Another Perspective

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Jackson ^(Alexandru Nicusor Matei)
Thomson ^(Ronel Mesaro)
Maddison ^(Diana Moldovan)

"Why can't we just go over there and get her?" I yell, my fingers rubbing my temple

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"Why can't we just go over there and get her?" I yell, my fingers rubbing my temple. In the room with me are Alpha Holden, Colton, and Jay. Three days, we have been here, twiddling our thumbs for three days. I just wanted to go get her, but the other men here have stopped me.

"Right now, they have the upper hand," Holden says, sitting across from me at his desk.

"They have Jade!"

"I know," Holden growled. This back and forth has been happening for the past few days. "I know, Mason. Our past plan won't work though, not since they have Jade. Our main hit needs to be the dungeon."

"No," Colton interjects. "We should continue with the main plan, hit the safehouse as our main target. Mason and I will go to the dungeon alone to retrieve Jade."

"They will have her under heavy guard, only sending you two may kill you both," Holden argues.

"I agree with Colton," Jay interjects. "They can sneak in quietly with our distraction. Any smart Alpha would pull men out of the cellar to protect the mainlands."

"He's not a smart Alpha, he's an egotistical Alpha and a maniac," I reply. "Let's change the main attack to the weaponry. Heavy fire there. Colton and I will come in with the distraction team and break off to go to the dungeon."

"Mason," Holden leans forward with his hands folded together. "How many wolves are usually in the dungeon?"

I think for a moment, mentally counting the wolves in my head. "Twenty."

Holden huffs and looks from Colton to me. He doesn't like the plan, but I didn't care. My mate is there, she needs me. I have to get her back to Red Sky, back home. Before I can defend the plan, Colton speaks up, "You would let Jade do it."

"Jade is the Beta," Holden argues.

"And right now, I'm the Beta," I remind him. "And I was born of Alpha blood. Those wolves don't stand a chance against Colton and me."

Holden leans back, not saying anything for a moment before nodding. "Alright, let's go get Jade back."


After finishing scrubbing down the kitchen

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After finishing scrubbing down the kitchen. I cleaned the rest of my father's house, which I do every day, cleaning the kitchen after I cook him every meal. He has already passed out from the food coma he always goes into after dinner. He would be awake soon for a drink before going to see Jade. He spent every night with her, torturing her by word and deed. I'm surprised she lasted so long on the poison, she's strong, stronger than most.

I walk through the living room to get to the laundry, but before I can successfully sneak past father, he wakes. "Maddison..."

"I'm sorry father. I didn't mean to wake you," I apologise immediately.

"No, it's not that," he turns to look at me. "Give Jade the antidote."

"What?" I look at him with pure confusion. He glares at me, telling me not to question him.

"Moon Goddess, she came to me in my sleep. The child she bears will be important," his jaw clenches. "I will be down soon, just give her the damn medicine."

I nod before exiting quickly. Rushing to the pack hospital, I immediately go for the antidote I know will cure Jade. Some staff try to question me, but I simply say I'm following Alpha's orders.

Once I have the needle, I run to the dungeons. I know Jade doesn't have a lot of time left, but I had to save her. For Mason. I get to her cell and have one of the guards open it.

She lays there, almost dead. My hearing tells me she isn't, her heartbeat still pushing through. I clean off an area on her shoulder and quickly inject her with the medicine. She groans and looks up at me, "Maddi..?"

"It's gonna be okay, Jade. Everything's gonna me okay," I brush her hair out off her face as she fades in and out of consciousness.

I try to have her drink water, but she's so weak from the poison after an hour or so, she's fully awake. I sit with her, trying to feed her and get her water. She is getting strength back; she can stand which is good. If she can stand she can run. At least I hope she can.

Father walking in takes my attention off of Jade. "Leave us, Maddison."

I stand and walk past him. Once I get out of his eyesight, I look back at Jade, who was scowling at the man. I silently wished her the best and left her there.

Before I can get two steps away from the dungeon exit, Thomson stops me. "Maddi, what's going on? Father said he had a strange dream."

My brother grabs my shoulders while demanding my answers. Answers I'm not sure I had. Why is father doing this? Her child? He's never care about an impure wolf before. Why now? Maybe because it's his grandpup, maybe he's turning good.

No, that couldn't be it. My father is not a good man, he's not even a decent man. Something earth shattering had to of occured for this change. "He said that Moon Goddess spoke to him."

"The Moon Goddess hasn't spoken to wolves since she created us!" Thomson furrows his eyebrows and looks past me. "I have to stop him from making this mistake."

I grab his arm to stop him from interupting. He looks at me in awe, I've never outstepped. I know my place as a woman of the pack and that is to follow orders. Now though, I felt a new sense of power. Jade is a good wolf, her presence in the world means that later other females would have a chance to rule beside or above males. "Do not."

"You're out of line, Maddison," his voice is so much like father's I flinch at the tone.

"Jade doesn't deserve to die, she's done nothing wrong."

"She's human born, her kind doesn't deserve to exist."

"Her kind. Her kind!"

"Watch your tone."

"You watch yours. Her kind is a werewolf, a Beta. She is no different from us. Her skins sheds like ours do, her wolf runs like ours do. You can't keep persecuting people for who there parents are or if they have a dick or not!"

"You need to calm down, little sister."

"No," I answer simply.


"You heard me. I won't be treated like this any longer."

He leans in close to me, "Then get out of my sight."


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