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I slam the door to my two door ford truck as I sling my bag over my shoulder

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I slam the door to my two door ford truck as I sling my bag over my shoulder. My senior year was about to end and to be honest, I was so excited. In a few short weeks I would go from high school student to Beta of the Red Sky Pack. It had been a hard four years since I first shifted, but I wouldn't change a thing.

Ally walks up and leans against my truck bed, her long blonde hair laying perfectly over her shoulders. Soon Colton and Julia soon join us, hands gripping one another. He was the first of us to find his mate, a beautiful wolf named Julia from another pack. She and her family moved here and joined Red Sky after they found one another.

By his face though, somethings wrong, "Killer Wolf is making empty threats again."

For the past year, Killer Wolf, a neighboring pack, had been threatening us. Their misogynistic Alpha hating us for having a female Beta Heir (that's me). Though Alpha Drake is known for many things, the most pronounced being that he killed his own mate to be with a pure blood. His whole line being that of only pure blood wolves. So I had two marks against me: being human born and being a woman.

I scoff and roll my eyes, "How serious is Alpha really taking this?"

"He put you in charge of school safety," Colton tells me while pulling Julia closer to him. The threat was empty, bit the need to protect ones mate is strong.

"Have the student wolves on high alert. Get warriors on the block at all times. Packages go through scanning before entering the school," I order, taking the role of protector seriously.

"Yes, Beta," Colton responds before issuing my order to the pack members near by. While I am not yet the reigning Beta, many still use this title with me. Holden and Kaity getting a similar treatment by being called Alpha and Luna.

"Ally, you keep the pups in line today," I tell her, referring to the twenty who just shifted last January during the Wolf's Moon who are yet to be stable on their paws. "If something happens get them out."

"Yes, Beta."

"Everything is organized," Colton I forms me and I see a familiar warrior walking around the perimeter of the school. "No regret."

"No doubt," Ally recites.

"No backing down," I finish. This were words we lived by for the past four years.

Julia smiles and simply comments, "You three are crazy."


Nothing exciting happened today. Like I thought, the threat was empty, though Alpha Dylan still wants us on high alert for the next few days. Training resumed. I was taking a few pups out to do some wolf-on-wolf fighting with Colton and Ally while Luna Mary continued to lecture a few and Beta Kent works with some on speed and agility.

I was driving one girl out to the training area we would be at. Since my truck is so small, I only drive one while Colton and Ally get to drive the other seven. Handling eight pups wouldn't be hard, right?

Wrong. Pups are rowdy and reckless. I know because I was both of those things. "Beta, you're human born right?"

I grip the wheel slightly. I have had to fight for the past four years to overcome the stigma behind being human born. Many other pack leaders couldn't accept the fact that I am fit to be Beta. Some other packs even dropped treaties with Red Sky because of it. Holden never backed down though, he wants me as his Beta and will fight anyone that disrespects me.

"I am," I nod my head as I turn down a road that leads to the training area.

"I am too, can I become a warrior even though I'm human born?"

Most of the time, human born are omegas. They become workers in the pack. Taking jobs for local businesses, teaching at the schools, or becoming community grounds keepers. It was rare that we amounted to much, I change that though. My wolf changed that.

"If you work hard, anyone can be a warrior," I tell the pup whose eyes gleam at me. "Frey, right? Frey Waldon?"

"That's me," she stares out the window as trees overcast on the truck. I stop and park, turning off the vehicle, we both get out. It wasn't long before the other two cars stop; Colton and Ally leading the other pups to our area.

"Today we are working on wolf-on-wolf fighting," I announce before letting Colton take over. He was a better trainer then myself, I preferred leading with example.

"Often our wolves are stronger than human forms. If you are on patrol as a warrior, you will be in wolf form. The best technique is to corner an opponent, which can be tricky. Beta Jade and I will demonstrate while Ally dictates."

Colton and I remove our clothes and shift. Our wolves are similar in size and build; his being a brown and white while mine is blonde all over. We face each other, circling and observing. We knew each other's body well, training for four years together at least ever week if not every day.

"Sizing up an opponent is important during first contact," Ally narrates. "Look for any sign of weakness, possibly a limp or scar. Look at your surrounding, can you back them into a corner? Watch them size you up, know where they are going to attack first."

Colton lunges for my back, knowing it will be hard to me to throw him. I duck under him and turn myself quickly to evade a bite. I use my tail to smack him before facing him, clawing at his face. We both get on our hind legs and beat our paws, almost wrestling.

"Fast, short movement. Know what you're doing but don't overthink it. Fighting is a dance, know what the other is doing so you can match and counter."

We both land on the ground and Colton growls before I snare back. He lunges and I dodge again, but before he can recover from the landing I knock him off balance, putting him on the ground.

"And with that pinning, the spar is over. Beta Jade won."


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Blonde Wolf of the Brown Haired BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now