Chapter Nineteen

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Fred and I woke up that next morning in the comfort of each other's arms, though my neck felt slightly strained from the lack of space in the already tiny bed.

"Fred, wake up. We've got Hogsmeade today." He said, gently shaking him.

"Mmm," he mumbled. "Five more minutes?"

I let out a low chuckle, before placing a soft kiss on his lips, which he reacted to. "Nope, you've got to wake up now."

I stood, and grabbed his arms to drag him up and out of bed. "Okay, okay. I'm up." He said, his morning voice very prominent, as he rubbed his eyes adjusting to the lighted room.

"You need to get ready, we've got breakfast then Hogsmeade, and you have to head back to your dorm in order to get ready. I covered your pajamas but, I don't have any casual clothes for you," I joked. "You should probably change back into your uniform though, don't want any suspicion to be raised at breakfast, I'll meet you there."

I went into the bathroom to quickly use the toilet, then I brushed my teeth. I'd showered the night before, so I walked out of my bathroom into the now empty dorm room, and put on my grey sweater and pleaded skirt, along with my socks and Mary Janes, and headed down to breakfast.

Fred hadn't arrived yet, so I sat by George and Harry.

"So... noticed Fred wasn't in his dorm last night." George said nonchalantly.

I felt my face turn a bright red, and I shoved George as Harry let out a laugh. "Nothing happened."

"Yeah, sure. Never heard of nothing happening with Fred and girls he dates," he laughed. "Not that Fred has dated a ton of girls or anything."

I rolled my eyes. "Please I really don't want to think about that before my brain has even registered that I'm awake."

He laughed and him and Harry started talking about something but I tuned them out as I slowly ate my breakfast and woke up. Eventually, Fred joined us and sat beside me, only for the teasing from George and Harry to start back up again.

Once breakfast finished, I headed back to my dorm to change for Hogsmeade. I put on my white button up ribbed top with a fitted black and white checkered skirt in a solemn manner, along with a mini button up lavender cardigan, and my ruffled white socks and Mary Janes. I took one last look at myself in the mirror after combing through my hair and pinning it half-up half-down, and headed out to meet Fred.

"Wow you look," Fred said, taking in my outfit. "Absolutely amazing."

I blushed, "Oh, knock it off."

"What? You do. Give me a spin." He said, and I slowly did a twirl for him and we started laughing, then interlaced our fingers as we headed to the village.

We went over a hill to get to Hogsmeade, making general small talk because we were in a rather large group of people, so there was really no room to talk about personal things.

We first headed into the Three Broomsticks and sat down, ordering two Butterbeers before ordering food as both of us had recently eaten before leaving.

"So, got any exciting summer plans?" He asked, taking a sip.

"Um, not really, though seeing my family and old friends is exciting enough for me." I said with a smile.

He nodded. "Well, then I guess you coming to the Burrow is off the table?"

I nearly spit out my drink. "You'd actually want me to come? For an entire summer?"

"Well, yeah..." he said matter of factly. "Why wouldn't I? Plus, Harry and Hermione normally come, for at least a short while, so I figured I'd ask you. Is it too much?"

I shook my head. "No, no. I'd love to Fred, seriously. And I'm sure I will, I've got to work out a few things with my parents beforehand is all. Maybe you and your family could come to mine for dinner, sometime?"

He nodded. "I bet my mum would be over the moon about that. You come to ours, and then we'll come to yours. I can finally meet Georgia!"

I smiled at his playfulness, wishing it could've stayed just the two of us in that small tavern forever.

"You know I love you Fred, right?" I asked, though it was more of a rhetorical question because I told him everyday and we both knew it.

"Only if you know that I love you, Lola," He replied, setting his hand on mine. "By the way, you look absolutely divine, I just had to say it again."

A blush creeped onto my face. "Oh, says you. I look like a hot mess compared to you."

He rolled his eyes. "You? Well then that makes me an eyesore, if that's what you look like."

We both laughed, "So, where to next?" I asked.



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