Chapter Sixteen

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Over the weekend, I'd spent most of my time either in my dorm or at the library. I'd had a few run-ins with Ron and Harry, and sometimes during breakfast or dinner with everyone else, but other than that I tried my best to keep to myself just for the two days, and partially because I wanted them to come to me, it wouldn't really make sense if I caved and apologized for my actions when I wasn't sorry nor in the wrong.

When Monday rolled around, classes flew by rather quickly, and soon enough I was studying my ass off in my dorm again.

I heard a soft knock on my door, so I stood up to open it, and to my surprise there stood Hermione and Fred.

"Oh, hey guys." I said, standing in the doorway.

"Can we come in?" Fred asked gently, a pleading look in his eyes.

I nodded, stepping out of the way for them to join me in my small dorm. I picked up my homework from off my bed and set it on my desk, offering them to sit on it if they wanted to. As they sat, I set myself on my pillows, hugging my knees into my chest waiting for them to start talking.

"So, firstly we wanted to properly apologize," Fred began, and Hermione nodded. "We were acting insanely childish, and you were right about us valuing making the other angrier over actually wanting to spend time with you, which isn't how you should ever treat a friend, let alone a girlfriend, as if they're some sort of trophy that makes other people jealous."

"The truth is, I was upset and jealous at the fact that you'd come all this way just for Fred, and I took that frustration out on both of you. I'm not sure if it's because I just haven't found my soulmate yet, but it was still completely uncalled for." Hermione explained.

"And, it really doesn't even matter who started it because both of us decided to play that game. It was completely unfair to you, especially on your first week here. Professor Lupin told us a little about what you said, and the fact that we were the ones contributing into that hurt you felt, genuinely makes me feel nauseous, and I could never apologize enough." Fred continued.

I nodded along with what they said, and paused for a moment before giving my thoughts. "I appreciate your guys' honesty, I really do. But, 'Mione, I didn't come all this way just for Fred! This git barely even convinced me to come, it's the feeling of belonging I feel when I'm here. Yes, he's one of the big reasons I stayed, but it wasn't all for him; stayed for all of you. Regardless, I'm glad you two came to your senses, I missed my best friends," I said, pulling them into a hug. "Now that that's over, you guys can finally stop pretending to want to hang out with me all the time."

Hermione shoved me slightly, laughing. "Absolutely not! I still expect to see you everyday."

I smiled and Fred nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I mean although this altercation turned into something a little more deep, it had to come from a place of truth," he shrugged. "Sorry. Looks like you're gonna have to choose between us."

"Oh, shove off. Looks like all three of us are hanging out all together everyday then." I said, shrugging just as dramatically as he had.

We all burst into laughter, continuing to chat until we realized it was time for dinner.

I sat in the spot in between Neville and Ron, across from Hermione and Fred. And finally, for once, we had an all-inclusive talkative chat at dinner full of light-hearted laughter and the occasional tease.

Soulmate; Fred Weasley AUWhere stories live. Discover now