Chapter Twenty

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Fred and I became inseparable for the last two weeks at Hogwarts, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it—because I loved every second of it. I suppose that was the amazing thing about soulmates, you never get sick of them no matter how much time you spend together. I knew if it had been anyone else, even George who was a near exact replica of Fred, I would've become annoyed eventually. Even Hermione drove me up the wall sometimes. But it was never like that with Fred, ever.

"These final exams are going to literally kill me," I mumbled. "Unless I do it myself, first." I joked, though there was always a bit of truth in everything I said.

Fred looked up from his studies, a horrid look on his face. "You don't mean that, do you?"

I gave him a reassuring smile, as I'd forgotten wizard humor wasn't nearly as gruesome nor self-deprecating as muggles. "No, I'm joking."

A look of relief washed over his face and he shut the book he was studying out of. "I say we cut studying a little short tonight, what do you say? We still have three more days till finals, I think we deserve a break." He said.

I nodded in agreement, closing the books I'd kept open and placed them back where I found them. "God, I know it's early but honestly, I'm ready for bed." I said, yawning and stretching my arms.

"Yeah, no kidding," he said, unintentionally copying my actions. "We don't have dinner for another thirty minutes, wanna take a walk?"

"Sure." I said, putting on my jacket as we began to walk out of the library.

We walked hand in hand through the school, the halls were vacant and no doubt it was because everyone was too busy studying before dinner. We walked out onto the covered bridge, the afternoon wind made me shiver a bit, as the weather was rather cold even though it was the middle of June.

We leaned against the openings on the bridge, looking out at the breathtaking view from so high up.

"Summer's my favorite season," I said, breaking the peaceful silence. "Contradictory to the weather right now, but the sun just... puts me in such a good mood, you know? Like, nothing bad can happen when the sun's out."

Fred smiled, pulling me close by the waist. "Yeah, I really like summer too," he said. "I'm gonna miss you, like, a lot."

I sighed. "Don't even remind me," I mumbled. "Although all we've done this last week is study and makeout, it was easily one of the best weeks of my life."

He laughed, looking down at me and placed a kiss on my lips. "Yeah, me too," he whispered, resting his chin on top of my head. "Have you noticed that we don't get—"

"—sick of each other? Yes, it's actually insane. I feel like I could genuinely spend every second of everyday with you." I said, finishing his sentence.

"Exactly! I'm so glad it's a mutual thing, I was beginning to feel a little creepy. I guess it's a soulmate thing, because not only do I not get sick of you, I don't even ever want to be separated from you, you know?" He confessed. "Like, honestly I'm a little worried for summer, being away for so long and all. I'm not trying to guilt you into coming to the Burrow or anything, I'm being 100% honest when I say I genuinely feel... stronger when I'm with you."

I shook my head a bit. "I don't feel like you're trying to guilt me into anything. Besides, if anyone's going to be guilt-tripping anyone, it's going to be me when you try to kick me out this summer. And also, I feel the same way. It's like, when we're together I feel so whole, and when we aren't it's like I'm missing a huge piece of myself. Cheesy, I know."

"Cheesy, but disgustingly true. Also, is that you saying you'll come visit this summer?" He asked, a hopeful look in his eyes that made me smile.

"I still have to work out details with my parents, but as of right now, yes. I'll make sure of it, even if it means I'm flying there on my broomstick." I joked.

He looked at me, and cupped my face with his hands, then bent down to place a warm kiss on my lips. "I think we ought to head to dinner, now." He said, and I nodded.

Soulmate; Fred Weasley AUWhere stories live. Discover now