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Three Months Ago....

I pressed up against Laura, feeling her body quake beneath me. I kissed her neck, nibbling on her ear and lobe.

"Caleb." She moaned into my ear as she dangled from the hooks attached to the bed frame. I thrust into her again, her breathing halted and she called out my name again. I unhooked her swiftly, draping her arms around my neck. I carried her out of the secret passageway towards my bedroom. I passed the second bedroom, my dog Gage followed closely, licking Laura's toes.

"Stop it, Gage." Laura mumbled into my chest, wiggling them as Gage's tongue licked them again. I chuckled, still holding her tightly, opening the bedroom door. I gently laid her on the bed, tucking her in and removing the cuffs from her hands.

"I love you." Laura whispered, nuzzling into her pillow. I smiled at her, kissing her forehead lightly.

"I love you, too. I'll be back." I said, kissing her lips, before patting the bed. "C'mon Gage, keep her safe while I'm gone." Gage hopped on the bed, circling before plopping down next to her. I grabbed a suit on my way out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I glanced at the clock above the fireplace, eight-forty-five. Fuck! I'm late, but it was well worth it. I licked my lips, pulling my dress shirt over my broad shoulders. I tugged my suit pants over my skin-tight boxers, buttoning them as I grabbed my jacket, phone, keys, and wallet. I opened the door, typing the code into it to lock it. I raced to the elevator, throwing my jacket on, tucking my wallet and phone in the breast pocket. I pushed the down button, waiting patiently for it to come up. The elevator dinged, opening slowly, I stepped in. The doors closed as I pressed the button to go to the parking garage. I hurriedly buttoned my suit jacket, tucking my keys in my front pocket. The elevator doors dinged open, a petite brunette girl stepped in, smiling at me. I smiled back, noticing the hazel in her eyes. Simply amazing. She pushed the lobby button, stepping back and standing next to me. The elevator started descending again, stopping at the next floor. A couple got in, whispering amongst themselves as the wife looked up at me. She smirked, pulling her attention to the gentleman whose arm was wrapped tightly around her waist. The elevator opened again to the lobby and the couple stepped out. The brunette girl looked at me again, her eyes fixated on me for a mere second as she walked out of the elevator. I chuckle to myself, adjusting my suit jacket as the doors close again.

When I walked into the firm office, I hustled to my cubicle, logging in to my computer. I glanced over the barrier, noticing my boss was busy in a meeting. I let out a sigh of relief as I unbuttoned my suit jacket, adjusting myself so my back was against my chair. I was only ten minutes late.

"Caleb, I'm surprised to see you here today." My co-worker Dale said, startling me as I was putting my credentials on the company website.

"Huh? What do you mean? I always work Wednesdays." I say, slightly confused. Dale grabbed the paper from under his arm, handing it to me.

"Oh, shit. Sorry man." Dale said quickly, walking away. I furrowed my brow, opening the folded paper.


The headline hit my heart, like a swift stab in the back. I tossed the paper in the trash, pulling my cell phone from my breast pocket. My mother had called me several times, my sisters twice. I let the phone ring a few times before I pressed it to his ear.

"Honey.." She said softly, her voice coaxing my inner demon. "Please don't believe the media, it's not true. Your father would never do something like this." I scoff, knowing damn well what my father was capable of and this was something on top of the list.

"You don't know that's true either." I hiss into the phone, gripping it tighter. "This shadow mom, the shadow of dad, big time DA for Chicago's finest. I will get out of it if it's the last thing I do." I grumble, the hate laced in my voice. I ended the call abruptly. I didn't have it in me to say anything else. My family was complicated, they always were. Money kept a lot of people quiet.

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