Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next day, Fred and I decided to have a day to ourselves, and he took me to this place he had in mind for a picnic. Since it wasn't very far, we decided to walk which took all of 20 minutes. The spot we arrived at was rather mystical, it looked like a place fairies would live, though I wouldn't put the idea of there really being fairies past this place, God knows there quite literally could be. I mean, there was wizards and witches, so why not fairies?

The area had dark green grass and bright pink flowers sprouting here and there, and a big pond that had water flowing down into it, which was somewhat of a tiny waterfall. The wind was brisk and warm, the only thing to be heard was the sound of it blowing the trees ever so softly, and frogs leaping from one lily pad to the next.

We set a blanket perfectly big enough for the two of us down near the water, along with the basket of food Molly and I had put together that morning.

"I think you're gonna like these Fred, it's my old recipe. The ingredients were a little different, but they still taste amazing." I said, pulling out the little bagel bites I'd prepared, one of the only foods I could make. Mini bagels.

He put one in his mouth and smiled. "Amazing my dear, quite a step up from your usual boxed macaroni." He teased.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the rest of the food out, along with a couple of different drinks for us. We sat in comfortable silence for a little while, just listening to the sound of the water flow, until Fred spoke up.

"Lola," he said, getting my attention and I turned to him, as if to tell him to continue. "I can't stop thinking about your Boggart. I know it's been awhile at this point but... I don't know. I hate to bring it up here of all places, but I figured you know, maybe a less stressful environment is actually a good time to have that conversation."

I sighed. "Yeah, I have been too. Every now and then he'll show up in these godawful nightmares, and I won't be able to sleep for the rest of the night, and sometimes the night after that, too. And, I don't want to scare you away from me Fred, but you're always in the dream. Every single time. One of us always ends up getting hurt when the other isn't looking, and I don't want to draw any conclusions, but I think we're gonna meet this guy in the future. I think he's gonna impact us in a really terrible way."

"Yeah, I was waiting for you to say something like that," he sighed, and looked up as if he was pondering. "I just want you to be safe more than anything."

I smiled softly. "When the time comes, we'll know. Promise me that if and when whatever happens, happens—you won't leave my side. I think if we're together, we can stop him. I'm not just saying that, I really mean it. It's a soulmate thing."

"I'd never leave you, not ever."

He pulled me into his side, and kissed me on the forehead. "I love you so much Fred, more than you'd ever know."

"Utterly impossible, if only you knew how much I love you."

I smiled, feeling perfectly content even given the uncertain circumstances. That's what was so special about Fred, I could be having the worst day of my life, and one word of comfort from him was enough to make me forget everything. He truly was my person, on more than even just a soulmate level. I could never not love Fred, no matter what he did. The best part of it all, was he reciprocated the exact energy I gave him, and that's all I've ever wanted; someone to love me the way Fred does. Call me cliche, but I would take a bullet for him. And I know he'd do the same.

We spent the rest of the day lounging around outside, picking flowers, dipping our feet in the water, and trying to catch willing frogs.

"Ooh, look at that one. He's so cute," Fred whispered, peeking over the water to try and get a closer look. "Think you can get him?"

I nodded, slowly reaching my arm out to snatch the frog, but to my delight he jumped right into my hands. "Woah!" I yelped, pulling the frog closer so I could see him better. "You're an awfully cute thing, aren't you? I'm gonna name you... Chosen. Look at him Fred, our first child."

He laughed and looked over my shoulder. "Why Chosen?"

"Because, he chose us! Chosen," he gave me a look. "Don't look at me like that. It's better than Pick or Select, be grateful."

I looked back down at the small frog in my hands and smiled. "Wanna come home with us?" I asked, and I swear to you, the frog nodded.

"Okay, tell me you saw him nod. Please." I said, pulling him away from my face.

"Yeah... I definitely saw that. Okay, let's go. Pack up the frog he's ours." Fred said, beginning to gather everything for us to head home.

I laughed, and we began our short journey back to the Burrow.

Later that night, Harry pulled me aside and we made brief conversation about our current situation.

"We just, need to lay low for right now. It isn't necessarily safe for us to be wandering around on our own, especially with you going in between the muggle and wizarding world." Were his exact words, with not really an explanation as to why, and that he couldn't tell me here.

I was left in the dark yet again by these guys even though I was now one of them, I knew it was for my own good but I just felt so helpless. And weak. I hated feeling like everyone was constantly saving me and getting hurt or into trouble because of me.

All I wanted to do was help.

Soulmate; Fred Weasley AUWhere stories live. Discover now