Chapter Five

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"Lo, are you coming?" Georgia called, "We're going to be late because of you!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I yelled back, sealing my last letter to Fred for the month, setting it on my windowsill, along with a little box that had his Christmas present in it.

I made him a candle, I tried my best to replicate my scent, though... I'd never made a candle before. I dyed it a light purple, and put a wrap around the jar to make it look legit. I put a tag on the side of it that said 'Made with love, for my love.' Hopefully he wouldn't find that as sickeningly cheesy as I knew it was.

I walked downstairs with my bag, finally ready for the long trip ahead of us.

Georgia's family and my family were really close, and every year we'd go up to her family's cabin for a week for Christmas, one of my favorite days of the year... right after Halloween.

Georgia and I drove separately, because it was the first year we finally had our license to drive alone and we wanted to test the waters, being away from our younger brothers was just a bonus.

The drive was only about an hour and a half, but exciting nonetheless. I only nearly crashed about two times, which was not that bad considering the length of the drive was new for me.

"So, any plans for meeting Fred for New Years?" She asked me, turning down the music in the car for just a moment.

I thought for a second, but shook my head. "No, he hasn't said anything. You know, I'm starting to give up hope that he even wants to meet. He rarely even acknowledges when I bring it up, and honestly I'm so in love with his personality at this point—I'm just so desperate to meet him. It just really doesn't feel requited." I sighed, my grip on the wheel tightening.

"He'll come around. I'm sure when the time comes, he'll explain absolutely everything that I'm sure he's wanted to tell you since the beginning. There's no doubt in my mind that he's just as frustrated as you." She reassured, giving me a knowing look.

I smiled softly. "Thanks, Geo. Enough about me, what about you and Hazel? How's she?"

"Really great, the other day she told me she thinks she's finally ready to meet, we're still working out dates." She said, smiling as she looked down at her hand.

I smiled. "I'm really happy for you, she sounds so great."

"She really is, and you know what, one day you, me, Fred, and Hazel are gonna go on a double date, I'll hold all of us to that, I promise. We'll go bowling or something."

I laughed. "That sounds like a perfect plan."

For the rest of the car ride, we blasted Christmas songs and talked about nonsense.

The second we arrived, we put our things in the room we shared when we got here, and changed into our pajamas, deciding to watch a Christmas movie and make hot chocolate before crashing to bed.

Soulmate; Fred Weasley AUWhere stories live. Discover now