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Third person pov

Everyone had already done with their makeups and some even styled their hair. Oh and not to mention their dress, its heavenly.

 They laughed and checked out each other's stunning outfit. They went down from their dorm, heading to a bus stop across their dorm and waited there for a good fat 10 minutes until a  drama started.

"Yah! Wonyoung im literally burning in this thick ass dress. How long do you want us to wait huh?!" Yujin complained. Wonyoung just rolled her eyes and ignored Yujin's complains.

"OI I'M TALKING TO YOU!" Yujin screamed amd grabbed Wonyoung's hair which also made Wonyoung scream.

Yujin was obviously not in her best self at that moment.

"AHHH!!!" Wonyoung cried in pain.

The others just sat there and sighed. Not long after Yujin stormed out in rage. "I HAD IT GOODBYE AMD GOODLUCK WITH YOUR GODDAMN STUPID DINNER" Yujin screamed in pain and go back to their dorm.

Everyone knows she has anger issues especially to Wonyoung. From the beginning, Yujin envies Wonyoung so much for having the most lines in their songs. Everybody just looked at each other with disappointed faces.

It has been 1 hour. Nothing happened. Wonyoung was sleeping on Eunbi's lap. Hyewon and Yuri was cuddling. While Sakura, Chaewon, Yena and Chaeyeon were playing games on their phones together. Hitomi and nako also fell asleep on each other. While Minju was just starring at the night sky, glimpses of Yujin crossed her mind, clearly worried about her.

She let out a sigh. Long one. She was totally excited about the dinner. Well everyone was but now...just disappointment and sighs were coming out of the girls

It has been 2 hours the girls at the bus stop. It's currently 10 pm. Eunbi woke up and sighed.

"Guys, l-lets just go back to our dorm, yeah?" Everyone nodded weakly. "Awh c'mon cheer up! I will make tteobokki for dinner" Eunbi said with a pity smile just being a good leader she is.

They were just about to cross the road and suddenly a gash of wind passed made the girls shock in shiver.

"W-woah what was that?" Yena stuttered. There was absolutely no cars hitting the road. None. Everyone was in shock. They got goosebumps.

"Uh....let's just forget about that.." Sakura comforted the girls.

Hyewon stood there, stunned when her eyes met with another, red, glowing and scary pair of eyes. Hyewon fixed her sight, hoping she would not encounter that..creature.
She stayed silence, not wanting to freak out the rest.

They rushed back to their dorm and quickly got in. All 22 eyes were on Yujin watching TV with her Pyjamas.

"Enjoyed the meal?" Yujin said, in an annoying tone as well as a mischievous grin.
None of the girls responded and quickly went to their room to get change.

Eunbi joined Yujin at the living room with a blanket and a bowl of popcorn. Yujin just threw her a plain smile and patted the empty spot beside her on the sofa.

"Sorry" Eunbi said. Yujin just stayed silence "Listen, i know I'm being a bad leader and i want to pay back.." Eunbi confessed with a teary eyes. Yujin opened her arms to hug Eunbi. Yujin patted her head. "Shh shh you are not a bad leader okay?" Yujin comforted Eunbi.

They spent the night watching movies. And fell asleep while cuddling....





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