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|T H E M , U S|

"Wait w-what?", you clear your head and face him.

"I said, can I stay for tonight since I feel so lonely in my own house", he blankly uttered. His face is neutral. You nod at him and smile.

"No prob, I have big ass bed in my own room here or you can sleep on the floor if you're too picky", you teasingly chuckle as you get off his car. He softly let go of your wrist and he shouts a 'yes'. "Hey, stay quiet", you shush him and he just gave you a bright bunny smile.

You close the door and he also got off the car.

"I'll order food for us, since it's dinner time already", he offers. You walk leading to the side entrance, as some of the staffs bows and greet both of your. You knew some of them and was a friends of yours since you always stay on your dad's building than your own properties. You like seeing young trainees, and how hardworking they are.

"Your dad's staffs are all nice and respectful", he complimented as he just follows you behind to avoid any unnecessary photos if ever a bad eyed person came clicking their phone again.

"Some are, but I hope all of them are", you gave a little chuckle as you click your designated floor and have Jungkook clinging to you when the elevator closes. You arch both of brows on his sudden action.

He rest his chin on your shoulder and caress your arm with his tattooed one. "It feels really nice, having to be close to you now", he muttered.

You hummed as you relax with the closeness and skinship that you were having with him, "It's really nice having you by my side, Jk. Thank you", you uttered.

The elevator sound echoes the lift as it opens. You again lead the way to your room. Tension rises as your not so clear memories peak at its highest when you passed by Yoongi's guest studio in VME. You take a deep breathe as you don't want your heartbeat to fail you again. Jungkook didn't notice your behaviour as he was busy observing the magnificent interior of the building.

You shook your head and tried to clear your mind as you grab your keys. You slowly opens your usual zone, but something feels heavy. Your inner feelings feels heavy as you remember how that specific man possibly did to you in this very own room, in your very own bed. It may look clean and neat at the present, and it will always remain tinted by dark desires and unwanted happenings in the past.

You accepted it, it was clearly your fault, maybe you wanted him that night since you know to yourself how much admiration and desire you have for that man.

You again sighed and enters your room, you widely open the door for Jungkook. "Woah! You got a big ass room, Ms. Lee", he teased as he jokingly poke your side.

You laugh at his little gesture and closed the door. "Of course, I requested it to be big since I hate going home alone in my own house too", you muttered as you sit yourself in your queen-sized bed. You get your bag off your shoulder and put it on your side table.

He walk around your room, or more like a whole condominium and observe every details. He stops on your walk in closet and look at your eyes asking for permission to enter the room. You nods at him and follows him. His eyes widden as he saw how detailed the walk in entrance is, there is a shelf full of BTS albums, while on the other side is a shelf full of their solo stuffs. More on Yoongi's.

"You really are a fan", he muttered.

"Of course, I am. You also has a collection of mine so you really are also a fan", you both chuckle as you notice how cute he scruch his nose when he does.

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