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Third person pov

Nako and Eunbi got out of the library to search for the rest if the group. They have been looking like crazy around the big mansion. They then came back to the lounge to have a little rest.

They stayed silence until Eunbi broke it.

"Nako-yah, let's go now." Eunbi sternly said. Nako just nodded and got up. She was so tired looking for them before. She just looked down and followed Eunbi to the door.

Eunbi noticed Nako's behavior. She has been quite and down. She kneeled down to her level and held her hands.

"Nako-yah, its okay i will find a way..." Eunbi started to tear up.

Nako then again, nodded.

They walked out of the room and went downstairs. The hall is empty amd huge, their voices could echo in there. The stopped in front of a door that looked quite sketchy. Eunbi looked at Nako who was trembling at the moment.

"Hey, what's the matter."

Nako just shooked her head slowly and signaled Eunbi to just open the door. Eunbi knew something is wromg with her, but she didn't want to bring it up despite her condition rigjt now. She didn't want her lose confidence and that will lead her to death eventually.

Eunbi yanked the wooden door and the first thing she saw was a staircase that leads to a basement. It was dark and cold in there. They both got inside and the door slammed behing them. They quickly turned around and banged the door.

"HEY!! OPEN THE DOOR" Nako screamed.

Eunbi told her stop and grabbed her hands. They slowly went down the stairs. They then covered their mouths at they gasped on their sight.

It was them. All six of them including Hyewon, Hitomi, Wonyoung, Chaewon, Yena, and Minju. They came closer to them who were being tied up to like sort of steam technology machines which are grabbing their necks, shoulders, and thighs. Nako almost cried seeing them in this condition. Eunbi hugged her while her hand on Nako's head.

Eunbi cut out the hug and started looking for a clue or a key to help her friends to escape from the grip of tue rusty machines.

"Well well well, looks like we got two challengers."


"I prepared a competition for you both to participate. The winner will get the key, and the loser, will have the last key...." The guy smirked.

"You have to crack the code in order to get the key." he explained pointing at a suitcase.

He then went to his steam technology throne to spectate the girls.

Nako and eunbi were looking for hints and clue for the passcode. Eunbi spotted a calendar on top of a book shelf. She climbed up and grabbed the calendar while Nako is lost.

She noticed that the first number of the year of the calendar was circled, number 1. She noted that and continued flipping through the  calendar. She also noticed a few months on the calendar was also circled. March, june and October. The passcode is a four digit code so this must be it. She ran towards the suitcase and tried the code 1368.

Boom the suitcase was opened. Nako was shocked and impressed to see Eunbi solved the problem. She took out five keys and gave nako one key like the man said.

"gg girls, we got ourselves a winner. Feel free to help your friends" the man laughed.

Eunbi stepped closer to the girls and started to free them one by one. She first freed Minju since she got her in the situation. Then folowed by Chaewon, Hyewon and Yena.

Now, it's Nako's turn to free one person and the other....

Nako has been thinking for 10 minutes now.......she didn't know who to save and who to.....kill.

Relationship wise, Hitomi is closer to Nako. But in terms of helping each other out in this mansion, Hitomi didn't do much.

And Wonyoung has been quite helpful since the beginning on helping solving the cases and helping making decisions. But then Nako isn't that close to Wonyoung, so now, she's confused.

She made her decision. She looked at her victim and apologised. She tye went to the other and freed her. With her not waking up, Eunbi has to carried the person Nako saved and put her on the cold floor like the others.

"Wise choice shorty, now....you might want to watch her...HAHAHHAHAHA"
He laughed like a maniac as he pushed one button on his hand rest.

The victim suddedly woke up and looked around.

Nako cried loudly when she did because she knew that she will feel the pain.

The machine started doing it's work. There were steams coming out of the machine and loud noise were heard.
It ripped her left leg apart from the body and she screamed in pain. Then she ripped her right hand followed by her left hand and her right leg. She still breathing and still crying. That stopped when her body dripped the last drop of blood from her body through the four holes. The last drop was solid and shining. Nako grabbed the bloody diamond piece and handed it to Eunbi.

The rest woke up to see, armless and legless body of....



Sorry for the late update guys hihi anyways enjoy 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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