Attack of the School

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Colton Harper ^(Matthew Noszka)
Julia Day ^(Miranda Karr)
Ally Renolds ^(Shelby Kessen)

Colton Harper ^(Matthew Noszka)Julia Day ^(Miranda Karr)Ally Renolds ^(Shelby Kessen)

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My door slams as I exit the truck at yet another day of school. The file in my hand holds all of my attention and I jump when a delicate hand is placed on my shoulder. "Chill," Ally smiles as I calm down.

"Sorry," I go right back to the case in my hand.

Ally turns me to face her and forces me to look her in the eyes, "How much sleep did you get last night?"

I think for a moment, "Two or three hours."


"I'm busy, Ally," I state.

"Go home and take a nap!"

"Can't, I have a test today," closing the file, I throw it back In the truck. I lock the door before turning back to Ally, who gives me a disapproving look. "I knew these next few weeks would be hard. I'm prepared."

"Hello ladies," Colton approaches with Julia's hand in his.

"Good morning," Julia beams before handing Ally and I a breakfast muffin. Julia was like our mom friend. Ever since Colton brought her to Red Sky she essentially took over caring for us. Breakfast, protein smoothies after training, a person to vent to. She's the mom friend and wears that badge of honor proudly.

"Jade slept two hours last night," Ally blurts out.

"I'm fine," I groan, giving Colton a pointed glare to agree with me.

Colton looks me up and down, "She's fine."

That comment earns him a small slap from Julia before she looks me over as well, "Sleep tonight, it's not good to not sleep. The pack needs you at your best."

"There's too much work," I reason.

"Colton and I will help you, we always do," Ally says and Colton glares at her.

"Julia and I have a date tonight--" he gets smacked once again by his mate. "Apparently we can reschedule."

Julia smiles at me before we all walk into school. I hate Mondays.


After the first three hours, I am utterly dead. Dreading the walk to boring Accounting class, I walk sloth pase. That is before Ally loops her arm with mine and starts dragging me.

"Two hours ain't working for ya, huh?"

"Not so much," I answer. Before Ally can get another word in we both stiffen.

Attacking wolves broke the patrol, heading for high school!

Get the humans and pups to safety, I order before Ally and I nod at each other. She pulls the fire alarm before the doors at the end off the hall are burst though. Their scent: foreign pack wolves.

I shift and go to take them both out, doing so quickly before I follow the scent of more. Other warriors have joined the fight and I run past the fighting, taking a few out as I go.

This stomach-curdling scream comes from one room and I rush inside. A human girl was laying on the ground, defensive arm up and in the mouth of a large grey and white wolf.

I growl ferociously and jump on him, not registering the protests of my wolf. I throw him off the girl and stand in front of her, protecting her. She scrambles back before completely losing consciousness.

My snarls rips through the room as I challenge the wolf, but he only back down, resting his stomach and head on the ground. That's when it all starts to hit me, the scent. His scent: cedarwood and blood. My packs blood, matted into his fur.

He whimpers as I growl again, taking a cautious step forward. His wolf is large, grey and white, too large to just be some pack wolf. This man is ranked. This man is my mate.

His sudden shift makes me step back. His bare skin shows me all his muscles and his brown hair was loose with sweat. He stares at the floor for a few minutes, in a bow position before looking up at me. His eyes shown when they reached mine, but they held disbelief and regret.

"Mate?" I snarl at the word. This man was covered in the scent of my packs blood. He hurt Red Sky wolves and humans, actions which to me are unforgivable. "Please, shift for me. Eyes up, I promise."

I hesitate for a second, looking back to the unconscience girl behind me. I nod and shift, allowing my longer brown hair to cover my breasts. Staying low to the ground, I am prepared to fight him if need be. He is the enemy, mate bond or not.

As promised, his eyes stay locked with mine, "Tell me your name."


"I'm Mason, I--"

"I don't care," I reply quickly. I didn't want to know his name. I didn't want to be in his presence. Facing him was not an option, I look out the window to see more of my pack coming. "Leave. Retreat. Get out of Red Sky!"

"Mate, I--"

"Stop it," I demand, not longer looking at him, no longer facing his direction. "I don't want to see your face or smell your scent again."

I hear some movement and I turn to see his back to me, "I'm so sorry, mate. You deserve better."

With that he shifted and his wolf ran off. I watched as others leave the building as well. When one wolf retreats they all do. My warriors are right after him, casing his Killer Wolf members out of Red Sky territory.


"Fuck!" Holden yells in the conference room. as we look over how the attack party got so close to the main part of the pack. "Who lead the attack?"

"We have reason to believe it was the third son of Alpha Drake," General Busca informs us. "Alpha Drake has been very vocal of his sons' power. His eldest, Jackson Drake lead the running of our boarders two months ago. Thomson Drake, the second, being the one who gutted three patrols last month. This had to be his third son's move."

"I want a name!"

"Mason Drake, sir."

Mason, my wolf hums. It had been four hours since he left. Since I threw him out. He's still alive, but as he ran off the territory, his warriors in tow, my wolf cries to his. The odd thing is, I swear I can hear his wolf cried back.

"What do we know of this, Mason Drake?" Holden asks leaning over the table.

"He's the third son, that's all we really know, Alpha," General Griffen spoke up next. "The Killer Wolf Alpha family is very private. The whole pack, in fact, is very cut off from society."

"I want his head," Holden growls and my wolf whimpers and growls back in my head. I fight her though, if my Alpha wanted my mate's head, I would produce it.

 I fight her though, if my Alpha wanted my mate's head, I would produce it

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