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Before anything............................... Holy shit i have 224 reads ahhhhhhhhhhhh tysm ilym!! 💖💖

Third person pov

They all were finally on their sense after seeing Wonyoung 's body on the machine, of course they cried their hearts out but life must go on. Hyewon then remembered something.

Oneiric diary.

"Guys, where is the book?" Hyewon looked around.

"Oh yeah..." Minju looked at Eunbi.

"Cmon Minju i saved you okay," Eunbi said. Minju just shrugged it off. It's not even that big of a deal to begin with. Even her life was on stake.

Nako spotted the book on the man's throne earlier. She couldn't reach the throne and she couldn't ask for the tallest member to help since she's gone, that broke her heart thinking about how she just killed her friend. Next person who came in mind, Eunbi.

"Eunbi unnie isn't that the book" Nako pointed at the throne.

"I'll grab that" Eunbi climbed the book shelf to get to the throne. She took the book and jumped down with a hero landing. Everyone was impressed by their leader.

"We didn't get to opened this right?" Eunbi whispered to her member while caressing the book.

"This book is so beautiful" Eunbi spoke in amazement.

"unnie what is wrong with you are you really okay?" Chaewon worriedly asked.

"this basement is getting us crazy! Let's get outa here." Hitomi groaned.

Eunbi flinched a bit and nodded. They got on the stairs except for Eunbi.

"Unnie you ain't coming?" Yena turned her head.

"One moment" Eunbi shortly replied. Yena nodded and left the basement and Eunbi behind. Six of them got out and went straight to the lounge to get some rest after that exhausting, traumatic, bloody experience down the basement. They let out a loud and long sigh in sync as they all collapse on the sofas.

"Where 's Eunbi unnie" Minju asked.

"idk maybe to the toilet." Yena answered. And that's also their last words until they all fell asleep together.


Eunbi pov

I don't know why, the book look so tempting for me. I want to open it but should probably open it with the rest later...


Ahhhhh I can't keep it no more. I slowly opened the book to tye first page. All i see is blank. Next page, blank. Next page, blank. I groaned loudly thinking this is a pointless book. I flipped through the book until i stopped at one page. I surprised to see what's on the page. I examined the page carefully to make sure. I gulped.

Miyawaki Sakura
Lee Chaeyeon
Jo Yuri
Jang Wonyoung.

Those were on the page. I looked at the page and seeing a name is missing.

Ahn Yujin.

Could it be? Is she alive? There were so many questions on my mind at the moment. I closed the book and walked to the stairs. The rest are probably waiting for me now.


I was at the door, about to exit the basement, suddenly i felt like a hand gabbing my wrist. I turned around to see a very beautiful lady wearing a blue dress. I also noticed that the book is gone, is this lady......the book?

"now, you have opened the Oneiric Diary. You must give a name in your group to be in me, on page 78." she softly said.

I remembered that page 78 is where the names are and i freaked out. Someone literally just died just now....i couldn't bare another death. I cried as she said that.

She then smiled and wiped away my tears with her thumb.

" dont worry honey, make your choice quick." the lady said again.

Her voice was so soothing and beautiful. That kinda comforted me a little. But that doesn't stop me to KILL my friends. I thought of a name. She was on my mind from the beginning Sakura died and that made me question. Why is she still alive until now, she doesn't deserve to be here as much as the ones who were dead. It's not like she can bring back those people back to life.

"honey do you have a name?" The lady asked.


She nodded and puked out a feather and cried out ink out of her eyes. She handed me the feather and signaled me to use the ink from her eyes. I tapped the feather on her cheeks a few time until the ink really got on the feather.

She smiled and turned into a book, Oneiric Diary. I picked up the book and turned to the page where the other names were. I hesitated at first thinking about the person I'm about to kill. But suddenly i gained confidence after remembering her effort for the team, which was nothing. I quickly write her name on the page and closed the book.

The book closed and a piece of diamond appeared. I picked it up and smirked.

"this is the biggest help you've done so far,...........



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