Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next week came quickly, as Georgia and I were having too much fun being able to see each other everyday. I wish she could've come with me to visit the Weasley's, but any muggle who wasn't directly related to me couldn't enter. However, she helped me pack for the week I'd be staying there for.

"I can't believe you're leaving me again." She groaned, folding one of my shirts and setting it in my bag.

"It's only for a week, Geo, don't be daft," I said, making finishing touches on my makeup and outfit. "How do I look?"

"Like a princess," She said with a smile, and pulled me in for a hug. "Now let's go!"

I grabbed my bag and my guitar case, and we headed downstairs, where I was met with my parents and Ziggy, who were holding gifts for the Weasley's along with a side dish my mum had prepared.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked them, grabbing my tiny bottle of spare Floo powder I'd set in my back pocket.

They nodded slowly, definitely not prepared at all. "It's gonna feel weird," I warned. "But it happens quickly."

We stepped into the fireplace, waving to Georgia as I said "The Burrow!" and dropped the green powder onto the floor, and in an instant we were in a completely different fireplace.

We stepped out slowly, and since I'd never been before I had no idea if it was the right place at all. But, my questioning thoughts were immediately shot down when I heard loud voices come from nearby.

"They're here!" Fred yelled, coming over to greet us. "Mr and Mrs. Lockins, how do you do?" He asked, offering a handshake to my dad and a kiss on the hand to my mother.

"I'm well, dear, it's great to see you again!" My mum chirped, pulling him in for a hug.

Before the conversation could go any further, the rest of the family, including Harry and Hermione, came barging from all different directions, creating immediate chaos. Not one person could get a single word in, until an older looking woman, who I assumed was Molly Weasley, decided it was enough.

"Okay everyone, zip it! Mr and Mrs. Lockins, it's a pleasure to have you here!" She said, holding out her hands to shake them gently.

"Please, call us Freya and Oliver." my mum said, returning the gentle shake with a smile.

"I'm Molly, and this is Arthur," she said, pointing to a kind looking man who I presumed was Fred's father.

"—and this is Ginny, Ron, Fred and George, and Bill," she continued, pointing to each as she went, my parents shaking their hands. "Percy and Charlie would be here, but they were busy unfortunately. A lot of names to remember, I know—Oh! And Harry and Hermione, though they aren't mine."

"I don't believe we've met, I'm Lola." I said, sticking my hand out for Bill.

He smiled, and returned the handshake. "I'm Bill, Fred's told me tons about you—actually, they've all told me tons about you. It sort of feels like I already know you." He joked, and I laughed.

"Well good, I'm not the best with introductions anyway." I said, and we both laughed.

After my family properly introduced themselves, we all sat at the table and made small talk while my mum and Molly made finishing touches to the dinner. Once they finished, I sat in between Fred and my mum, who sat next to my dad, who sat next to Arthur. We all immediately hit it off, thankfully.

Both my dad and Arther in particular got on really well, as Arthur liked hearing about muggle things, and my dad liked talking about them. Every so often, I'd hear Arthur murmur "How fascinating," in between things my dad would say. I kept quiet mainly, allowing my family to get to know theirs without my interference unless I was needed or felt it necessary to comment on something.

"So, Lola, any plans for after Hogwarts?" Bill asked as everyone else chatted away.

I pondered for a moment. "Wow, never really thought of that before. No, I guess I don't really."

"Well, I mean more like planning on staying here or going back to London? Like when you really settle down?" He asked, taking a sip of his water.

"Oh, God, that honestly might be a heavier question," I said, feeling Fred's gaze on me as he waited for my answer. "I guess it really all depends, I was hoping I could switch between them for the rest of my life to be completely honest with you. I mean, I think I'd want to live here permanently for at least a little while, after school ends. Or, maybe go back after school ends and then come here later to settle down. So, I guess to answer your question... yes." I said, and we both laughed.

Soon enough dinner finished, but our families were still mingling as it grew darker. I sat on the couch, listening to all the different types of conversations everyone was having around me, including George telling Ziggy all about the cool pranks him and Fred had cooked up, along with their joke shop idea, which Ziggy took plenty of interest in.

"Tired?" Fred asked, sneaking up from behind me to wrap his arms around my neck.

I jumped slightly. "Not yet, why? Do I look?"

He shrugged. "No, but you've been awfully quiet. Wanna come outside with me?"

I stood up and followed him, hand in hand as he took me to a little pond in his backyard, 'backyard' meaning the area of land that went as far as the eye can see, because the Burrow was the only house for miles.

"You've got such a lovely family, Fred," I said, taking a seat beside him on the grass. "I wish my family was that big and loving. Not that my family isn't loving it's just, the more the merrier."

He laughed, pulling me into his side. "I suppose. It's pretty crazy around here most days."

"Oh, don't act like it isn't you and George causing most of the chaos." I teased.

"Well, what do you expect? Us to not cause chaos? Thought you knew me better than that, Lola," he said, pretending to act hurt which made me roll my eyes playfully. "How do you like Bill?"

"Oh, he's really great. Subtly funny, too. He's honestly a lot like you and George except, more handsome and mature." I joked.

"Woah, okay I could understand mature but, more handsome? I don't think so."

I laughed. "You know I'm only joking, I think you're the handsome-est git ever!"

He rolled his eyes. "You're lucky you're actually the most beautiful and best girl ever, otherwise I might really be furious."

A blush creeped onto my face as I puckered my lips, letting him know I wanted a kiss, which he happily obliged to.

I sighed, resting my head on his chest. "I'm not sure what I'd do without you, Fred."

"Believe me when I say that I don't either."

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