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Third person pov

Yuri took out the last piece and slowly put it to where it belonged and....

A word 'vote' was formed.

They heard key clicking sound. A trapdoor just opened. The girls gasped and cheered for their achievements.

"Omg i feel like a detective" Hyewon said with joy. For now, she completely forgot what she just witnessed yesterday.

"okay guys enough taking..there's something inside the thing." Eunbi slowly approaching the trapdoor.

"Woah there is a note and a...diamond, woah its so pretty" Eunbi was so amazed by something so common. Well i guess it is for some people.

"What it says on the note, unnie?" Wonyoung asked.

"Oh wait gimme a moment" she began unfolding the note. "here, a diamond, you guys might need this later. And yoy girls think you can escape this mansion without blood sacrifice?.."
Eunbi voice is shaking at the moment. Even tho, she continues " girls, prepare yourselves for a fun section, vote."

It's funny how their smiley faces just now turned to sad, concern looking faces. Some are biting their nails. Some are hugging, and even crying.

All of a sudden, the lights were off.

And another seconds they 11 spotlights pointing at the eleven girls.

And what they knew that they was not in the same room. The room was like big and endless. Their voices echoed proofed how huge the place was.

They were stunned or...paralysed. They seriously can't move. They were sobbing harder than ever until 'she' came.


"aigoo, look at you guys, don't cry babies, I'll make it worth your tears if you guys cry more."

With that, they stopped crying. Just little sobs were heard at the time.

"good, now, all you have to do is vote yeah?" She smirked.

They tried their best to even do anything and chaewon gave the lady a signal that tells her 'we can't move'

"Ah, my bad. Lemme make things easier for you guys" With that said, she snapped her fingers and each of them were granted with a glass box with a table, a pen a paper.


The girls nodded.

"now, just write whoever name yiu guys want to, like...an election!" she chuckled.

"let the voting begin!" she shouted and disappeared.

"let's discuss." Eunbi said with her fingers massaging her forhead.

"This ain't an election for class president, Eunbi. PERSON WHO GOT VOTED F*CKING DIES!" Yena shouted made the maknaes flinched.

"i say, we vote for Sakura." chaewon pointed at sakura.

"WHAT?! what i didn't do anything!" Sakura slammed her table.

"Exactly! You just sit there and did nothing while we were helping each other out!" She called her out.

"NO SHE DID SOMETHING!" Chaeyeon, her best mate defended sakura. And of course, sakura was flustered.


"SHE FOUND A PUZZLE DID SHE?" Chaeyeon said slamming her glass wall.

Chaewon stayed silence.

"lets vote now, then" Eunbi said cutting of the argument. And since then only writing noise were heard


Once they finised writing, their papers dissappeared. At this point, dissappearence felt so normal to them.

10 minutes has passed, amd the room, went dark. They screamed a little until a red spotlight pointed at someone.

The girls gasped in disbelief. While the victim is still processing on what's going on at the moment. Why? Why it gotta be her? She didn't do anything wrong, right?


She bursted into tears and dropped down to the floor. She was grabbing ger heart and kneel down to the floor. Water. Water started to fill up her glass box.

Everyone around was screaming as they watched their dear friend is literally fighting for her life.

Sakura banged the glass when the water level already lift her up. Slowly, her head touch the top.

The water had already, entirely fill up the whole thing. Sakura swam down a little bit and looked at her friends. Everyone was screaming in tears, banging their glass walls. Their worlds literally collapsed.

Sakura, gave them her last, sweet smile before she slowly closed her eyes, and her body started getting lifted. Last few bubbles, escaped. Meaning.....


Sorry to had sakura to die first 😟

Well anyways enjoy! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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