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Puked. (of course she would what you expected her to poop?).

The smell of fresh blood is poking her nose. She started to tear up. The headless body, is her friend. She couldn't stand it, she could see some leftover veins sticking out, spraying blood all over the room.

The man untied the shocked Eunbi who was trembling in fear. She was shaking as she stood up, didn't want to face the others who will definitely blame her. She slowly walked closer to the bloody glass wall and wiped bit of the blood so she can see her fellow members.

The rest were sad to see Eunbi in that state, feeling guilty when she wasn't the one to be blamed. She looked soulless like the one on the ground, headless and bodyless. The girls ran to her and bang the glass wall.

"Unnie it's okay unnie don't cry...." Chaewon sobbed.

When they were just about to cry again, the glass wall shattered, broke into million pieces. And the two men, dissappeared. Among all the shattered pieces of glasses, only one that has a shape. A shape of a diamond.

Hyewon grabbed the diamond and put it in her pocket.

Eunbi, still looking soulless, were being carried by Hitomi and Yena. They exited the room and went straight to the lounge. They gave water to Eunbi and calmed her down.

"we...we can't stay like this..." Wonyoung stood up.

"Wonyoungie, im tired let's figure something out tomorrow, kay?" Chaewon patted her back.

Wonyoung nodded and lied on the floor with her head chillin on a book as a pillow. Eunbi were placed at the sofa as she needed it the most. The rest, slept on the ground.


Yuri woke up with a little pain in her head. She rubbed her head to cool down the pain. She felt so dizzy like she was wasted last night.

She got up and the next thing she knew, she was alone. In the lounge. She didn't remember being alone and she recalled last night's memory.

"uhh...me and Hyewon was cuddling and....yeah that's all.." Yuri thought.
Yuri was scared now. She hugged her thighs and cried. Yuri is one of the youngest in the group. Crying is all she did during this whole adventure. She didn't do much than just clinging onto Hyewon or Yena. Oh and all she remembered doing something helpful was when she assembled the puzzle pieces which.....even babies can do it.

She thought that this is why she got dumped here all alone, she was useless. She cried for last time and stood up. She's now determined and confident to help or....go get help.
She quickly ran towards the door amd twisted the doorknob without hesitation.

As she walked out, she felt like she stepped on something. A clove of rose. She then looked back and there was like a path of rose leading to somewhere.

Yuri followed the trace carefully. She once thought this was a trap or something. She stopped mid way when she saw an envelope right in front of her.

"huh?" she hummed as she saw her name written on the envelope. She opened the envelope to see what's inside.

She was shocked and scared for her life now. A diamond. She knew that the diamond will appear once someone die.

She wanted to run away so she turned around and saw her members. She teared up in joy and hugged her fellow members tightly.

She coughed. Blood. And there was something sticking out of her back. A blade. And yes, she came for Hyewon and Hyewon was the one, who stabbed her. The others didn't show much reaction either. Just cried and hugged each other after.

Hyewon then pulled back the blade made Yuri coughed more blood.

"Unnie.....why..." Yuri said and yes, those are her last word before she stopped breathing.

Hyewon dropped the katana and looked at her bloody hands.

"Gosh...what have i done" Hyewon said between tears. She has never been regret to someone before.

"Unnie...don't worry it's for the best." Wonyoung hugged her. And it ended up being a group hug. Everyone hugged Hyewon to comfort her.

Last night

The girls woke up because something interrupted them to sleep. The walked out the room in silence leaving two people behind. Hyewon and Yuri. They were told not to wake them up.

By who you ask? The lady.

They were sitting at the library table with the lady in the middle.

"girls, vote now for one of these two candidates. Kang Hyewon and Jo Yuri."

They gasped in disbelief.

"is that why you told us not to wake them up?" Wonyoung asked.

"Yes dear" she simply answered.

The girls are now starting to tear up thinking they will lose one more member.

"vote now" She ordered.


They have submitted their votes.

"so..yuri is going to die" The lady asked.

They all nodded slowly. They didn't want to kill her in the first place but they didn't have any other options.

"now, let me set the crime scene" she smirked and again, dissappeared.


The lady came back with someone with her. Crying. And no other than our lovely Hyewon. She was told to kill Yuri and of course she objected. She can't kill the person she loves the most. Yuri. But somehow, the lady convinced her and made many promises on her.

"join the group, Hyewon." She pointed at the table."

End of the flashback.


I suck😏💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😏😏😏😏😏💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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