401 20 7

Sorry but this chapter has a kissing scene, so skip it if you feel uncomfortable.

Third person pov

80% of the group is dead now, leaving Hyewon, Eunbi, Hitomi, and Nako in the group. Up until now, there was one question stuck in their heads.

Will they make it out of here alive?

And that's the question they needed an answer to.

They've sighed for millions times in few hours yet they were still doing it again. Endless session of sighing just ended when they heard a slow knock on the lounge door.

This time, Hyewon got up from her seat and peek through the door hole to see who's on the door.

No one to be seen. Weird.

She opened the door and turned her head for both side. Absolutely nothing. Just when she was about to get back in the lounge, she spotted a note on the ground so she quickly picked it up and closed the door.

The group was quite impressed of Hyewon's courage. She was one weak lady until now.

"Guys look!" Hyewon ran excitedly to her fellow members.

The others were intrigued and focused on Hyewon. They ain't got anything better to do anyway.

Hyewon then began unfolding the envelop. She took out the paper piece which were stored inside and placed in on the table. Three of them gathered around the table and wait for Hyewon's further action.

Hyewon passed the note to Eunbi since she is the leader. Eunbi gladly took it and began to read the note.

Congratulations! Four of you are the last four people who avoided deaths on this journey! However, four mustn't be the number i want.
You girls need to find out yourselves. To continue this journey, you must find 'THE DOOR'


The others understood then nodded. But they didn't get the part where four is not the number. Is the elimination will still be a thing?
They hope not. But for now, they were down to find 'THE DOOR'


They have rested well enough to start this mission. Eunbi, and the others got  up from the comfort of the sofas and pull their dresses.

They headed out full of determination. And so it begins.

They started the search from the hallway where the lounge were. The note didn't give them clue or whatsoever. Just 'THE DOOR'.

They began knocking all the doors in the hallway. It may be a funny method to solve a mystery, but if it works then yowhow.


The have knocked all the doors not only in the hallway, but the whole floor including the library door, the game room and the rest.

It was the time they gonna be serious. Eunbi decided it was the time to split up. Everyone knows splitting up is the  worst idea existed. But Eunbi out here denying the fact.

They all agreed to split into two groups and start searching for the door on the other floors. Hitomi and Nako, Hyewon and Eunbi.

Nako and Hitomi will look on the ground floor and the basement. While the other group will look on the upper floors.

The discussion has ended, and they were ready. They wished each other good luck and start searching for the door.


They separated and went to the third floor. There wasn't much stuff up here. Just a ballroom and a pool.

The floor creeks like crazy up here so we had to tiptoe to the pool which was outside.

"Yah Kwon Eunbi do you mind?!" Hyewon loudly whispered to her dear friend who was making so much noise.

"Sorry i can't tiptoe anymore my toes hurt." Eunbi whined.

"cmon unnie it's there, so close, you can do it." Hyewon pushed Eunbi's spirit.

Eunbi shook her head and Hyewon sighed. She then realised how much she already did to the team and she understood that Eunbi is exhausted carrying the team. She bent down and patted her own back signing Eunbi to hop on.

Hyewon gave the leader a piggy ride all the way outside, to the pool.

Outside, the water looks dirty and has like sort of algae all over the pool. Dried leaves were floating on the pool like cherry on top. There were also a sitting area and Hyewon walked there with Hyewon on her back.

On the way there she heard snores on her back. She chuckled at the oldest's cuteness. She must be very tired. She slowly placed her on the chair.

She sat next to her afterwards. She let out a small sigh. She looked over her. Stars were shining bright. She gazed the stars, admiring the beauty. Oh how much she missed her home, their previous life, her friends and..............


She bursted out in tears remembering the memory. She murdered the person she would never hurt. But in the end........sigh...

She wiped her tears of after hearimg groans from the leader. Eunbi opened her eyes to see a very beautiful sight in front of her. Stars and......


Eunbi, for the first time, admire so much about the younger. Her hair, her thick eyelashes, and mostly, her plump glossy soft lips.

Hyewon noticed Eunbi's stares but ignored it, it's a lie if she said that she wasn't enjoying it.

Eunbi leaned in closer, and closer and close the gap between them. The kiss was so soft and gentle, made Hyewon cried again.

They parted from each other and tightly hugged.

"We will survive okay? I promise" Eunbi said still not breaking the hug. For a long time they had this warm feeling of strong friendship.

They broke the hug and smiled. For a while, the forgot the quest and proceed to gaze millions of stars above them.

About a good 10 minutes gazing the stars whike talking, they got up from their seats to continue to look for the door.

On the way in, Hyewon felt like she stepped on something so she bent down to check. Eunbi noticed and bent down with her.

"n-no.....it can't be...." They both stuttered.

They can't believe they saw...........


Im sorry about the kiss thingy okay?! Welp enjoy! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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