daehyun."I don't know. Don't worry it will be ok. Maybe she had to go back to America because of some family business" Daehyun says and hugs me. "Let's eat breakfast" Daehyun says and places two plates on the table. I sigh and sit down and eat.

Y/n's POV
A tear rolls down my cheek as the airplane lands in the airport in New York. I was holding the dog plushie that Youngjae bought for me. I leave the airplane and find my suitcase. I then grab my phone and call Youngjae. "Shit he's probably in school right now I shouldn't disturb him" I think and as I was about to hang up but then Youngjae picks up. "Hi Youngjae" I say trying not to sound too sad. "Hi y/n" Youngjae says. Both of us don't say anything for a while and then I hear sniffing. "Youngjae are you crying?" I ask concerned. "Yes.. no.. yes of course I am I already miss you a lot" he says and I can hear his voice get more and more sad. "I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't call you. I don't wanna make you sad" I say and sigh. "No.. please call.. I wanna hear your voice at least" Youngjae says and sniffs again. "How are you? Where are you? Do you have a place to stay? Do you have enough money? Did you remember to bring some of my shirts?" Youngjae says. "Damn baby slow down" i say and laugh slightly. "I'm fine. I'm at the air port in New York. I will be staying at my aunt's house. Yes I have enough money. Yes I brought lots of your shirts. How about you? How are you?" I say and start walking. "I'm good. Remember to wear my shirts often" Youngjae says and laughs slightly. "Sorry y/n I gotta go. I told my teacher I went to the bathroom so I could pick up your call. Call me when you can ok?" Youngjae says. "You idiot don't skip class" I say and laugh. "I might be an idiot but I don't wanna miss a call with you. I gotta go now. Bye y/n I love you" youngjae says. "Bye baby Jae. Love you too" I say and then we hang up. When outside of the airport I call my brother. "Hi" a tired voice says. "Sorry. Did I wake you up? How am I supposed to come over to aunt's house? Not like she can drive here and pick me up" I say and sigh. "Can't you call a taxi?" My brother asks. "No. I have no money. I guess I'll walk" I say and sigh again. "Sorry I can't help you y/n. The only thing I can say is call a taxi" my brother says. "I don't have any money for a taxi!" I yell and hang up but immediately feel bad. I shouldn't yell at my brother when he's sick in the hospital. I start walking praying I know the way to my aunt's house.

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