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Third person pov

The group has arrived at the garden. They were amazed by the visuals of flowers and landscapes. In the beauty, there lies a table and a woman in a robe, covering her face in the shade of it.

The girls squinted their eyes as the lady made a movement with her finger. They then understood the gesture and came closer to the woman.

On the table, there were some psychic stuff like 'magical' orb and cards. The woman then sat on her chair leaving the group standing.

"Lucy" She said

The girls were confused at the moment and realised she just mentioned her name. They all nodded and continued to watch her as she shuffling the cards. There were six cards on her hand making the girls even more curious on what's on the card.

She stopped shuffling the cards and began to put the card on the table upside down, still don't want to reveal  what's under it.

"girls, i should applaud you for being able to complete my test." She clapped her hand like a rich lady.

"but that can't stop me for making you be five." She continued.

There were butterflies in their tummy as they know what's coming for the team. Especially,


She didn't give her all to prove herself  that she is worth staying in the group. She sighed in nervousness as she looked at the others who was all calm and relaxed despite what's happening right now.

"I will randomly pick two cards" She said as she choosing a card to pull. She took the 5th card and show it at the girls.

They gasped as they see what's on the card. A face. Who's face?


She didn't know how to react to it. She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Please step aside." Lucy ordered.

"I will take the second card now."

She took the 2nd card and flipped it so the girls could see it. They all gasped again in sync to see the face behind the card.


"Two people has been chosen, i want you two to follow me and the rest may go back inside." Lucy said.

Minju exhaled in relief. She knew already that one of them is not going to come back. At least it's not her.

The four girls headed to the lounge and sat there in silence. No one dared to say anything as they knew what the two were facing right now.


"Chaewon helped us a lot, why would she be there." Eunbi spoke.

"Didn't she say it loud enough? Its by random" Minju talked back.

Eunbi sighed in defeat. She didn't want to admit that Minju was utterly useless to team. She knew that will upset her if she did. So, she remained silent.


Their eyes were locked to one person at the door. She looked bloody and weak. There were also tears flowing through her fresh scarred cheeks. The four girls quickly ran to her and helped her.

They laid her on the sofa and waited for her to wake up.

Not long after, she slowly opened hey eyes and saw her friends beside the sofa.

"Omg, what happened? " Hitomi concernly asked.

"Well actually.........


Lucy were leading Chaewon and Hyewon to somewhere. They both were extremely scared of  what might happen later.

Lucy brought them to a nice gazebo.

" Girls one of you is going back to your team and one of you will be joining the deads." Lucy spoke clearly, didn't want the two misheard her as they both looking blur and confused.

She handed two knives to the girls. They both received the knives with a confused looks.

'am i supposed to kill her?'  They both thought of the same thing. Lucy then point her finger to the gazebo, signalling the two to get in.

Once they were in, Lucy locked the gate.

They both ran towards the locked gate and banging it.

"Now, FIGHT TILL DEATH!" She screamed and apparently, dissappeared.

It has been 20 minutes since. They both stole glances and looked away. They were lost and didn't know what to do.

Chaewon got up from the floor and came to the other.

"the truth is, I voted for you twice since we came here." Chaewon sassed. Hyewon then pissed and got up to. Why did she suddenly want to pick a fight?

"so you wanted me dead huh?" Hyewon came closer.

"No, Unnie. I want you dead."

With that said they began fighting with their knives in their hands. Chaewon charged towards Hyewon and aiming the knife at her. Luckily, Hyewon dodged and caught her arm. Chaewon still had her other hand. She wanted to punch Hyewon but her other hand got sliced first.

"AHHH!!" She screamed in pain, holding her handless arm.

This was her chance to finish her. She ran towards Chaewon but she tripped down because of her dang dress.

Hyewon looked up to see Chaewon with creepy smile.

"goodbye, unnie." She said with her knife on her left hand.

Hyewon quickly shifted to the right. The tip of the knife injured her cheeks a little. She quickly got up on her feet.

Hyewon tackled Chaewon down and they were struggling with each other. There were few cuts made on each other's faces. Hyewon punched her stomach made her groaned in pain while holding it. She then vomited.

She felt like it again. She then vomited again but it's a different liquid.

Blood. She looked over at her stomach there was a knife chilling inside of her. She looked up to see Hyewon with another knife ( Chaewon's), holding it
with both of her hands.

"goodbye chaewon." She said as she stabbed Chaewon on her face, piercing through her skull. The gazebo was completely covered with blood now.

Hyewon took the diamond that appeared on Chaewon's body and the gazebo's gate were opened. Hyewon then limping back to the lounge to meet the rest.

...............yea so that basically what happened " Hyewon explained.

Everyone went silence after. Didn't they think Hyewon would do such things. She did anyway. Well, her life was on the line, of course she would fight for it.

Hyewon looked at Eunbi and gave the diamond to her. She looked exhausted. That explained why sge passed out again after handing Eunbi the diamond.

And in her sleep, one image was in her dream the whole time.


Ahhhh felt like forever since i updated this.

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