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Jade Lewis ^ (Gracie Phillips)

As we walk down the stairs and into the crowd, many members swarm us

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As we walk down the stairs and into the crowd, many members swarm us. Immediately, I see my family and fight through the crowd to reach them. My sister hugs me right away before my brother, Jay, and his mate, Laura gives me the same. I wasn't expecting my four-year-old niece to jump on me though.

"Aunt Jade!" she yells as I catch her in my arms. "You look so pretty."

"Thank you, pumpkin," I tickle her slightly before more members come up to me.

"Congratulations, Beta Jade," I recognize Allen's father immediately.

"Thank you, Mr. Delivar, how is Allen?"

"Whose Allen?" Emma questions from my arm.

I smile at  Delivar before putting Emma down, "Hey, I bet there are Oreos at the snack table, tell them Aunt Jade sent you."

Emma runs off and I direct my attention to the man in front of me, "No change."

"I hope for the best," I offer my hand and he shakes it.

"We all are, my mate apologizes for not being here."

"The circumstances aren't perfect."

"Ryan Delivar," Holden offers his hands. "You didn't have to come, not with Allen in the hospital."

"I don't plan to stay long," he comments after bowing to the Alpha. "I just came to show respect."

"Please let me know if the pack can do anything for you. Meals, clean the house, mow the lawn, anything. I'll see to it personally if need be," Holden gave a sincere look. Deliver thanks him before leaving to go back to the hospital.

Many hours pass as we partied, I was standing to the side, observing the pack, when Colton came up. "Nice to see you finally alone."

"And you ruined it," I joke and he shakes his head passing me a drink.

"Figured you needed one," he refers to the drink. "Making pack history. The first female Beta."

"Not the last, I hope," I take a sip and scowl when it burns. "What is this?"

"Whiskey," he tells me nonchalantly.

I nod my head and take another sip. I was going to need some alcohol to get through the next few weeks. It would be terrible, school, pack, family. Tomorrow I was supposed to move into the Beta house, so at least I'll have my privacy.

"Many warriors are looking to see how Allen and Frey's situation is delt with. This will be your first act as Beta."

"It's not my act. Alpha gets final say--"

"But traditionally, the Alpha goes with the Beta's ruling."

"Com'on, you can't let me have one night without dealing with this?" I groan and take another drink.

"No rest for the wicked," he laughs clinking our glasses together. "I'll be over tomorrow to help you move in. Julia's making homemade pizza for us."

"Thanks," I move and hug him quickly before going back to silently observing the party before Emma drags me out to dance with her. My last night of freedom in many ways. I don't regret becoming Beta. This is my life purpose.

In many ways though, I knew I had to. I had to shift and become a wolf. I had to become the first female Beta so that more could follow. I had to take over the position early so that the pack would be safe from Killer Wolf. I had to... there wasn't much of a choice involved. 

I had to.


I strap Emma into her car seat in the back of my parents SUV. She wanted to come home with us but wound up passed out in my arms. Jay and Laura left a few minutes ago and there were only a few wolves left to clean up.

"See you tomorrow," I whisper as I climb in my truck and drive to my home. Well my parents home, this was my last night there.

Once I got there, mom and dad help grab a few things to bring in while I gather Emma in my arms. I tuck her in on the loveseat while I change into sweatpants and a loose bra before passing out on the big couch. After a few moments of trying to sleep, I hear someone moving.

Emma climbs off the loveseat and walks over to me, poking my arm. "Auntie Jade?"

"Yes, pumpkin?" I look up at her. It is dark and I'm sure she can't actually see me.

"I sleep with you?" she rubs her eyes and grips her stuffed animals she takes everywhere close to her body.

"Com'ere," I open my arms for her and she snuggles into my chest, quickly falling back asleep.

She yawns peacefully as I wrap a blanket around us. "Auntie Jade?"

"Yes," I rub up and down her pack and her heart rate calms.

"Can I still stay the night even if you're Beta?"

"Of course," I answer kissing the top of her head. She seams satisfied with this because she goes to sleep shortly after.

So I lay there, with my thoughts as my hand trails her back. I became Beta for her. So that this little girl would know that she can do anything. I rose from being human born to being the third highest ranked. That ment something.

Now if only the Killer Wolf pack would get off our asses. If only Allen could pull through and Frey not have to be exiled. Can we just have a few more weeks of smooth sailing?

My phone buzzes and I check. It's a text from Holden. Why would he be texting me so late?

Big Alpha Man: Allen just died.

Me: What happened?

Big Alpha Man: Dr. Para says he just couldn't fight through it. Meeting with parents at 3 tomorrow.

Me: I'll be there.

Big Alpha Man: I have warriors picking up Frey Waldon to hold her on Involuntary Manslaughter.

Me: okay, goodnight.

Big Alpha Man: goodnight

Big Alpha Man: goodnight

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