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Third person pov

The group now has left with five people. Hyewon is still resting after that bloody kill. The rest, remained silent.

It has been 20 minutes and nothing has yet to happen. It was a bit  relieving for the girls, thinking Chaewon is the last one to die in the group.

"guys, should we go to the main door?" Eunbi suggested.


"I think this thing has ended....." Eunbi hiccuped.

They all nodded and followed Eunbi to the main door. Eunbi slung Hyewon's arm to her shoulder since she was injured.

Eunbi was right. The big grand door was wide opened revealing trees and nature they missed for over a few days on this mansion.

They can feel it. The fresh air is way too unfamiliar to them as they were close to the door.

The girls had high hopes that they can finally escape this madness. Few steps away from the main door. They fastened their pace and rushed to the opened door.


The door slammed in front of them. This caused them to cry on top of their lungs. How much more cruelness the girls can take and how much more will it increase. We don't know.

"AAAHHHHH I'M SICK OF THIS!!!" Minju raged while pulling her hair. She ripped the ruffles on her dress and throw it everywhere. The foyer is looking nothing like a foyer anymore.

"Minju, calm down" Eunbi tried. But failed. She ended up triggering her more. The others went to her and grabbed her. She was screaming like a total maniac at the moment.

"Oh my god, what has gotten into you." Hyewon sighed.

The group carried Minju to the lounge and place her on the sofa. On the other sofa, there lies a rotten body of Yena. Hitomi were covering her nose and almost puked seeing the maggots everywhere on her body. Hitomi, alongside with Nako, picked up the body and throw it out of the window.


They didn't care how nasty and dirty the other sofa were. What they knew that they were tired amd wanted to get some rest.

Eventually, the collapse on the ground and the sofas.


It was midnight.

The team has yet to lose anymore person. It has also been so strangely quiet around the mansion. No weird voodoo witchcraft nonsense is going on.

Has it already ended?

Why the front door is still locked?

How many people will make it out of here alive?

Those questions were playing around their minds as they sit down with a tense atmosphere. No one dared to speak a word to each other at this point. They were fooled by the house.

Eunbi let out a small sigh. Just when she was about to speak........

Lights out.

The girls were touching everywhere in the lounge trying to find their dear members.

Eunbi somehow managed to gathered almost all of them. She touched the bodies and counted there were three.

"Stay here guys." Eunbi commanded.

She couldn't see them nodded but they did.


"MINJU?!" Eunbi freaked out. She recognised that voice. That has to be her.


Eunbi is hearing struggle.

"Hold on Minju" Eunbi whispered.


The lights were on again. Eunbi turned around and saw the three friends Hyewon, Hitomi and Nako hugging. She looked over the other side, she spotted Minju, laying on the floor unconscious.

Eunbi, as well as the other members, panicked. The ran up to Minju and shaked her body violently.

"Minju.....don't leave us....." Nako cried.

Minju looked super pale and blue. Her body temperature was also freezing. Her chest wasn't moving at all.......

Eunbi placed her pointer finger on her impulse to make sure.

She looked up to her members and shook her head.

They were speechless. Absolutely speechless. She didn't deserve this, she didn't have the chance to prove herself to the team yet and the consequence hit her too soon.

Hyewon grabbed a diamond piece on Minju's forehead and kept it. She hugged the lifeless body for the last time until they threw the body in the fireplace.

"Rest in peace, Minju, we will never forget you, your laughs, your smiles, your everything." Hyewon said and cried in between.

The body slowly turning into crisps and exaggerated.

" you mean, rest in pieces? "


안영 여러분!!! ♥♥♥

Sorry i haven't been posting.
Anyways enjoyyyyyyyy 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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