Ch 26

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They finally arrived to the kitchen, Akaashis mom looked up and smiled. The boys sat down facing each other. The younger of the boys picked up his chopsticks and looked at the white noodles neatly placed on a big plate in the middle of the table. He picked up a few the noodles with his chopsticks. He was debating on whether he should dip them in the sauce or just eat them plain.

A wave of anxiety went through his body, as he heard the raspy demonic voice in the back of his head. " don't you dare dip them i the sauce, its just extra calories" it screamed. Akaashi looked down at his chopsticks, his vision blurred as tears started forming in his eyes.

-Akaashi- bokuto said with a tone of worry in his voice. The ravenette looked up and tears started rolling down his face. Bokuto shot up from his chair and went to the other side of the table. Akaashis mother and bokuto made eye contact. She nodded and left the kitchen as a sigh escaped her mouth. Bokuto hugged Akaashi from the back and started rocking him back and forth.

-its, ok- he whispered and kept rocking the chair.

-just one bite, no more, ok?- the young boy nodded, he lifted his chopsticks to his moth and slurped the noodles. He just swallowed without chewing. He took a few more bites then put the chopsticks down. Panic rise inside his chest.

-good job- bokuto said about to pick Akaashi up, but he shot up and started sprinting to the bathroom, he felt sick. Bokuto caught up and took Akaashis hand.

-hey, hey, its ok, lets go to your room ok?- Akaashi looked back at bokuto, he was scared, he knew it was irrational, but he was scared. He was scared of what people would think of him, he was scared that he ate, he was scared that the scale would show a triple digit number.

Bokuto pulled Akaashi closer and picked him up. He carried him to his room. Akaashi didn't even try resisting, he instead just wrapped his arms around his neck, silently sobbing. Bokuto sat down on the bed and started rocking Akaashi back and forth. The ravenette could feel the sleep creeping up on him, after a few minutes he was already fast asleep. Bokuto carefully put him down and wrapped him in blankets.

The owl heard a slight knock on the door.

-how is he?- his mother said from the doorway.


-how did it go?-

-he ate a little-

-that's good, that's good- she mumbled and smiled at Bokuto

-thank you- she aid as tears started forming in her eyes, Bokuto walked forward and hugged the little women without hesitation. She started sobbing, just standing there. Just thinking about how hard it must have been for her made his heart ache. She sighed hand pushed away.

-ok- she said and patted bokuto on the shoulder, then she turned around and walked to her room.

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