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Third person pov


She's gone. Forever. Water started to drain out of her glass box. Her pale blue face were shown. Everyone was covering their mouth, crying. The glass boxes were removed after.

"Smooth kill, chaewon." Chaeyeon said looking down at sakura's body.

Chaewon stayed silence. Everyone did. This is where the group split up.

At the corner, someone was smiling wide spectating the girls. This is what she wanted. And she took a quick look at sakura's body, smirking.

"Good job, girls" The lady applaud.

"Oh just take a look at that" She pointed at sakura's body. There was a diamond on her wet chest.

"What do we have to do with-" Eunbi stopped as the lady were no longer in her sight.

She sighed. She approached sakura's body and grabbed the diamond. She smiled at sakura and kissed her forhead. "You can rest now, sakura. Good job" She left.

They all went to the door and Eunbi, the last person, looked at Sakura for the last time and left.

Sakura, vanishes into dust.


"So each time someone dies, we get a diamond?" Minju asked.

"It seems like it." Yuri said and everyone nodded.

"What do we have to do now?"

"We....." Wonyoung stopped as they heard a loud bang on the lounge's door.

"Hide!" Eunbi whispered. All ten of them are now hiding in different spot.
Some were below the sofa, some were behind the curtains,and some are hiding in the knight armors.

Eunbi is the one left. She didn't hide. She didn't know what to do. Eunbi, the leader, being a brave leader she is, came closer to the door. Not long after, the bang were heard again. In front of Eunbi's face.

She then slowly twist the doorknob and opened the door. The others were trembling in their hiding spot.

Eunbi, saw nothing. She peeked her head and turn left and right. Nothing. She turned back with her hand on her waist.

"guys, it's noth-"

"ngh.. Mmhh..." She couldn't speak. There were dirty hands covering Eunbi's mouth. The rest also did the same with their own hands. They didn't want to make any noise. Tears were flowing down to their cheeks.

"Shh...i got you now. Now, COME WITH ME!" The person grabbed Eunbi by her waist and snatched her out the room. Eunbi's screams were slowly faded as the person taking her further inside the mansion.

Hitomi gave signal to the rest. Slowly, they came out of their hiding spot. Clueless. It all happened within a snap.

They all cried their tears out and Nako, spotted something.

A note. Again.

"Guys, there's a note. Maybe we can still save Eunbi unnie!" Nako cheered.

"read it" Hyewon odered.

Nako nodded and started to read. The gils than gasped and their eyes were wide opened.

They quickly ran to the door and left the room.

The note, safely landed on the ground.
What made rhe girls so shocked?

Well...it says...........


Well heck💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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