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Third person pov
Next morning

"Yujin left" Yuri said emotionless.

"WHAT?!" Eunbi got up from the sofa and ran to yujin's room.

She first walk in, she saw rose petals all over yujin's room. The scent of a rose also kissed her third sense.

Eunbi slowly recalled her memory last night. She sighed. She was just about to exit the room but her eyes caught something.

She saw an envelop with a rose on top of it. She approached the envelope and picked it up. The envelope has their groups name on it. She quickly took out the letter inside and began to read it.

"Unnie is everything okay?" Yuri asked Eunbi who was watching her this whole time. Eunbi looked at Yuri and smiled.

"Yes dear, everything is fine" Eunbi said while rubbing Yuri's back "Just tell everyone...to get dressed" Yuri stood there to process everything her unnie said.

"But last night-" Eunbi put her pointer finger on Yuri's lips.

"listen to unnie, unnies knows best" Eunbi smiled. Yuri just nodded.

Yuri told everyone to get dressed and some of them refused and some just obeyed. Yuri convinced all the members to get dressed and it worked somehow. The energy of the dorm seemed....different today.

No one eventually dared say anything to each other. Especially Eunbi, Hyewon, Nako and Hitomi. They all just come down and wait at the bus stop, just like before.

"Kids, we are driving today." Eunbi said and everyone nodded.

The girls got inside their company's van. Eunbi was driving and Sakura sat on the passengers seat. Not saying anything. The atmosphere is rather weird. The bad way.

5 hours later

The girls came out of the van walking towards the big gate while lifting their curtain-like skirts.

The gate opened by itself, of course. "Kids, here goes nothing" Eunbi said in passion. The girls nodded with spirit. The spirit to save their very friend. Without hesitation,the girls sprinted to the front door. "YAH OPEN THE DOOR AND GIVE US OUR YUJIN BACK!!" Wonyoung screamed.


The girls looked around. Hoping to find the voice that echoed even though they're outside.

The door opened and the girls were extremely shocked when they see the person who greeted them.

"welcome" the lady said with a smirk


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