Chapter Twelve

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After I'd finished puking up literally everything in my stomach, we headed to the grand hall which was packed to the brim with kids of all different looks to them, and I mentally cursed myself for how awkward I knew I was going to be.

"Okay, Lola, this is George, the slightly less-better twin." Fred teased, and I looked down to greet someone who resembled Fred almost exactly, except the way George looked at me was different, and I knew that's how I'd tell them apart.

"So you're Miss Lola Lockins, the girl Fred won't ever shut up about. It's really nice to meet you, sorry your soulmate is this git." He said, offering me a handshake which I gently accepted as I sat down in between him and Fred.

I laughed. "It's really nice to finally meet you as well, Fred's told me tons about you."

George eyed Fred quickly. "All good things, I'm sure?"

I was about to say yes actually, but Fred intervened. "Anyways, this here is Hermione, single-handedly probably the smartest person I know. I reckon you'll get on with her quite well."

I looked across from me to see a girl with big hair, and a very beautiful face. "Hi, I'm Lola. It's really nice to meet you." I said, offering her a warm smile.

"I'm Hermione Granger, it's a pleasure," She said, returning the smile. "It'll be nice to have another girl around here."

I smiled, feeling quite bad for her being surrounded by all these rowdy boys all the time, must be a bit draining.

He introduced me to the rest of their inner circle, Harry, Ron, and Ginny. It was quite cool the system they had here, it was like a family. Though most of them were actual family, Hermione and Harry fit with them so well, I almost felt bad joining in so awkwardly.

I joined in on conversation when it felt appropriate, or when asked something, but other than that I mainly kept to myself, not wanting to overbear any conversations when it was only my first day.

"Pst, pst," I heard someone murmur from a table behind us. "Lola, is that you?"

I turned around to see a lanky boy with blonde hair, and a smug look on his face.

"Yeah, that's me." I said, smiling softly though I was rather uncomfortable.

"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. Are you really spending your time around these tossers? Not even your first day and you're choosing the wrong crowd, just like Potter over there. You don't really want to end up like him, do you?" He asked, and I looked over at Fred who looked like he was going to intervene, but I beat him.

"You know, I've heard about you Draco. I think I'd rather hang around these tossers than a low-life like you, who projects his insecurities onto others in order to feel big. How about you pick on someone your own size? Say, Scabbers over there?" I said, pointing towards Ron's rat. "These guys might put up with you, and let you get away with despicable things, but I won't tolerate it. Have a good day, Mr. Malfoy." 

Draco looked absolutely appalled, and rather speechless, "My father will hear about this!" He yelled, standing up abruptly and storming off.

I laughed slightly to myself and turned back around, only to see every pair of eyes on me, which made my cheeks heat up. "Sorry, he just-"

"Bloody hell! I cannot believe you just did that!" Ron cried, beginning to literally applaud me, everyone else joining in on the clapping. "I've been wanting to say something like that to him for ages! Finally, someone put him in his place. I could definitely get used to you hanging around here, Lola."

Soulmate; Fred Weasley AUWhere stories live. Discover now