Chapter four

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Scarlets pov.

Bonnie is doing the locator spell for the Ascendant inside the boarding house, while Damon and I make paper airplanes out of the newspaper and throw them in the front yard.

"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem" She looks down at the drop of blood on the map, which hasn't moved "why cant scarlet do this? She's a witch too?" I give him a glare as Bonnie rolls her eyes, "It doesn't feel right. Maybe I need a bigger map?"

"Maybe you're just out of practice and you suck at magic now." I grin.

"Ignore her, Bonnie. Pretend she's a white-noise machine. That's how I used to tune out my siblings. I grew up with a ton of little sisters and brothers. You know, all of them constantly yammering." He comes closer to Bonnie, "But it taught me how to focus." He looks like he's about to kiss her. Barf.

"Easy there, big brother! She doesn't know you. At least buy her a drink." Damon pushed him away as Kai smirks staring at me.
What a lame attempt.
Bonnie is still working on the spell, this time, with a map of the entire United States. As she does the spell, Kai's blood travels across the length of the country

"The spells moving towards Virginia. This cant be right" Kai questions.

"Mm-mm, the spell's working. It's showing me Mystic Falls. It feels so... close." She turns toward Kai and holds up her hand. The candles' flames intensify around them, "It's right here."

As soon as she touches Kai's chest, the candles' flames go out completely. Kai reaches into his pocket and pulls out the real Ascendant, which is made of silver and gold-colored metal

"Very good." Kai says.

"That's the ascendant?" Bonnie asks.

"The one and only."

"Thanks for the mind games jackass." Damon says, I snort loudly and they stare at me, "what? It was funny?" I put my hands up in defense sending a playful wink towards damon.

" It was just another little test. To make sure Bonnie's magic was precise enough for the spell. I do believe you're ready. Pack your bags - we're going home." Kai says as we all cheer.

We are out in the yard, where Kai is using the Ascendant by looking at the sky with it through a small hole in the device

"You're wandering around like a crazy man, why?" I ask confused.

"Looking for the exact right spot. We need to found where the power of the eclipse is focused." Kai explains.

"You know you could have just shown us the Ascendant to begin with." Bonnie tells him.

"Yeah, but I wanted to feel your hand on my chest." Cheesy motherfucker.

"There's something not right about him." Bonnie mutters.

"You're just not used to guys hitting on you. I bet scar is, right?" Damon smirks.

Bonnie huffs, "You know, I can't wait to get out of here and talk to somebody else."

Damon sighs, "Can we just have a few lasting seconds of peace while this idiot uses that thing to get the stars to align?"

Bonnie notices one of the paper planes Damon and I made from newspaper earlier laying on the ground. She picks it up and unfolds it so she can read the article on the page.

"Hey, what's up with the nature walk?" Damon huffs.

"I used the Ascendant to figure out where we need to be standing during the eclipse." Kai answers.

"Great. Let's do some magic and get the hell out of here." I chirp.

"Oregon." Bonnie whispers, staring at the newspaper in her hands.

"what?" I ask

"I read this paper like a thousand times, and there's something in it about Oregon."

"What about it?" Damon asks playing with his hair.

"You know, Kai said he had all these brothers and sisters." I hum, as Bonnie reads the newspaper out loud, "Family massacred in Portland. The only one missing was the oldest boy, a 22-year-old named Malacha."

"Who names a kid Malachai? It's like they expected me to be evil." Kai says walking behind us.

"All these kids were murdered!" Bonnie yells dropping the newspaper.

"Hello! Not everyone died. I had a soft spot for one of my sisters. 'Cause otherwise, I would've cut her lungs out, and not just her spleen." Kai smiled at the memory.
"What?" I ask.
"You can survive without a spleen." He explained.
"Something tells me you're not speaking hypothetically" I laugh as Bonnie stares at me confused.

Kai points at the photo on the front page "Look, well, these two, I, uh, hung off a stairwell railing. Then I put a hunting knife in her abdomen, and him, I drowned in the pool. But, he kept fighting me. I was like, "I saved you for last, you ungrateful little..." Anyway, that was that." I had to hold in a laugh, good thing no one noticed but Kai, he obviously had to smirk.
God, I always have to laugh at the worse times.

"You just killed your whole family?" Bonnie whispered in fear and disgust.

"Coven, to be precise. Oh, you know, family of witches." He says casually.

"You're making us jump through hoops, and you're a witch?" Damon angrily asks throwing his hands in the air.

"Sort of, yeah. No powers, obviously. Oh, and of course, Gemini Coven did not take it too well when they heard what I did in Portland. It's why they banished me here."

"This place is a prison. They created it for you." Bonnie says.

"This place isn't your hell, Damon. It's mine." Kai smirks.

Yikesssss anyways don't forget to vote and comment.

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