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|Y O O N G I|

"Kook", you uttered as you tap his shoulder. He was at the corner of the cafeteria. You also smiles and wave to your dad's kpop group, Ace. They all smile back and giggle before continuing their food and chit chats.

"Hm. How's the meeting?", he asks as he smiles at you and guide you to the seat in front of him.

"It's all settled. The wedding is on Tuesday", you saw how his smile disappeared and changed with a frown.

"Did you agree?", he calmly asks.

You nod and slowly caress his tattooed hand, "I have no choice. We have a baby growing inside me, and this marriage is contracted by two big companies in our country. I can't let them down", your tone were visibly sad as you stare in his saddened eyes. You can clearly feel how this man in front of you feels. He surely has a feelings for you, not just a friendly care.

He nods and smile sadly at him, "Just make sure that hyung will never hurt you again. I don't want your time to only be wasted being trap with someone who doesn't even care for you", his words dart straight to your aching heart. He is right, his hyung already has someone he cares about. You'll be the only one who's really trap into pain and loneliness of this incoming wedding.

You again gave him a nod, "Let's not talk about that here. Let's just eat somewhere. I need to take my meds", you uttered as you stood up and pull his hand. He just follows you and stoop up too. You two stops as some of Ace members greets you and bow in respect. You quickly let go of his hand and both of you greets them back.

"Yerim?", Jungkook stops as you stop from your walk and observe him. He was facing one of the training, or someone he does know.

The girl in front of the two of you had her eyes-widen and bows at Jungkook. "Jungkook", she replied. You wait for them as you sit on the chair that was place on Jungkook's back.

"How are you?", he asks. His bunny smile were clearly shown as you continue to observe their conversation. Some of the trainees that were with the girl he's talking too were also shock that they knew each other.

"All good. I'm under training here at VME. With them", she giggles and pointed the other trainees. They all bow and greet Jungkook.

"Oh that's good. Work hard, I'm here to support you. Fighting!", he chuckles on his own words. The girl glance at you and gave you a smile.

"Good Morning Ms. Lee", your eyes widen. You never tell new trainees your name especially your last name.

"Oh! Hi, Good morning trainees", you stood up and wave at them. You didn't ask further as Jungkook snakes his hand on your waist.

"We need to go. Thanks for your time. See you other time around, Yerim", he muttered and wave them good bye. You follow Jungkook's lead as the two of you head to the parking lot.

The two of you enters his Benz and buckle your seatbelts. He remove your sling bag from his shoulder and put it in the back seat. You both giggle as he removes his mask and you remove your mask too.

Out of curiousity, you accidentally ask him something you wouldn't ask. He starts to drive heading to teh restaurant's location, "Who's that Yerim girl?", you teasingly asks as you arch your brows on him.

He then smirk as he saw your expression, "Just my ex-girlfriend but we're still friends tho", he honestly replied.

"Oh, nice. I'm just curious", you rest your vision outside the car window and rest your head on your right hand.

"Just curious, or jealous?. Have you ever been into relationship?", he once teasingly ask and uttered his second question seriously.

"Not jealous and never been. I only have one man in mind ever since 2013", his adverts his eyes from the road to yours. Your words made him more curious. You met his eyes and return yours on the road.

"Who was it? First love or crush?", he muttered as he continue to drive.

"It was Yoongi", your sentence was short but clear enough to make him look at you again.

"How do you know about him?", he curiously asks.

"Our dads were friends and business partners ever since but I only notice him when he debuted as BTS, with you. He was my bias ever since", you smiles at your fan girling memories.

"Wow, you're an army. Hyung was lucky to be your bias then", he smiles and tuck you curtain bangs to your ear as he drive with his tattooed hand.

"Yes, but do you know how hard it is to attend fan meets and concerts. They won't let me attend, because of my status", you rolls your eyes as he chuckles.

"You can still meet us now. Do you want me to invite the others?", he asks as you eyes literally lit up. You grab his hand and shake it.

"Yes please, give me a free date and high touch with BTS", you laugh as he nods and smiles at your excitement.

"I'll invite them tomorrow if you have time, for now let's just eat", he carefully parks the car and unbuckle his seatbelt. You unbuckle yours too as you exit the car and follows him.

This restaurant is familiar, you've never been here but you always saw this online. It was Jin's restaurant.

He hold you wrist and gently pulls you towards the restaurant door. "Let's start with Jin hyung, he invited me over for lunch and you're lucky to have his free time", he smiles and you smiles back at him. The two of you enters the restaurant and was greeted by some of the staff. They lead you to the VIP area as Jungkook quickly let go of your hand, noticing the other normal customers inside it.

He enters the room first and you follows. Some of the customer notice but some did not since they are more focus on Jin who was cooking infront of them. It was designed with a glass for them to see what was inside the kitchen. There are other chefs who cooks with Jin. He already saw you and Jungkook as he commands his staff to take care of you.

Jin is already preparing the food that he will serve for the three of you, since he will also join the lunch for some proper greet and chit chats.

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