Release the Innocent; Punish the Guilty

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Jade came home with a fast heartbeat and a smile on his face

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Jade came home with a fast heartbeat and a smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back at her. "Come on," she pulls me up from the couch. "I want to show you what I've been working on."

She takes me out of the Beta house and leads me down the street. Ignoring many looks from other pack members and taking me to a large shed. I recognize this place as their dungeon. Alpha Jacobs and a human woman stood outside. Warriors bow to Jade as she walks up. I smile at her and watch as she walks up.

Off to the side, I noticed a man who looked quite upset, glaring at my mate. I did not admire his looks and glare right back at him. Jade stops and holds my hand as a girl is escorted out of the building. She is young, with pale skin and dark hair.

"Frey Waldon," Alpha Jacobs has a booming voice. I look around to see many other pack members have gathered. "You are charged and convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter. Your punishment is specialized training directing to gain control over your wolf, one year of community service, and the suspension of your application to be a warrior for ten years."

She bows to her Alpha, "Thank you, Alpha."

She moves to hug my mate and whispers, "Thank you, Beta."

"Next," Alpha Jacobs continues. "Ryan Delivar, you are hereby discharged from you service as a warrior of Red Sky."

There were a few grumbles and whispers in the pack. All of them wondering what happened to cause such dishonor. Jade simply steps back from Frey and grabs my hand again. Some members start to disperse.

"What happens to me now?" Frey asks Jade. "My mother thinks I'm troubled and kicked me out."

"You come home with us," an older woman approaches us with four adult wolves, who smell like her children, follow. It was weird, Frey has a similar scent to the children but not the mother.

"Mrs. Delivar," she nods. She's the mate of the man who was just discharged.

"Call me Tracy," she smiles. "Though my mate will no longer be with us, I would like to welcome you into our home."

The woman, Tracy Delivar, takes Frey in her arms and holds her tight. The family then leaves. "What's going on?" I ask lowly to my mate.

She turns fully to me and answers, "That woman is the mate of her father. Ryan Delivar cheated on his mate to concieve Frey with a human. Frey lost control of her wolf and accidentally killed her youngest son."

She went on to explain how her past week has been overtaken. I stand there and listen, smiling at her smarts and strength. She is freshly inducted as Beta and had to deal with a high profile, complicated disciplinary case. Listening to her talk amazes me. When she spoke about something she's passionate about, her brown eyes light up. I couldn't help but smile and stare.

"Jade," Holden places a hand on her shoulder. My wolf growls, but I knew that if I allowed his jealously to become verbal, this Alpha would attack me. "Good job."

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