Chapter Six

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The past couple of days at the cabin had been an absolute dream. While our families went skiing, which was something me and Georgia would never do in a million years, we would go hot tubing and completely relax in the devine luxury of being alone in paradise. The cabin wasn't huge or anything, but being away from the family almost everyday with an endless supply of food and fun things to do on our own—it was definitely the closest thing we got to paradise at the moment.

"God, Christmas tomorrow already? Did you and Fred get each other gifts?" Georgia asked, putting a packet of popcorn in the microwave.

"Before we left, I made him a candle, and when it melts there's a necklace in there with a heart locket that opens to a picture of my face. A little bit cheesy I know, but I hope he likes it. I left it on my windowsill, hopefully no birds took it," I explained, a small laugh leaving my mouth as I turned on the stove to make hot chocolate. "What about you?"

"Woah, are we just going to skip over what you just said? That is literally the cutest thing I've ever heard! Cheesy, but in literally the best possible way. He's going to absolutely love it, and if he doesn't, well then he's gonna love this foot up his—"

"—Okay! Thank you, for your input Gia. But really I hope he likes it too, it was kind of a pain in the ass to make, also. I just wish I could see him," I sighed. "Anyway, enough of my sob story. Really, what are you getting Hazel?"

"I got her a pair of earrings she'd been talking about, and this... promise ring, we're finally planning to meet on New Years." She said, smiling at the thought.

"A promise ring? And New Years!? I didn't know it was that serious already!" I shrieked, shoving her ever so slightly for not telling me. "I'm so happy for you!"

She laughed. "I know, I know. It's a little soon, but, ugh—we just have this connection. I know we're literally soulmates but, I just feel like I've known her for years. It felt like I'd be making a mistake if I didn't move this quickly."

"Well, I think this calls for a celebration, what do you think?" I asked, reaching into my bag to grab out a bottle of cheap vodka I'd gotten from one of my coworkers as a birthday gift a few months back.

"I think this is the best idea you've had since we got here."

Once we finished up, we poured the hot chocolate into two mugs, topping it with the vodka of course, and poured the rest of it into a thermos, then we headed back into our room with both bottles and the popcorn just incase our parents came home early.

A little over an hour had gone by and we were both already on our asses; being lightweights on top of finishing off half a bottle each, of course we were.

"Ughh... I just, want to meet him. You know? Do you think he hates me? Oh god he hates me doesn't he?" I whined, not being able to stop talking about Fred.

"Girl! No! He doesn't hate you girl, I promise. You're literally his soulmate, he has to like you. He wouldn't be your soulmate if he didn't, right?" She reassured, empathetically petting my hair so I wouldn't drunkenly breakdown.

"I just wish he could've at least given me his number. Like, why can't I have it?" I groaned. "I think I'm gonna be sick—nevermind."

"He probably really doesn't have a phone, like he said. Maybe you should ask him now. Or I don't know, like say something right now. Anything. Do it!" She encouraged, passing me a pen from off the floor.

Hey r u up say yes

"Oh god my handwriting is so sloppy... he can't read this. I used an R instead of writing out 'are' I'm literally so embarrassed." I mumbled, cupping my face in my hands.

"Shut up! Just see what he says."

I looked down and he had already replied, just a simple 'Yes what's up?'

I rolled up my sleeve so I could write on my forearm.

I really like u. Like really really like u. Like don't take this the wrong way but I think about u everyday

"Oh god, Geo! Why didn't you stop me I just told him I liked him!" I cried, immediately rubbing it off my arm. "Do you think he saw?!"

"I didn't know what you were doing! Don't blame me!" She yelled back, panic erupting all around us.

Plz tell me u didn't see that

See what?

Oh thank god
How are u? We should talk here more often

:) I'm great, Christmas tomorrow! You excited?

Of course I'm excited
I got u a gift

Really!? You didn't have to... but I got you a gift too
I didn't realize we were going to be spoiling it

Oh god I'm sorry I didn't think

I'm joking with you. I'm glad you told me
Now I've got more things to be excited about

I wish I could see u 4 Christmas
Or even New Years

We'll see, okay?

Don't mess with me like that F

I'm not! I said we'll see

U know I'm just gna get my hopes up

Then that makes 2 of us my dear

I miss U
Does that even make Sense.

It does. And I miss you too

Im so tired of talking to u like this
I want to see u
And give u kisses
Wait no
Unless u want...

I know I'msick of it too
I want to see you too (and your kisses)
Soon, okay?


I promise.

Soulmate; Fred Weasley AUWhere stories live. Discover now