Chapter Two

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After long anticipation of waiting for him to write me, I walked into my room and saw my mom had left a note for me on my bed.

Miss Lola Lockins

I shuddered with glee as I looked at the quill written letter, in quite beautiful handwriting, and a wax stamp of a W. However, no return address.

With absolutely no hesitation, I sat on my bed and opened the letter.

Dearest Lola,
I'm sorry for the lack of information I can give you on my whereabouts, but I can promise you I'm no threat, nor some sort of secret agent, I'm perfectly safe and in no trouble. I know that because of our bind, you will eventually come to understand why when we meet. Believe it or not, I personally came to your doorstep to drop this off. Yes, I really did, and please know I'm looking out for you. We will meet soon, but we just can't yet. I hope you understand, I'm sure you will.
Many Loves,
Fred x
P.S. I'm closer than it seems.

I smiled happily knowing I got as much closure I could for the moment, and I trusted that he'd tell me everything the second he knew it was safe.

Got your letter! <3

Lovely! Write back?

No return address :(

Write Fred Weasley on the front

And then?

Leave it out on your windowsill.

Are you crazy?

Nope. Do it, today if you can.
If not, just let me know when.

How would you even get it?

Don't worry about it darling
:) <3

I rolled my eyes, but there was still a huge smile on my face. I pulled out a pen and paper and began writing.

Dearest Fred...

Soulmate; Fred Weasley AUWhere stories live. Discover now