21 (last Chapter)

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Eunbi pov

I woke up from my peaceful slumber. I yawned and brushed my eyes. One thing i noticed after waking up was Hyewon was not here.

I got panicked and immediately got uo from the sofa. I searched for her in every corner of the lounge. Nowhere to be seen.

"Oh god where are you now...." I mumbled.

I tried to stay calm but i couldn't. That lead me to exit the room.

I covered my my mouth to the scene in front of me.


Was laying down on the floor with both of her hands on her stomach and....she was..


I kneeled down to her and rested my head on her's. I cried without realising. She had a good death. And i was glad.

I caressed her cheeks and kissed her forehead. My hand trail down to her guarded stomach and let go of her hands of her stomach. I grabbed, i hope, the last piece of diamond i need to escape....

I was alone. Nowhere to go. At this point, I already lost my sense of direction. I went back in the lounge, leaving the smiling lifeless body.

I took all of the diamonds pieces. There were ten plus one we got at the beginning from the trapdoor. I wondered if the first piece belongs to Yujin. I hope not.

With the diamonds I out on their molds where they should be.

I first put in,


I remember how she would tease me back then when i was playing fortnite with her. I giggled at the memory.



I also remember her amazing tteobokki when we were all at sokcho she made.

Followed by


And lastly...


I teared up placing her diamond piece.

But, there was one mold empty. Was it for my piece? No. It couldn't be.

I shrugged of my thoughts and continued searching for the last diamond piece.


I couldn't find it. Anywhere. It has been a good few hours i have been searching for that one piece. How could i find it, the diamond piece is tiny, while it could be anywhere in this bigass mansion.

I groaned in frustration thinking i eill be spending the rest of my life in this haunted mansion which 10 or..11 people died in.

I gave up and fall on the sofa. It was that tiring witnessing disgusting deaths, running non stop in the mansion, and looking for clues to solve stupid problems.

I did all that for nothing? For my friends to die?!

I groaned once again and eventually i fell asleep.


Third person pov

Eunbi woke up again with a back pain, sore throat, and injured ankle. She worked so hard yesterday to find the last diamond but she ended up getting injured.

Her sighes filled the lounge room. Unfortunately , there was no one to comfort her. She hugged herself and let herself cry for a while.

Her cries stopped when she heard a loud sound coming from outside of the lounge.

She wiped of her tears and got up. She was scared to open the door, especially when she was alone.

She slowly twisted the doorknob and took a good peek.

One figure caught her attention. A slim looking lady with red dress and rose lace on her dress. She has a rose chilling inside her hair bun.

She hummed while walking to Eunbi who was looking scared and confused.

"Honey, you did well.....

BUT NO ONE CAN ESCAPE MY MANSION!" The lady screamed while holding a knife and swung it at Eunbi.

Eunbi knew what was coming up she tightly closed her eyes. Eunbi waited for the impact but....nothing happened.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked up. She was surprised to see Yujin grabbed the lady's hand, stopping her from stabbing Eunbi.

"Y-Yujin...you're alive!" Eunbi screamed in excitement. She was beyond grateful to have Yujin again.

Yujin didn't say anything regarding her current condition right now, which was fighting with the lady.

They struggled for a while, pulling each other's hair. Eunbi was just watching at the corner didn't know what to do.

"Yujin! Step aside!" Eunbi yelled, grabbing a vase beside her.

Yujin was aware of what Eunbi was about to do. So she turned around with the lady's back facing Eunbi who was running at full speed.

"HAAAIIIYAAHH!!!" Eunbi slammed the vase on the lady's head. Her brain were shredded into million pieces.

The lady collapsed on the floor, no longer blocking Yujin.

Eunbi ran towards Eunbi and hugged her tightly, so tight she couldn't breathe.

That was until she felt a sting on her chest. Yujin pushed her to the ground and scoffed.

"Unnie, I'm sorry but i had to survive. You dragged me into this."

"Y-yujin.....why...uhhh" Her last breath was released.

Yujin didn't even drop a single tear from her eyes as this was normal to her. She grabbed the diamond pieces that appeared to be the last piece of diamond before she could actually get out from this madness.

Yujin walked to the lounge room and went to the diamond mold. She slowly placed it in the mold. And.......


"Oh..it was just a dream" Eunbi said wiping sweat out of her forhead. She looked around her and she recognised her surrounding. It was their dorm.

"Unnie?" Hyewon entered the room.

"Yeah Hyewonnie"

"Wonyoung is calling us, she as an 'announcement' to make." Hyewon said.

This gave Eunbi a deja vu. She was somehow remembered this scene.

She got our from her room and wemt to the living where everyone was there.

After her arrival,

Wonyoung started speaking.

" Unnies,

I got an invitation"


                           The end

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