Chapter Nine

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After our brief interaction on New Years, he put in his best effort to actually visit when he could, he said he technically still wasn't allowed to, but if the meets were made briefly, he could get away with it. Today, he'd planned on meeting at my windowsill, and he'd come in for a bit. So, I waited, setting the letter I'd written him on my table, lit a candle, and picked up my room a bit before he came.

I heard a knock at my window, making me jump a bit, but he was finally here.

I opened up the window, and to my surprise he was coming down into the window from my roof.

"How'd you manage to get up there?" I asked, laughing a bit as he dusted himself off.

"Magic," He said with a laugh. "It smells good in here."

"Thanks, I lit a candle," I said, taking a seat on my bed. "So, I feel like maybe you have some explaining to do?"

"Right, well, I still can't exactly tell you, just yet anyway. It's for your own safety." He said, looking down at his fingers.

I sighed, unsatisfied with the answer he gave me. "I get the feeling you won't ever be able to tell me, and one day the letters are gonna stop, and then I'm never gonna see you again."

He furrowed his eyebrows, shocked at what I'd just said to him. "Did you seriously just say that? Do my ears deceive me?"

I chewed nervously on my lip, avoiding eye contact, unsure of what to say.

He grabbed my hand, and used his other to guide my chin to look at him. "I would never leave you in the dark. I know it's hard for you right now—it's hard for me too. But, some day soon, you will know. I promise you, okay? It's not safe for you to know right now, I'm trying to protect you. You just need to trust me, do you trust me?"

"I do trust you, I really do. It's just frustrating because you keep telling me soon I'll know this, and soon I'll know that, but, how soon is soon? Weeks? Months? Years? It's just... hard to not feel in the dark when that's all you know." I said, trying not to cry.

His face softened, and he pulled me in for a hug. "I'm sorry that I don't have all the answers you're looking for," he said, placing a kiss on top of my head, before pulling away. "But, I love you."

I smiled softly through my tears. "I love you too, Fred."

Then, he pulled me in and our lips touched for the first time, and I knew peace. Everything fell into place, our lips molded as if they were made for each other, neither of us wanting to break the connection. No amount of fireworks in the world could compare to how I felt in that moment, and I knew waiting for him would be more than worth it.

Soulmate; Fred Weasley AUWhere stories live. Discover now