Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up bright and early the next day, ready to take on the long weekend ahead of me. I sent Apollo to get a letter to Professor Lupin before I arrived about my situation. I decided if I was going to tell someone it was going to be him, but I made sure he knew to keep it hush. I needed his help because I wasn't really sure where or how to get the rest of my supplies, like my wand.

I bid farewell to my parents as I boarded the train for yet another long, boring trip. Luckily, this time the train was leaving at six in the morning, so I'd have more day time when I got there to to figure things out.

After the exhaustingly-boring second nine hour train ride within 24 hours of my last one, I sluggishly made my way off the train and into the platform, where I was greeted with none other than Professor Lupin.

"Oh, thank god you got my letter. I wasn't sure I did it right," I said, and he reached out to take one of my bags. "Thank you."

"It's going to be a bit tricky keeping you away from everyone, especially it being the weekend. So, I'll take your bags with me to my room, and I want you to head off to Hogsmeade. When you get there, go to the Leaky Cauldron and that's where I'll meet you. Okay?" I nodded in understanding, and we parted ways.

The walk was peaceful, and not too long. Though, I wished I had my phone to listen to music of some sort to help me de-stress. Regardless, I got to the Leaky Cauldron and had a seat, deciding to have a bit of food before Lupin came.

I finished up quickly, rather famished as I hadn't eaten all day, yet it was just in time as Professor Lupin walked through the door. I left my plate at my table and payed, then followed him to the back.

He pushed on one of the bricks, and to my amazement, the brick wall opened and Diagon Alley was revealed.

"I don't think I'll go a single day here without seeing something even more mind blowing than the day before." I said, still in shock, earning a small laugh from Lupin as he guided me through the unfamiliar alley.

It didn't take very long for me to get all of my necessities as Professor Lupin knew exactly what he was doing. My wand was Hawthorn wood with a Phoenix feather core, 11" and surprisingly swishy flexibility, and to my amazement, it had chosen me. I felt very special to say the least.

Once we finished up, he took me back to his quarter where he told me I could stay for the night, and that the next morning they'd have a type of inauguration for me. His explanation of it made me super nervous, he said he would take me to the Chamber of Reception where I'd wait for Professor McGonagall, and she would then take me through the Great Hall, in front of everyone might I add, where I'd then be sorted into my house.

I slept poorly to say the least.

The next morning, I woke up even earlier than the day before, and quickly showered, feeling a bit wrong to be using Professor Lupin's shower, but I had to work with what I had.

Once I was finished, I dried myself off and pulled on a white collared dress shirt, then tied my tie around my neck, and pulled my grey sweater on over that. I then slipped on my black pleated skirt, below the knee black socks, and put on my leather Mary Janes. After I finished making my hair presentable, I slipped my black robe over my shoulders and met Lupin outside of his room, trying to conceal how nervous I was. We didn't really talk much as he showed me where to go, the only things he really said was telling me what to do, which wasn't much.

Professor McGonagall met me with a smile as we listened to Dumbledore introduce me, he hadn't said my name yet, just that I was a new student and the rarity of this situation.

"I know most of you have already met her, but I am pleased to announce the official enrollment of Miss Lola Lockins." We heard him say, and McGonagall opened the doors and we began to walk past everyone.

I felt my face become red as all eyes landed on me, and whispers were heard from every direction. I didn't even have time to look for anyone in particular, not even Fred. My mind was so clouded with how everyone was looking at me, I couldn't think about anything else. I felt my heart rate begin to speed up, a panic attack well underway, but I thought of things that helped calm me down just a little.

I stood at the front and McGonagall explained everything to me, and how the hat was going to sort me into a house, and I prayed to god that it would be Gryffindor.

I sat on the stool, looking out at the give or take 300 students looking back at me, making me nearly pass out as the Sorting Hat was placed on my head. My eyes scanned the crowd for Fred, and they eventually landed on him and he had the widest, happiest smile on his face, which I returned. I was so focused on him that I didn't even hear what the hat was saying, until it yelled Gryffindor! I smiled even wider and quickly made my way to sit beside Fred at the end of the long table.

I was immediately bombarded with questions, and as overwhelmed as I was, I couldn't hold back the huge toothy smile on my face.

"Guys!" I yelled, laughing. "You didn't really think I'd leave you all behind, did you? How low of me you must think!"

"I just, agh! I can't believe you're here!" Fred said, wrapping his arms around me, and although I couldn't breathe, I held him back just as tight.

"How'd you even manage? That train 100% left with you in it." Hermione said.

"I did leave, I needed to get all of my things from home. Professor Lupin was the only one who knew, because I needed a place to sleep last night and I didn't want you guys to know yet." I said, rubbing my hand against Fred's back.

They all nodded in understanding. "Well, you're here now, and for a while that is. I can't believe you're staying and you're a Gryff. This really couldn't be more perfect, a little too good to be true, honestly." Fred said gently.

I smiled at him, about to speak up until Hermione asked me about my schedule, so I brought out the slip Professor Dumbledore had given me with my official class list on it.

"We have Potions together, oh thank Merlin. That class is a drag." George said, taking a peek at the paper everyone was now trying to get ahold of.

"And we have Defense Against the Dark Arts together! You, me, Harry, Ron. Are you sure you should have this on here? It's a third year class." Hermione said, still examining it.

"Oh, yeah. Professor Lupin swung that for me, he said it would be a good idea to take it. I think Dumbledore gave me a few first year classes too, I mean it definitely makes sense. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing," I said, a little unsettled at the thought of going into this so blind. "Do we have any classes, Fred?"

He looked over the sheet briefly, and sighed. "No, we don't. Okay guys, I call seeing her all afternoon."

"What? Not fair, Lola and I definitely are going to need afternoons for going to the library, just like we did all last week. We'll use that same system. Besides, she'll probably need me to help her with studying." Hermione argued.

"Huh? Hermione, she's literally my girlfriend—no, not even that, she's literally my soulmate. I think that old 'system' from when she wasn't even taking classes is a little outdated, don't you think? I have zero, zip classes with her now."

"Huh?" She mocked. "I'm finally not the only girl in this group, can I not hang out with her alone?"

Ron shot me a pleading look before Fred was about to say something to make matters even worse, so I cut him off before he could continue. "Woah, woah, guys! It's only my first day, let me just settle in for God's sake. We can all hang out as a group after classes finish, or whatever happens, happens. It doesn't need to have a set schedule, you guys are so childish," I joked, laughing slightly. "Though I'm flattered you guys want to hang out with me, I'm a little scared you guys might get sick of me, to be honest. What, with not knowing how to do anything, that's a bit of baggage. Not sure I'll even have time to hangout with all the studying I need to catch up on."

Hermione and Fred started talking at the same time, resulting in yet another argument. Ron, Harry, and I all looked at each other before slowly starting to eat our breakfast, avoiding any and all altercations with the two.

Soulmate; Fred Weasley AUWhere stories live. Discover now