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|B L O O D|

You fix your hair and observe yourself in your vanity mirror before getting out of your room. You saw how Yoongi smiles on your dad, they are talking about something you didn't hear earlier. "Dad", you greeted, you approach and gave him a hug.

"Raeya, are your things ready?", he smiles at you as Yoongi remains on his side. "Yoongi explained everything to me, he'll be so busy so it's really the best to let you stay on my side first".

What a lie. He seems to get my dad's good side and I hate it. Your innerself stated.

"Yes, I'm ready. We should go now. See you this week, Yoongi", you sadly smile on him as he smiles back at you before shaking his hands with your dad.

"Take care Mr. Lee, and Raeya, don't forget your daily supplements", his smiles were different from his cold expression earlier. You dad smiles back at him and gave him a heavy pat on his shoulder. He hiss a bit, it was his injured one. You suddenly realized it, it was the first time you notice his shoulder pain. You were so concern at him back then as a fan.

"Oh son, sorry I forgot about your shoulder", he then shook his head and help you bring your luggage to your dad's car. "Anyways, do not run to your responsibilities, Yoongi. You know I have ways. See you after a few days", your dad threaten but gave Yoongi a slight chuckle.

You just observe them as you stayed in silence. You enters the car and wave him good bye. Your dad secure both of your seatbelt as you rest yourself and just stare on the outside view of the window. Your then caress your little baby bump, that wasn't that noticeable since you're a slim one.

"You need to give one healthy and a male granchild, Raeya", you giggle on your dad's cute action.

"Wish it was a girl instead, she'll be as beautiful as me", you chuckle as your dad's facial expressions change into mad in a teasing manner.

"I never had the chance to have a male child---now please my only daugther, give me at least one chance to have a male grandchild before I left this cruel world", he happily requested. He never really did had a chance since his wife died a week after your birth. That's also one reason why he never really opened you up to puclic when his business got successful.

"Okay, okay. Let's just wish it was a boy, dad", you sadly smile adverting you gaze from the car window to your dear father. He deserves the world, he took care of you alone. He fulfill his duty as your single parent all those time and he never failed to remind you how much he loves your mother that's why you never had any problem with you having step mother or what.

"Anyway, how's your stay with Mr. Min's son?", he asks as he carefully park the car. The drive was fast but safe, you are so used to it compare to the very first time drove you to your middle school. It was horrible, almost a roller coaster ride.

"It was fine, dad.I really want to rest now, can we talk about it later?", he nods and open the car door for you.

"You can go to your room, it was all fixed and clean. I'll ask one of my staff to bring your luggage up there", you also nod as you part ways with your dad. You enters the side entrance and greet some of the staffs and trainees. Therefore, right after you passed by them one of the young girl trainees approach you.

"You have period leak, Eonnie", she whispered to you from your side but your reaction caught her off guard. Both of your eyebrows were sticking together but you thank her and one of the male staffs gave you a towel to cover yourself. You again thanked them before leaving. You rush to the comfort room to check if you really have blood leaks. You enters one of the stall and pull down your pants. It really has blood and some spot seems fresh. You rush to grab your phone and call your doctor. After multiple missed calls your private doctor finally answered your emergency call.

"Yes, Ms. Lee?", she answers. The doctor was currently on her work hours and has some patients to check and work with.

"I'm bleeding right now, what should I do Doc?", concern and nervousness were clearly be heard from your voice.

"Okay ma'am, I need you to relax. Did you do something heavy today or do you have any problem?", she calmly asks as she stood up from the other line.

"Just a family meeting and fight with the baby's father", you explained. Your voice still sounds unokay. What you didn't know was there's someone in the other side of the stall eardropping your conversation.

"I know you stressed yourself today or maybe felt a bit pressure so I need to check you. Can you come to my clinic tonight, it was urgent ma'am. We need to check if the baby is safe. Relax yourself and ask the father to bring you here", she requested as she fix the other equipments that was needed for laters session with you.

"Okay Doc, I'll be there but the father won't. He's busy, I'll go with my friend", the doctor agree and you both utter your goodbyes before turning off the call. You release a deep breath and wipe the little triggered tears in your tired eyes. You are so nervous for this kind of situation. You again scroll on your contacts and call the only person you know that can help.

He quickly answers the phone, "Rae".

"Are you somewhat busy right now?", he can clearly catch up you situation just by listening to your unwell sound.

"I'm recording for a new album, right now. Is there any problem?", he concernly asks as he get the headphone off him and sign the staff to stop recording. He fixes his messy hair and tye it in a manbun. He now heard you sniffs and silent cries, you are holding yourself back again. "I'll come, where are you?!", he asks desperately as he rush to his car, completely leaving his scheduled work. He left his staffs in confusion.

"VME", you almost whipered. He clearly heard it and was confuse on how you ended up on your dad's building when he fetch you home to Yoongi's address earlier. He starts his engine and starts to drive in a total rush. Luckily, Hybe's building is only minutes away from VME. He told you that he'll come as he hangs up the phone.

You wipe your evident tears and fix yourself. When you stood, the pressure again rises as you saw a new drop of blood in the toilet. You flush it and cover yourself again with the black towel that the staff gave you. You put back your phone to your bag and wear it. You head to the private lounge and waited for  Jungkook. He then arrive at the building and ask some of the staff on where you were, one of the staff told him you were on the private lounge. They are all confused but they remain silent for the sake of their job and to respect the image and privacy that you both have. Your phone notifies as you saw the headline, you thought that maybe it was your dad who decides to announce it to the public.

"Country's most valuable model, Ms. Raeya has announced to be under hiatus for the mean time. Her agency under Versatile Music Entertainment announces."

You again sighed, your dad really knows when to help and rescue you, you really needed that hiatus announcement. Jungkook appear in your sight as he gave you a concerning hug. "What's the problem?", he notice the towel that was wrapped in your waist.

"I'm bleeding and I really need to go to my doctor's clinic. I already called her and I don't wanna bother Yoongi again. We had a fight earlier", you clearly muttered all those words clearly. His face shows a total concern, a face that you want to see from your child's father.

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