11|knows best|

92 11 3

|T H E    F A T H E R|

"What's the matter doc?", Yoongi curiously asks as he comfortably in front of the doctor.

"Is there any problem with you and Ms. Lee? This is a serious case, sir. A total suicide attempt. Two lives are in the edge of death earlier", the doctor seriously muttered as he fix his eye glass--- focusing his vision to the man in fronr of him.

"No. We just had a little misunderstanding doc. I'm sorry", he remarks still holding his gaze on the doctor who keeps on cheking the records and exchanging stares with him.

"I can see that you both are not married so all I can advice is for her to see a psychiatrist or psychologist just to check her mental state. Do you know that she's under medication called beta-blocker?", he asks not knowing that you and Yoongi has never known each other personally before.

"No doc, and to be precise, we never know each other before, we just had a night and resulted to this. I do not know anything about her except for her being a model. I think the man that's with her right now, knows best", the doctor got shock on what he had just heard so he cleared his throat.

"Okay sir. Thus I still need to advice you as you are the father. It is okay to take her home to your country after tomorrow but please do take care of her. She needs bed rest, she can have miscarriage any time soon that can also lead to heart arrest. She has heart disease. Her maintenance is only adviced to be taken one syringe a day or if needed. Be aware of her episodes if you're the one who'll be staying with her. I already called her doctor in Korea and inform him her condition. She'll be taking monthly check up after this", the doctor stops and hand Yoongi a paper.

He look confusely in the doctor's eyes. "That's an agreement to protect your identity and records in this hospital. It is only given to VIPs and high rank personalities", the doctor added.

"Thanks", Yoongi carefully reads what was stated on the paper and signed it.

Yoongi and the doctored finished their discussion and allowed Yoongi to take the with a copy of their agreement. He walk back to your room, slowly opening the door. He saw Yujin peacefully sitting beside your bed as you are already in deep slumber. He sits again in the couch in front of your bed and put the contract on his bag. Yujin noticed the envelope and asked him,

"What is that?", Yujin turn his eyes from the bag to Yoongi.

"Just the safety agreement with the hospital". Yoongi shortly answered as he lay himself, trying to take a rest.

"What did the doctor said? Do we need to buy anything?", the other concerned man asks. He is brushing his hands together still problemayic of the current situation.

"She can go home with me the day after tomorrow. Just need to buy vitamins and supplements for her pregnancy. That's all. I already paid the bill", He boringly answered. He covered his eyes with his arms and sighed. He's supposed to be working right now but here he is, already stuck in this situation.

"Well good to know. I don't like you but I will trust you with this one. Please take responsibilities of her and the baby. She's too weak and stubborn to handle this. Please Yoongi, take care of her. Uncle Lee was always busy since she used to be independent. He never knows about his daughter's condition", he sincerely uttered. His words were not just nothing but a deep sincere request from him to the man who capture Raeya's heart and attention. He always knew how much you love and admire Yoongi, even from their debut to their disbandment. Yujin was always there by your side but you were mostly focused on your idol, Suga.

"Don't trust me that much, I can't promise you anything but a temporary care. I can see that you deeply care for her, sorry for messing it up", the man laying on the couch seriously replied. His heart were moved on how caring this man is when it comes to you. He never new his bad habits can lead into this big mess.

Silence is the loudest scream and that's how both of them became quiet after Yoongi's words. They are both messed up and the only person they needed to think of right now is you, Raeya. As you are still in your peaceful sleep, Yoongi take a nap too. Yujin rest his back on the wall and tried to close his eyed and rest his stormed mind.

Almost an hour had passed and you already woke up by feeling your stomach grunting from not eating anything earlier. It was late at night and almost at morning. You shake Yujin trying to wake him up, after many attempt, he did woke up. He slowly stretch his back and face you.

He just hummed as a question and you hold his arm saying, "I'm so hungry Yu".

His eyes widen and he checks the clock. His nap turns into a deep sleep. You smiled at his reaction and pat him, "I want to walk, let me go with you". You offered. You lowered your voice trying not to wake Yoongi.

"No. Just stay here and I'll buy a food for three. I think he's hungry too", he smiled and caress your shoulder. "Take rest. I'll be back with healthy foods okay?", he added before leaving the two of you in the room.

He securely locked the door as he walk down the hall heading outside to find some restaurant.

You sighed as he left without bringing you with him. You don't know how long have you been sleeping here but you tries to suit yourself and fulfill your desires. You slowly remove the blanket and hold your IV stand, slowly pulling it. You can now stand and everything feels normal expect from something that you feel inside you. You feel like you're going to throw up. You slowly walk heading to the door but head ache suddenly kick in. You accidentaly groan and kneel down the floor beside Yoongi's couch. He noticed it as he was in a complicated nap because of his overthinking mind.

"Tsk. You really are a hardheaded lady Ms. Lee. Yujin just told you to rest yet you're trying to go out and escape", he boringly uttered still having his closed eyes covered with his pale arms.

You heard him clearly but you can't control it anymore. You tries to stand and vomit right in front of the door. He quickly get up and help you. "Damn. What happened?", he asked as he hold you on your waist and guide you to your bed. He grab his handkerchief from his back pocket and wipe your mouth.

"Be careful next time Rae", that was the first time again that you heard him say your first name.

"Don't worry it is just because of pregnancy, I guess. I really want to take a quick walk, Yoongi", you muttered giving him a pleasing look as he sit beside you on your bed.

"Wait. I can only take you outside if you're now feeling well. Do you still feel anything?", he concernly asks as you can also see it in his beautiful eyes. His touch were light as he checks your temperature and also taking a feel of your heartbeat.

"I'm all fine, Yoongi. I just wanted to walk", you repeated your request.

He just sighed and nodded, "Okay. Let me just call someone to clean this and I'll come back to walk you, okay?". His tone seems unusual, he always sounded cold but he sounds so caring right now.

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