I Like You Phi

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Hi LOVIES...I'm here again with a new story.  I know.... I am a MEKBOSS fanatic but I do love this crazy couple as well.  This may be just a short, short story.  Just trying to dip my pen in this fandom 😁.  Hopefully I could still entice you guys.

Disclaimer: The characters name and photos are not my own credits to the owner. This is just a product of my impatient mind, any resemblance to other stories are coincidental and not intentional.


Third POV

"I like you Phi Win." said the cute guy with his chubby cheeks slowly turning to crimson, with his hopefull sparkling eyes as he look up to the tall slim guy, he extended his hands  holding a small velvet black box.

The tall guy called Win, just look down at the boy with a smirk and turned his back to walk away.  But before he can do that, the boy named Team hurriedly cut him off and stood in front him again, still holding the box extended towards him, a dreamy wide eyed smile on the boy's face.

"Don't waste my time and yours, I'm not interested." with a scowl on his face, he walked away past Team.

Team just stood there with his head bowed down and the box he held fell to his side.  He was crying silently with his hand on his chest,  gripping on his shirt.  His friend who was sitting on the sideline came running to him before he hit the floor when he fainted.


Two years had passed, Team is back in Thailand again,  a lot of things happened since that day he fainted during his junior highschool. He was diagnosed with CHD, Coronary heart disease which constrict the normal flow of blood to his heart, he had to go through by pass surgeries, which was not available in Thailand, that's why he had to be taken to a specialist in the US.  It was  supposed to only take six months to recover, however due to certain complications, his recovery lasted for more than a year. 

And now he's back and anxious to go back to school.  He was already enrolled in T University to take up Music and Arts, which was taken cared of by his cousin and best friend Prem. 

Yes, he is now a freshman in college, despite his condition, he was able to finish highschool in the US.  He was homeschooled of which he insisted on, to fight his boredom and not be left behind in his studies.

He was walking towards the gate to the arrival area, craning his neck to look for his cousin.  He finally found him after a few minutes and a stiff neck, on the right side of the crowd.... with an upside down signage.

He walked towards his cousin and grabbed the upside down paper with his name on it.   And turned  it right side up and gave it back to his crazy cousin. 

"You're back....." his cousin blurted excitedly with a wide grin on his face but immediately turned into frown.

"What took you so long..." he retorted with a pout.

"Don't  you pout at me, your sign was upside down, I've been craning my neck trying to find you from this thick crowd and all I saw was my name written upside down." he blurted and smack the side of his cousin's head playfully.

"Oh sorry......welcome back cuz, I missed you...have you got something for me" his cousin changed his mood again from a pouty kid to an eager one, grabbing his hand bag and tried to have a look inside, while they walk through the parking lot to his cousin's car.

"Hey, hey...rumage my bag later, drive me home first, I'm exhausted from that 16 hours flight..my back hurts."  he grabbed his bag from his eager cousin.  Prem pouted as he went to the driver's seat after unlocking the door.  Team slid down to the passenger seat and reclined it a bit to get a more comfortable position.

"So.....are you ready for college? " asked Prem to his cousin.

"I need to be ready...." Team answered while watching the sights of the streets of Thailand pass by his eyes.

"How is he...." Team reluctantly asked.

"Never saw him after graduation..I think they moved to another city because of his father's work."

"So...you still think about him?  You know his not good for your heart right? "

Team did not answer, he just drowned himself  in the sights of the streets of Thailand.

For two years he tried to forget he thought he did. But being back and knowing that there might be chance of seeing the boy who turned his world upside down, his mind and heart drifted back to the possibilities but alas, he had to move on.

That's all for now my LOVIES

Quite short than my usual, I know.

But a,lot more to come.  Hope you like it.

Drop a comment pkease.
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Thank you and keep safe.

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