Chapter Twenty-Five

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Quickly the week went by, and now it was Fred's turn to visit my family and see where I was from. I'll admit, I was a little nervous that he'd be let down by how boring muggles really are, but excited nonetheless.

Everybody came to dinner, even Bill, Harry, and Hermione, plus Georgia—not to be confused with George—who had actually recently dyed her hair blue.

Arthur unfortunately couldn't bring gifts as he'd of liked to because muggles can't use magic, so Molly made sweaters very similar to mine for Ziggy and Georgia, and also chocolate frogs for Zig because he'd expressed how much he liked them. For my parents, they brought them a developing solution potion, as this was one of the few magic-things muggles could enjoy as well, for developing pictures. That way any pictures they took and developed in the potion, would move. They were over the moon excited to say the least.

Hermione and Georgia unfortunately did not get along as well as I would've hoped, but I can't exactly say I didn't expect it. They are very different. It's not that Georgia was improper, it was more that Hermione was very proper. Not that either of those were bad things, they were just different.

However, I think it was more Ron's interest in Georgia that really made her upset, so I knew she'd be at least a little relieved to know that Georgia doesn't exactly swing that way.

Regardless, all I really cared about was how Fred felt about her, and he loved her. "I mean, she's just so cool!" He said as we went for a night walk down the street once everyone had left.

I smiled. "Well, I'm really glad you thought so, I don't think Hermione was too keen on her."

"How could she not? What, with her blue hair and cool earrings, you think she'd make me a pair?" He asked. "Oh, and if soulmates weren't a thing, I think Ron would've been all over her, well more than he already was."

I laughed. "I'm sure she'd love to make you a pair, you'll have to ask her. And, even given those circumstances, she doesn't like boys."

"What do you mean? Like, she only goes for older guys?"

I gave him a confused look, but had an aha! moment. "Oh! No, I meant she's lesbian actually."

"Oh, jeez, I'm sorry I-"

I laughed. "No, don't worry about it."

"Well, I'm in full support of that by the way. Incase you were wondering."

I laughed even harder. "I know, Fred. I don't think we'd be soulmates if you weren't. I think that would've caused major conflicts."

He smiled slightly, still unsure if it was really okay for him to laugh, so I decided to change the subject, but not too much so he wouldn't notice.

"You know, Georgia actually wants to go on a double date with us, would you be up for it?" I asked, grabbing his hand and swinging it back and forth. "Bit cheesy I know, but I think we're always cheesy."

I laughed and nodded. "I think that would be tons of fun, does Georgia know?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Know about what?"

"Like, that you're a witch."

"Oh... yeah. I had to tell her, she's my best friend and she deserved to know. I know she'd never use anything I tell her against me, even if for some reason we have a falling out. She just isn't like that," I explained. "I know how important it is to be kept a secret from muggles, so believe me that I'd never tell someone I didn't think I could trust fully. Plus, she handled it really well."

He smiled. "I believe you, Lo. I honestly would've been more shocked if you hadn't told her yet."

We laughed, and continued walking along the dark sidewalk in comfortable silence, every now and then I'd point out something and tell a story, and Fred mainly listened and every so often would make funny remarks, or make fun of me for a dumb story. But, we eventually turned around, and headed back to my house as it grew even darker, not wanting to make my parents freak out or anything.

After we got changed into our pajamas, I pulled out my phone and showed him all of the things we could do, like taking pictures and things like that.

"So, you don't have to carry around a huge camera for taking pictures?" He asked, bewildered as he looked at my phone in awe.

I laughed. "Nope, it's all in here. See, look," I grabbed my phone from him. "Smile!"

He cheesed, and I snapped a quick one.

"Ugh! So handsome! Look-" I showed him the photo and he looked flabbergasted.

"That's amazing!" He said.

"Here, you can take some of yourself too. I've got a bunch to be quite honest, I do it all the time." I said, flipping the camera so it was front-facing.

He took it and looked at himself. "It's kind of like a mirror... except not. May I?" He asked, and I nodded, and he snapped the photo. "How's it look?"

I went into my camera roll and we looked at it.

"Really good, that's a really good one! You're so photogenic

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"Really good, that's a really good one! You're so photogenic." I said, laughing to cover up the fact that I was blushing over how good he looked.

"Who says muggles don't have magic? You're walking around with some in your pocket!" He exclaimed.

"We can call and text with these too, so we don't have to send letters, though I love sending letters. I think it's more personal." I said, followed by a great big yawn.

Fred smiled and cupped my face, pulling me in for a swift kiss on my forehead. "Let's get some sleep, shall we?"

I nodded, and we got under the covers, only to fall asleep almost instantly; wrapped in each other's arms.

Soulmate; Fred Weasley AUWhere stories live. Discover now