Chapter Three

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For months, Fred and I wrote back and fourth every weekend, that's when he said he was available to come pick up my letters because he said his dad was getting upset with him for leaving nearly everyday with his car.

He told me about how beautiful I looked when I slept through my window, and how every time he came he had the fight the temptation of just opening the window and to wake me, or to hold me, and that he dreamed about me. I always asked him why he couldn't just do it, but he slammed me with multiple reasons that I simply couldn't argue with. He even said that he was shocked I didn't wake up when he arrived each night, claiming that he wasn't really the best driver, and I told him one of these days I'd catch him, and he told me that if I ever did, he'd promise to come inside even if it was just for a moment. Some days, I would stay up awfully late just to see him, but he always seemed to find a way around me. I even questioned him on if he was magic or something.

I finally asked him if he could give me a time on how soon we could meet, and he just simply said 'Soon.' Which frustrated me, yes, but also the anticipation just made me more and more excited with each passing day. Who really knows what soon means, could be hours, could be months depending on how you look at it.

He was constantly on my mind, and if he wasn't, well he was sure to return within the hour. Because of this, I wasn't really focusing on my school work, which was resulting in not the best grades at the moment, so I took it upon myself to head to a local coffee shop where I could study, near Godric's Hollow, which was a rundown village rarely anyone ever passed through, but I had to in order to get where I wanted.

I stepped into the cafe and headed towards the short line of people to order. After I told them what I wanted, I made my way to one of the open tables and waited for them to call out my name, but on my way I bumped into someone, cursing myself for my clumsiness as I watched them spill their drink, especially because I was literally looking straight ahead, and could've avoided it if I wasn't so deep in thought.

"Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Let me buy you a new one, seriously please. I should've been paying attention." I rushed out, immediately helping him clean up the mess.

He let out a light laugh. "It's alright, darling. It's fine, really. Are you okay?" He asked, and my eyes looked up to meet his, he looked to be around my age, and had the most captivating brown eyes I'd ever seen in my life, I could've sworn I recognized those eyes.

"I- yeah, I'm alright. Sorry, do I know you? You seem... so familiar," I asked, squinting, trying to remember where I knew him from. "What's your name?"

His facial expression became flustered, and his cheeks turned pink. "No, I don't believe I know you. I'm F-Arthur. Yeah, but I get that a lot. Familiar looking face, I suppose."

I smiled, and let out a tiny giggle. "Well, Arthur, please let me pay for your coffee. I'm begging."

"Miss, it really-"

"—Lola, my name's Lola."

"—Lola, it really wasn't your fault. Don't feel bad about it, I should've been looking where I was going, too."

"What if we split it? I'll give you £2, it's really the least I can do. Deal?" I asked, bringing my hand up for him to shake.

"Deal." He said, shaking my hand with a wide, fond smile on his face, and I handed him my money.

"You're more than welcome to sit with me for a little, if you'd like?" I asked, which was completely out of character for me, but for some reason I felt drawn to him, and I just wanted a few more moments.

He seemed a little hesitant, but still said, "I'd love to, yeah."

I went and sat down while he bought his coffee, and I brought out all of my papers and my binder that I needed to work on onto the table, neatly placing them in front of me.

I started searching through one of my folders for an assignment from a few days ago, when I landed on the first ever letter Fred ever sent me, and I smiled and it fondly, gently rubbing my thumb over the wax stamp.

"Sending a letter out?" I heard Arthur ask, as he sat down across from me.

"Oh, no... my soulmate sent me this, it's actually the first letter he ever sent me, I'm not really sure how it got in here." I blushed, sliding it back into my folder.

He smiled, but then nodded. "Oh really? I just started talking to my soulmate too, fairly recently. She finally turned 17 a couple months ago." He said, fonding over the memory.

"Aw, really? I did too! What's she like, if I may ask?" I asked, suddenly intrigued in this practically stranger's love life.

"Oh, she's wicked. Really funny, too," He gushed, playing with a ring he had on his finger. "I could go on about her all day, I think, so I'll stop myself there."

I laughed, and I found a ton of comfort in his words. "Well, she's really lucky to have you. I'm sure she feels the exact same way. Have you met her?"

He nodded, slowly, as if he wasn't sure. "Yeah... a few times, briefly."

"Oh, good for you," I said, offering him a kind smile. "My soulmate won't let me see him yet, it's honestly pretty hard, not being able to see him and all, he's so secretive. He tells me that one day I'll be able to understand, I don't know, sometimes I think maybe he just doesn't want to actually meet me. I know that probably isn't true, but I can't really help myself from feeling that way, you know?—Jeez, sorry. I didn't mean to vent to you."

A look of pain washed over his eyes as I finished, "No, no, don't feel bad. But, I absolutely promise you he wants to meet you, if there are things he can't tell you at the moment, just trust him. You'll figure everything out sooner or later. He isn't your soulmate for no reason, you know. You guys... fit—like two halves of a whole." He spoke softly.

I smiled really wide. "Thank you so much, I really needed to hear that. You know, I feel really... connected to you? For some odd reason, I feel like we were meant to have this conversation. You just seem so familiar." I said, taking in every detail of his face.

"Yeah, I think so too," he said, giving me a soft smile. "I'd better be off, I'm sure I'll see you around here soon."

"Take care, Arthur. Really, you should write to your soulmate if you haven't yet. It's the best idea I've ever heard, it helps, you know... on the lonely days." I said.

He nodded. "Take care, Lola."

He walked off, and I noticed he forgot his ring, he must've accidentally taken it off while he was fidgeting with it.

"Wait!" I called, running out of the cafe. "You forgot your ring!" But he was gone, almost as if he had vanished.

I walked back inside and looked at the ring, which had something engraved on it.


Soulmate; Fred Weasley AUWhere stories live. Discover now