Chapter Seven

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My alarm blared, I woke up with a ring in my ears and an overwhelming headache, unfortunately all on Christmas Day.

"Geo? You up?" I asked, shaking her slightly.

She groaned. "I am now."

"It's Christmas, Geo. I feel so nauseous. My mum's gonna kill me for sure, I don't know if I can do any family activities outside of just sitting by the fireplace." I said, placing pressure against my forehead to try and levitate some of the ache.

"I'm sure they'll understand, we can just say we have a stomach bug which... isn't really a lie." She said, standing up painfully slowly, making her way to the bathroom.

"Lo? Geo? Are you guys awake? We're opening presents!" My little brother, Ziggy, called from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, we're up. Be out in a minute." I yelled back, sitting up and rubbing my head, grabbing a pain relief from my bag along with a bottle of water I had on my nightstand to wash it down.

I met Georgia out in the kitchen to get some coffee, then to the living room where everyone sat already sorting the presents.

"Geo, these are yours... Lola these are yours." Georgia's brother, Wyatt, said, sliding the humble piles in our directions.

I got a new journal and a wax seal stamp from Georgia's family, a pair of shoes I'd been wanting, a few pieces of clothing, and a new phone case from my parents along with tiny gifts like candles and socks, and Georgia and I agreed to give each other our presents later.

After opening all of the gifts and thanking everyone along with plenty of hugs, we decided to skip out on the family ski trip, so that we could take a nap, explaining that we weren't feeling too good and that it must've been something in our hot chocolate last night.

I told Georgia I'd meet her in the room after I went out to the back porch to bring in my wet clothes I'd left out from our snow shenanigans the night before.

I had rested them on one of the chairs, and to my surprise, a gift that was well wrapped laid there with my clothes folded nicely to the side of it. I examined it closer, and read my name written in an all too familiar handwriting on the tag that laid on top.

I smiled with joy, the thought of how he got it here not even crossing my mind, and quickly went inside to the bathroom so I could open it in private.

I locked the door behind me and placed it on the counter, it was wrapped in a brown wrapping paper, along with Christmas trees cut out and stuck to the sides of the box, and string tied in a bow. I smiled as I pulled the string off, and opened the top of the box.

Inside of it was the gift itself wrapped in red tissue paper, so I still didn't know what it was, and a card laid nicely on top with my name on it.

I opened the card first, hoping it wouldn't spoil the surprise.

Dearest Lola,
Happy Christmas, darling! I hope today treats/treated you and your family well depending on when you find this. I was going to wait for you to return home, but after talking with you yesterday, I just couldn't bare to wait. Please write me as soon as you open this, I miss your long letters and writing already. Oh, and your gift was so lovely. I haven't stopped burning this candle since I received it, it reminds me so much of you and I can't thank you enough for that. I do hope you enjoy your gifts, and your Christmas Day.
I wish I could see your face as you open it.
I wish I was there with you.
Sending you all of my love, my dear.
See you soon,

A tear slipped out of my eye as I set the note down, taking in every word he wrote. Standing for a minute or two, I began to open the rest of the gift, carefully, when I recovered.

I unfolded the tissue paper, and what looked to be some sort of sweater, and I flipped it over and it had a great big capital 'L' on the front. It was a lavender color, and it smelled like home. Tears brimmed in my eyes again as I read a small note that said 'Handmade from Mrs. Weasley' which made it ten times more special to me. I pulled it out completely, and heard something drop out of it and onto the floor.

I reached down to pick it up, and it was a necklace with an F charm on it, and my birthstone in the left top corner of the F.

I was so overwhelmed with joy I nearly fainted, I immediately put the necklace on, then tore my shirt off and tugged on the sweater. It was oversized in the most perfectly comfortable way, and I planned on never taking it off for as long as I lived.

Tears streamed down my face as I walked out of the bathroom, hugging myself and finding comfort in the sweater wrapped around me.

"Lola? Are you okay?" Georgia asked, sitting up slightly as she heard me whimper.

"L-Look at what he did for me. I can't Geo. I can't go another day without him. It hurts so much." I cried, breaking down right in front of her.

She immediately got up and came over to comfort me, wrapping arms around my body and rocking me as I wept. "It's okay, Lo. You're going to see him soon, just like he said. I know you trust him, and I know he would never lie to you. It's probably sooner than you think. You're okay," she said softly, stroking my hair. "Why don't you write him? Right now. Tell him you can't wait anymore, he should know how you feel."

"Yeah... yeah I will." I said, slowly standing up and wiping the tears from my face. "Thanks Geo."

I embraced her in a hug and sat at the desk on the opposite side of the room, gently ripping out a piece of paper from the journal I'd just received, along with the wax seal stamp and placed them both in front of me before I began to write.

My Fred,
Hi Fred, I am so overwhelmed with love and joy, please tell your mum I say thank you. I am so so so grateful, it fits more than perfectly. It feels like home. It's the best gift I've ever received, I really cannot thank you enough. And the necklace... Fred, I seriously cried like a baby. Now, I'll always have a piece of you with me. But that's nothing compared to what it will be like to actually see you. I seriously don't think I can wait even another day. How did you even find me? I can't wait to hear you explain all of that to me, in your real voice. God, I keep saying I miss you, how is it even possible to miss you so much? Is that even the right phrase I should be using? I long for you so much that it hurts, it genuinely is physically painful. Please, can we meet sooner? Is there any way? It can be a secret, I won't even tell Georgia if you really don't want me to. I just need to see your face, even if it's brief.
I hope we're on even somewhat of the same page.
I'll be embarrassed if we aren't.
With love,

I folded it three uneven times so that it would fold like an envelope, and so I could seal it shut because I didn't actually bring any envelopes with me. I set it outside and placed my note right where he'd left my gift, and went to finish my nap.

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