Chapter Twenty-One

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The last day finally came, and Fred, George, and I all began making our way to the train.

"Excited to see your family again?" George asked, helping me lift my bags onto the overhead.

I nodded as I sat down. "Yes, absolutely. And my friends, too."

"You're not gonna leave us after seeing all your old friends are you?" He joked.

I laughed. "Hm, I haven't thought about it. I guess it depends on how much they beg for me."

All three of us laughed and the long journey home began. We spent most of the time talking about summer plans, and arranging days where we could see each other. I even told them about muggle things, like different music I was into and I told them that if they ever visited I'd show them songs, and that when I came to theirs I'd bring my guitar and show them some of my favorites that I know how to play.

Soon enough, the train made it to the station and we found our way out, I hugged George and kissed Fred, giving him a sorrowful goodbye and made sure to remind him to send me letters, which would now be easier because of my owl.

I hugged Harry, Hermione, and Ron as soon as they walked off afterwards, Harry trying his best to encourage me to come to the Burrow this summer so that we could talk, and then I left to go find my family.

"Lola! Oh, my sweet girl. How was it? You've got to tell us everything!" My mum said, yanking me into a death-grip hug, but I couldn't help but smile.

"I missed you guys so much," I said, my dad also pulling me in for a hug. "It was so wonderful, I can't even begin to put it into words."

The drive home was short, and we immediately started dinner, chatting as we did so.

"Fred said his family really wants to meet me, he says we should go visit them this summer, you know for dinner. We'd all go visit, and then I'd stay with them for a week. Then, they'd come visit us, and Fred would stay for a week. That way, we can both show each other the ropes of where we're from. How does that sound? Only two weeks of the summer, I promise." I said.

My mum smiled at me. "Lo, that sounds wonderful. You're welcome to see Fred whenever you want, we just want to be able to see you while you're here, not keep you locked up," she said, chopping up onions. "Could you grab the pepper for me?"

I reached into the cabinet and handed it to her. "Well, they're really excited to meet you guys then. Fred says you remind him an awful lot of his mum. He says that you guys both have this caring and understanding attitude about you, and you're both so loud, but in the best way. Oh, not to mention amazing cooks." I gushed.

"You don't need to butter me up, Lo. I already said yes." She teased.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "What weeks work for you? To meet them?" I asked.

"Uh, well how soon can they? Next week I'd say is fine?"

I nodded, making a mental note for myself to write to Fred before the end of the night. Soon after, we ate the delicious food my mum cooked up, and I headed to bed.

I wrote a quick note to Fred, explaining what my mum had said and handed it to Apollo. I didn't specify it, but I hoped they knew Harry and Hermione were welcome as well, along with the entirety of the Weasley family, of course, as I knew the siblings list went beyond just Fred, George, and Ron.

I smiled to myself, imagining what it would be like for our worlds to soon collide as I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning I woke up to a letter from Fred, which simply stated that they were all ecstatic for us to come, and that he was happy he would quote, "have me all to himself again" which made me laugh. After I opened it, I headed downstairs for breakfast, calling Georgia to come over as soon as possible as I did so.

She was over what felt like within seconds, bursting through the door making my dad and me jump.

"LOLA! YOU'RE HERE! I MEAN YOU'RE ACTUALLY HERE!" She shouted, pulling me into a tight hug, then pulled away quickly and shoved me slightly. "No, actually I'm mad at you, you bitch," she said in a hushed tone. "You left me here all alone for months! And with no goodbye!"

"I had no time to! I'm sorry, Geo. I'll never do it again." I said, pulling her back in for a hug.

"Now, tell me everything!"

We ran up to my room, and slammed the door behind us.

"Your parents told me you switched to go to a school with Fred, is that true? What school is it?—holy shit, did you get an owl?" She asked, stepping towards Apollo's cage and putting her finger between the wires to pet her.

I chewed my lip nervously, thinking about how in the dark I felt when Fred couldn't tell me anything, I just couldn't do that to Georgia. I loved her too much. I knew it might've not been a good idea, but I decided she of all people deserved to know.

"Lola, you can't tell anyone okay? Like, seriously you can't tell anyone, not even your parents. Nobody. You and my parents are literally going to be the only ones who know." I said, she looked at me worried.

"I won't tell anyone, but you'd better go on. Are you okay?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she sat next to me at the end of my bed.

"Well, Fred attends this school called Hogwarts, look—we even have to wear these robes with our uniforms," I said, pulling out my Gryffindor robe.

"Gryffindor? What's that mean?" She asked, examining the patch.

"It's the house I got sorted into at Hogwarts, there's four houses: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. They all are basically like the main four different types of people, all sorted into houses. Both me and Fred are Gryffindor's which, in short, means bravery, daring, chivalry, and courage." I explained.

She nodded along. "That's a little weird, but it sounds cool. Where's the school?"

"Yeah, it is. It's in Scotland." I said.

"Scotland? What, you travel for eight hours every time you go and come back?" She asked, clearly bewildered.

"Nine hours, actually. But yeah, the train ride absolutely sucks. That's not really the part that I'm gonna have a hard time telling you about." I mumbled.

"Well go on, I'm not sure how it could get much more shocking than this?"

I sighed. "Hogwarts is... a school for witchcraft and wizardry." I mumbled.

Georgia started laughing. "It's a school for what? Lola, you're kidding, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "I knew you wouldn't believe me, so look at this," I said, pulling out my wand as I stood.

"Is that a wand? Lola, you can't be serious-"

"Will you just let me finish?"

She stayed quiet, watching me as I moved my perfume bottle from off of my shelf and onto my nightstand so I'd have a better view of it. "Wingardium Leviosa," I whispered, flicking my wand. The bottle began levitating, and I moved it over to Georgia, and dropped it on her lap. "Believe me now?"

"Holy shit Lola! That's fucking wicked! I thought wizards were like... made up in stories," She said in awe. "I don't even know what to say."

"Well, technically I'm a witch, but yeah. It's insane, it's hard for me to understand sometimes. But, that's why Fred couldn't tell me anything, and it makes plenty sense. But, Geo, you can't tell anyone, I'm serious. Literally nobody can know, and you can't tell anyone that I've told you. Outside of this room, you don't know this information. Okay?" I warned.

She nodded furiously. "I won't tell anyone, I swear. This is huge! Wizard boyfriend, huh? That's kind of hot!"

I laughed, and for the rest of the night I told her all of my stories at Hogwarts.

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