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|O N E   G R E A T   F A N|

"Hyung has a girlfriend. What are you doing here?", he whispered curiously as he helps you fix your things and clothes. Yoongi is on the first floor fixing his things on his closet.

"I-I'm pregnant and he's the father", you whispered back as you nervously face him.

"What the fuck!", he shockingly muttered but in low volume of his deep voice.

"It's a long story but can I trust you? In case I will not have a good term with him?", your voice sound so pleasing as he smiled and brush your hair.

"You can. Lend me your phone", he answered. He grab your phone and saves his phone number in case you needed his help.

The two of you just smiled with each other and continues your work. He opens up your small luggage and notice the black kit as he curiously opened it. "Woah! What the hell is this", his eyes widden as he witness over a hundred pieces of mall syringes that filled with some drug.

"Wow. Relax kook, that's not some illegal drugs or something. That's my maintenance", you let out a chuckle and throw him a clothe straight to his shock face. He was still holding your blocker kit.

"Maintenance?", his eyes were still amazed on how much this syringes will cost.

"I have heart abnormality so whenever I had my episodes or attacks. I take one. Also, I need to take one each day as possible. It slows down my heart", you briefly explained to him as he just listen and nod. "You should hide some with you. I think I'll be with you more than him since he said he's always busy", you jokingly spoke.

He chuckles, his beautiful bunny smile is much relaxing to see. "I will, in case you needed it when hyung left you with me", he uttered and secured at least five of your small syringes.

"Take this", you throw a small pouch to him and he easily get it and secure your blockers on his jacket's inside pocket.

"Where do I need to inject that, if ever?", out of curiosity he asks you more question and things to do when you had your episodes as if he'll be with you everytime. That's how Yujin sounded when he discovered my blockers. I think I found another Yujin to take care of me again.

You explained every single details to him and inform him about you and your situation. He was amaze on how you still survive having this yet still working very hard as you are a well-known model. He left you alone in your room as he got a call from his mom and was ordered to go home for some reason. You bid him good bye as you lost track on where Yoongi is. This house or more of a mansion is definitely bigger that your own house  around Seoul. Boredom kicks as as you where resting on your new comfortable bed for a few hours now. You grab your phone and check on something.

"Daughter, how are you?"

"Where are you?! Yujin told be you already left Paris. Update me"

There's a lot of message from your dad and from Yujin thus you read them one by one. You realized that you've been busy unpacking without even informing them that you arrived to Korea safely and on where you're going to say. You released a heavy sigh and fix you hair. You grab you maintenance pouch and put it in your small channel bag. Your car keys were on yours but your car is still left parked in VME so you decided to find Yoongi. You make your way to the stairs and knock on his mysterious room.

"Come in", he yelled. You slowly open the black door as a hard working Yoongi welcomed you. He was so focused on the monitor while his chin is resting on the plastic bottle in his front.

"Can I borrow your car? I need to go home at least, I'll also get my own car", you nervously asks as if you needed his whole damn permission before going out somewhere.

He glance up on you and arch his brows.

"Why? The doctor said you need rest. I'll just ask Jungkook to get it", he muttered gaving you his usual poker face. He truly speaks in pout.

"I don't need to fucking please you before I can even go somewhere. I was so bored in my room. Enjoy your work, I will just go on taxi", your voice sounds annoyed as you only earn a smirk from him.

He seem so annoyed on how you just spoke to him. The sound of your heels echoed through the hallway.

"Get your fucking self safe!", he shouted, peaking his head from his door---checking if you already leave.

"Yes bitch!", you shouted back while wearing your berret and a face mask. You again stomp your heels to annoy him and get your way out of his mansion. You are wearing a black high-waisted trouser and black and white chanel cardigan underneat a while celine shirt. Luckily your trouser still fits through your waist.  Your pregnancy is still hasn't showing up and a great opportunity to continue your work. You are not used to this place as you wait for some taxi to stop yet a bus did, you just unbotheringly get yourself in and click your card. Some of the passenger gasp as they recognize you just by looking at your posture. You take the seat near the exit and relax yourself. All you can hear is them whispering something about you, a great model taking the bus.

Some of them are secretly taking photos and videos. The two students on your back were gossiping about your issue with Yoongi. The driver noticed how uncomfortable you get so he sushed them. Therefore, one of the student passenger couldn't control his excitement.

"Ms. Raeya! Can I take a photo with you!", he excitingly uttered as he kneel in of your seat and you just nodded. He smiles as if he just won the lottery. You approach him and remove your mask, smiling in his camera. He took two photos and bows to thank you.

"Thank you so much! I-I just really like you. C-can you sign my photobook", he again requested. Other passenger where tapping him to stop but you smiles and speak.

"No problem. Do you have pen?", your sweet voice allured their ears as they all stop from talking behind your back. First ever signed photobook from you since the magazine release. Your dad wouldn't mind you're under his modeling entertainment nor the VME.

The boys smile in front of you make you smile too. His eyes were so geniune compare to some of the people who make eye contact from you in this bus. You signed one of your photobook from Elle that he collects and ask him to keep the photo privately. He agrees and respect your privacy.

After a few minutes the bus stops near your dad's building but was street away. You bows to those who greet you goodbye and smiles at them before taking off the bus. You also thanked the bus driver who really has a good heart, he do not allow anyone to sut beside you. You enjoy your walk heading to VME as you grab your phone and text your dad.

"On the way to VME", the text was short yet your dad recieves it quickly. He command two of his guard to welcome you as he is really worried.

"Find Yeonu and Jaein. I'm in my main office", he replied.

You enters from the side entrance to avoid any commotions and was really welcomed by two of his great employess whom you also know. You mind process something as you take steps near and become nearer to your dad's office.

Will he still pursue that contract?

Will he get mad at me being a dumb ass daugther? I'm his only daugther, he should be.

I'm getting nervous.

/A/n: How's the new version going?/

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