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Third person pov

Eunbi was satisfied with her decision. She took the book with her and exited the basement. She walked through a very long, dark hallway to the lounge room where the others were. She quickened her steps as she felt like someone was following her.

Fortunately, she arrived safely and closed the door panting and sweating. She wiped her forhead and let out a 'whew'. She turned around to see her members were in a deep sleep. She smiled at the sight.

"how long til this will end....." She said to herself while patting the person she wrote the name on the Oneiric Diary. She sighed again her eyelid were becoming heavier. She leaned to the sofa and slowly closed her eyes while the Oneiric Diary was still in her embrace.


"HUWAHHH" Nako yawned as she stretched her body. Chaewon also got up from her slumber with Minju beside her. She greeted Nako and woke up the rest. She felt relieved to see Eunbi with the group.

"Unnie wake up." Chaewon tapped her shoulder. Eunbi opened her eyes and see Chaewon in front of her eyes.

"Good morning, Chaewon." Eunbi greeted.

Chaewon came to Minju next to wake her. Minju woke up and stayed silence. Chaewon patted her head and she smiled. Chaewon sat next to her as she patted the seat. Eunbi noticed and she continued Chaewon 's unfinished job. She woke Hitomi up who was laying down on the mattress.

"Rise and shine, Hitomi." Eunbi whispered. Hitomi opened her eyes and hugged her unnie.

"i thought you were dead last night" Hitomi cried.

"Shhh shhh im here okay?" Eunbi pull out the hug.

Hyewon woke up on her own. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. Her stomach was grumbling at the moment. She held her stomach and rubbed it. She sighed and looked over to the person next to her who was still sleeping, Yena. She shaked her body without even bothering to look at her. No response. She then noticed that Yena looks extremely pale like her blood was all being sucked up. Hyewon then roughly shaked her body hoping her to wake up.

"Unnie! Yena isn't waking up!" Hyewon screamed.

Eumbi ran towards Yena who was still laying on the sofa. Eunbi checked her pulse to see if she's alive or not.

She moved her hand and shook her head. The others covered their mouths after. They cried out loud and hugged each other.

Eunbi didn't. In fact she was the one who put her name on the Oneiric Diary in the first place. She kissed Yena's forhead and hugged her lifeless body. She totally regretted this. She cried on Yena for a while until she got up.

On Yena's chest, there were a diamond. Eunbi grabbed the diamond and kept it. She looked over and see her members sobbing and crying with their mouths covered.

"we have to move on okay?" Eunbi said.

The others nodded and sat down. Hitomi noticed something chilling inside Yena's mouth. She approached Yena's body and slowly opened its mouth while the rest was weirded out and silently judging her.

"look! There's a peice of paper and a key!" Hitomi cheered. She was happy to finally help the team out. The others was rather impressed by Hitomi at the moment. This made the others looked at her a bit higher than before.

"What is says there?" Minju spoke at last.

"Well, it says here....you will find me if you see it, you will love me from the bottom of your hearts on a diamond in the clubs of spades...."

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