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They all turned around and saw a furious man with his veins sticking out, gritting his teeth, steam coming out of his nose and ears.


They ran for their lives, leaving Eunbi who was still on the chair, in the embrace of a rope, spectating the girls.

The girls ran out of the dining hall and the last person, didn't make it

"HAHAHA GOTCHA!" The man cheered as he got Chaeyeon.

The others luckily escaped from the dining hall and went to the staircase as they can clearly see the dining hall without the man knowing. They than realised one of them is missing. They looked back down at the dining halm and saw Chaeyeon struggling to escape from the man's grip. Wonyoung couldn't stand it anymore. She got up and stormed to the room they stayed in. The rest were also couldn't take it so they did the same and followed Wonyoung the room.

They closed the door and sit down. Palms on their heads. Leg, crossed. Some are even biting their nails as in nervous.

Chaeyeon on the other hand,......

"AAHH LET ME GO!!" She screamed and punched the man's arm. The man was loving her effort but both of them know, it's pointless. With his hand on her waist, he let go of Chaeyeon and placed her on a chair.

The man are now kneeling down to do the same thing he did to Eunbi just now.

"You touch her....you dead" Eunbi said between her tears, weakly. The guy got up and glared at Eunbi. He came closer to her and his mouth went straight for Eunbi's ear. "Dear, you are the one dead right now." he whispered. She of course didn't like it as it was tingly and cold.

While Chaeyeon at the corner were just crying silently and thought about her life right now. Realising it, reminded her of death.

The man got up and carried the two chairs himself. He walked in a familiar looking door. He entered the room and smiled. "one of you, dies and the other, live as your friend will vote later." his voice echoed in this endless room, then left.

Eunbi, smiled at Chaeyeon. "You will live, I will make sure that."

Chaeyeon stayed silence and cried. Those words came from her mouth really affected her. Didn't she think someone will actually die for this, meaningless life...at least that is what Chaeyeon thought of herself. And now, they wait.


The man came back with a rifle in his hands. As he walked in, there were eight girls lining up behind him, like a dang chicks following it's mother. They gasped in sync looking at the two poor victims being tied up to a chair. There was a familiar glass wall blocking the girls to go any closer to Eunbi and Chaeyeon. In the middle there was another dude with a mask holding a sword.

On the glass wall there was one box to submit their votes later. They were given pens and papers to vote.

Chaeyeon closed her eyes didn't want to see the girls writing one of their names to....die.

Eunbi, did the same.

They could hear a little quarrel and commotion in front of them, didn't hear what they were talking about, worrying them even more.

"Put your votes in the box now, or else..."

The girls slowly came closer to the box, hesitantly inserted their votes in.

The man on the side of the eight girls, took the box and checked their votes. He poured all the votes and unravel them one by one.



The girls had their fingers crossed.
The man gave a singnal to kill now.
On the other side, the man lifted his sword and.....swung it at

Chaeyeon's neck.

Her head were rolling on the floor all the way to the glass wall. The girls screamed and crying. They kneeled down the floor and hugged each other.

The rest oh her body are now completely coated with blood as the neck were still squirting out her blood.

Beside the body..yes Eunbi.



Rip chaeyeon. Hey but at least she can see her soulmate now. Anyway, enjoy 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖♥️💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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