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Yujin pov

"YOU WHAT?!" I asked furiously.

"I swear it was an accident please trust me!" Eunbi begged Yujin.

"Unnie..i pulled Wonyoung's hair....screamed at her..." I said disappointed.
"Unnie i literally blamed Wonyoung for nothing!" I screamed. I'm looking at her crying face. No, guilty face. Accident? I highly doubt that. How can it be accident?

I left her on her knees crying loudly. I gave her my last glare before i slammed my door made her flinch.

Just now

Eunbi was still in the warmth of Yujin's hug. The right moment to confess. "Yujin actually i was the one who wrote the letter. I couldn't do anything okay?! I was kinda hypnotised i couldn't do anything about it. Sorry okay?!"


Eunbi is still crying in front of Yujin's door. Begging Yujin to forgive her.

She slowly slide down the door like there was no hope left for her. She felt  terrible as a leader, as a friend. How could she betray her own responsibility.

On the other side of the door, there lies Yujin with the same position as the one on the other side. Crying, she had never felt so betrayed before,it hurts. Like Eunbi just stabbed her in the heart. Her friendship with Wonyoung....even Yujin envy her sometimes she still loves her as a member.

She cried out all of her tears. Nothing left to cry. Absolutely nothing. Smile appeared on her face. Out of nowhere. She get on walking towards her wardrobe. She hummed with happiness as she's choosing a dress to wear.

She chosed a laced red dress with flower petals on the silk. Scarf on her shoulder. Bright red lipstick on her lips. She smirked. "Too bad, Yujin. I got you now, let's get the rest...." She said laughing.

'Yujin' walk gracefully towards the door with a creepy smile, rose scent, ready with her actions, slowly twisted the door knob clockwise.

She got out, no one was there, "Well, well, i have to do this the hard way then" she smiled and left the dorm.

As she walked out, she spotted a carriage with a driver and two black horses. She smirked and walked towards the carriage.

"Who's body you're in now" the driver sighed. "Dont worry, Henry i know the best" She leaned back and let the driver take her.


Yujin pov

'ah...my head hurts' Yujin rubbed her head. She looked down, seeing a chain choking her feet, same goes to her wrists. Let's just say... She's being tied on a cross.

"YAAAAHHH!!" Yujin screamed as she saw a lady that looked like......her.

"Honey...i might have to borrow...hmm your body." She said laughing.

"NO!! LET ME GO!" I literally screamed for my life right now.

"And where is the fun in that?" She smiled

With that,Yujin looked defeated. Tears start streaming down her cheeks. 'sorry guys....'



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