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It was morning practice and as usual, Akaashi and Bokuto where the first to arrive. They walked in to the locker room to change. Bokuto pulled off his shirt forgetting about the big welts on his back.

-Bokutosan- Akaashi said with a calm voice.

-sit down on the bench- he demanded and pointed to an empty spot on the bench.

-huh, why?- Akaashi ignored him and walked outside. After a few moments he brought back the first aid kit. Bokuto was still confused. Akaashi placed it down on the bench and took disinfection tissues out of the green box. Bokuto felt a cold tissue on his back and flinched. Akaashi apologized and kept cleaning the split skin. Bokuto realized the situation and quickly apologized.

-you do not need to apologize, the person who did this should- Akaashi answered while placing a bandaid on his back.

-are you alright Bokutosan- the ravenette asked

-yeah- Bokuto said with his head between his knees,

-thank you-

-no worries, call me if it happens again- Akaashi said moving his hand in circular motions on Bokutos back. 

The gym doors opened and the rest of  Fukurodani gakuens volleyball team stormed in. They started stretching and soon got to spiking practice. They lined up at the 3 meter line waiting for Akaashis tosses. On the other side of the net Haruki was patiently waiting for a spike.

The first person in line threw the ball towards Akaashi, he tossed the ball perfectly. Bokuto was last in the row jumping up and down impatiently. A brown haired boy standing in front of Bokuto threw his ball.

Everything went back before Akaashi, he grabbed the net as he heard he ball fall to the ground. Akaashis eyesight came back, there where worried faces around the room.

-sorry, i spaced out for a minute, pass one more time- The boy got the ball back and threw it again, this time Akaashi got it. Now Bokuto stepped forward. He threw the ball waiting for it to land in Akaashis fingers, but it didn't. Instead Akaashi fell to the ground clenching his shirt. His chest hurt, it closed in on itself, making it impossible to breathe.

The black sluggish liquid was now filling his lungs slowly suffocating him, staining the inside of his lungs black, making him unable to breathe.

Drowning//bokuakaWhere stories live. Discover now