33|drunken words|

78 10 1

|K N I V E S|

It was almost lunch time when your villa's poor opens, you've been locking yourself since your husband left you.

Another footsteps lead their way on your lunatic world, your mind has shut down from all your worries earlier but seeing the one who shows up in front of you right now---makes you hold your breath once again.


He definitely reek of alcohol.

This early.

Especially, this week of supposed to be your relaxing days.

"Ms. Lee", he sings out in his crazily drunk voice.

"Show me your fucking face!".

His harsh tone surrounds the area, having you all scared and startled while covering yourself with your pillow.

"W-Why?", you nervously answered. Already with you shaking hands and increase of your heart beat.

"Guess what?!", his voice sounded happy and excited yet his face shows the opposite. He looks different and terrifying, so far from how you used to see him. It may have been just his stage persona.

He slowly stand right in front of you, as his head hangs low while he is obviously smiling creepily. The only sound you can hear is the faint sound of his chuckle and the loud beat of you racing heart.

"We're fighting again, because of you bitch! Nayeon has been doubting me real good, so freaking good!", he dart his dark gaze on you as you nearvously stare at him back.

"But I never do anything, I always kept my distance, Yoon". Your voice came out low and with an obvious fear.

"Do not call me Yoon. You're never in my close friend list".

How harsh the world can be when the only person you wishes and you expects to accept you is the one that is whole heartedly hurting you.

"I know". You lower your head as your heads starts to feel confusing. Your vision is completely pivotting, but you are trying your all to control it.

"Can't you just divorce me, and accept the fucking money?", he steps towards your bed and sits beside you. You can feel how he points his finger right on your temple.

"Can't you understand that nobody wants you here?".

"Can't you, Ms. fucking Lee! Understand that I never needed you and this freaking unwanted and unborn child!".

Each words serves as his finest knife that continously stabbing your alreadi aching heart. Each point of his pale yet heavy finger, leaves a definite scar into you already messed up mind.

"I understand", your hands can't even move on its own to protect yourself or to stop him.

"Then, leave us alone! Leave me and Nayeon alone!". He uses both of his hand to grab your hair as he harshly shakes your head. Your shaking hands automatically tries to stop him, but all you can do is hold his strong gripping hands.

Tears are definitely flowing down you pale face.

"Yoongi, please", you pleaded as you silently cries. Your head is totally spinning, as your vision starts to you blurr. You just keep on controlling your head not to lose consciousness.

He stops as he rest his head on yours. Both of you were breathing heavily, as the sound of it surrounds the room.

"I never wanted to ruin any relationship". Those words just came out og your trembling lips. "I also never wanted to be treated like this", each line you tries to control your raging emotions.

"I never plan to get pregnant, Yoongi".

"Never in my mind, I think of setting you up in this mess that I, myself can't handle".

"Please", your gentle sobs comes out as you try to cover you face with you messy hair.

"Please, be good to me. If you can't accept me as your wife, can you please, respect me as a person".

"I'll le-leave". You slowly get up as you tries to breathe out your pain. You tries to walk straight as you grab your hand bag, making your way to the villa's door.

"Fucking stop there! Don't act so innocent and victim here, if not you being a slut yourself, I will never get you pregnant. Argh! Fuck! Fuck you stupid mind for keeping that child and making my life a mess!", his angered voice echoes in your mind.

Yes, you chose all of this but who can kill a child of your own? Even if it's unwanted or unexpected it will still be a part of especially you as the mother.

"I-I'm sorry, Yoongi. Ple-Please calm down", you slowly kneel down as you felt a sudden pain in your stomach. You quickly hold your little bump as you brows crumbles together in pain.

"What act are you doing now?! Huh?! Freaking pretending to feel pain while putting pain unto others! Raeya just stop! I fucking hate you!", his shouts again ring upon your ears. You heart has been stab multiple times just by his words.

You carefully get up and tries to walk straightway as you left him all alone with his tsunami of emotions.

Yoongi remains silent. He remains staring blankly as he sinks in all the things that happen.

You rush through the exit as you walk yourself out of that miserable place. You walk and walk. Cries and cry. Carefully holding you little bump, trying to ease the pain that you are feeling. Hoping that this much stress will not lead unto something that you wouldn't want.

Your hands were shaking as you stop in one of those quite and lonely park. You sat yourself under a healthy tree as you tries to find something inside your bag. Your syringe.

Luckily, you found one.

You carefully inject it to yourself as you tries to control and relax you breathing.

You grab your phone as you skip your first contact. You click the number of your doctor as you grunt from the pain that you're now feeling.

The ring has stopped and you hear the doctor's voice, "Hello, Ms. Min".

"Doc, I-I'm having painful cramps right now. I-I think I'm bleeding", your voice was shaking and is evident enough to make your doctor understand that you are under stress for the moment.

"Okay, I need you to calm down first, Mrs. Min", he guides you through your breathing. And added, "Go to the nearest hospital, and connect me to them. I know that you are under lots of stress right now so this may lead us into something we didn't want".

A/n: Happy Holidays everyone!

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