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|F I G H T S|

You woke up exactly the night before the show. Yujin and Yoongi stayed by your side throughout the day. They are both trying their best to ignore each other especially that they are also furious with each other.

You slowly tilted your body sideways, facing one of the men in your room and spoke, "Yujinah". Right after you saw that Yoongi was also waiting, your emotions got triggered.

You ignored his presence and continue to talk. "I want to go home", you sounded so weak yet you're trying to talk straight.

"Home?", he confusely asked. If you're referring to the hotel or Korea.

"Yes, home. I want to go back to Korea", your words caught Yoongi's attention as he look at you before hiding his phone.

"You will but we need you to be okay first. I already cancelled Celine's invitation. I can't go home with you, I have no choice but to let you go with Yoongi", his voice sounded so cold but his eyes speaks the opposite. He can't let you go alone but he has to live his own life that will start in Paris.

"What?", Yoongi interupts as both you and Yunji turn your gazes to him.

"You need to take her home. I'll be staying here for work", Yunji raised one of his thick brows and stare intensely into Yoongi's cold ones.

You just stayed in silent and observe them.

"That can cause trouble. I don't want any issues to come out", Yoongi announces. He crossed his arms together and never turn his eyes on you. He's having a staring contest with your friend.

"Trouble your dick! Shithead! You fuck her now fuck with your consequences!", Yujin angrily spat.

"Fuck you! Says the man who never got to fuck her!", Yoongi disrespectly yelled. His words hurt you again as you shift in opposite position with them and none of them notice.

"You! Never disrespect her in front of me!", he yelled back and run into Yoongi sit. He punch him straight into his face. Yoongi is about to punch him back but you interups them,

You tries to get up and stop them, "S-Stop please! Stop it. I'll go home alone!", you tried your best to speak loudly but your body can't. You kneel on the ground just before you lost balance.

They both rush to approach you.

"Fuck! Sorry Raeya", Yujin uttered as he guided you back to your bed. He block Yoongi from holding you.

"I'll go home with her just so we can stop this shit", Yoongi uttered turning his back to you. He again sits on the couch and grip his head.

"Ghad. Just so you know that if I don't have work here, I will not let her be with you! Never", Yujin announces blocking you from seeing Yoongi's boring expression.

"Stop please", you whispered, you slowly hold Yujin's waist as he was sitting in front of you. Your just close your eyes and rest your mind as you can feel your vision twirling in dizziness again.

"Okay for goodness' sake let's plan this out", Yujin calmly announce as he caress your hand that embraces him.

"I'll book a private flight for us and I think it's best if she will stay with me for a while. At least a week, I'll fix the problem and I need her help", the pale man uttered. He keeps his head low and massage it.

"I'll stay with him", you audibly said.

Yujin turns to face you, giving you a look, "Are you sure?". You just nodded and face Yoongi.

"Good. Taehyung took your part as the main guest model in that show, I requested since Korea needs a representative. I need to go home as early as I can, I left my work there and it's a big collaboration", he muttered walking towards the door. You and Yujin both follow his direction and raise your brows.

"I'll ask the doctor if she's okay to go", he added---about to open the door but Yujin followed him leaving you on your bed.

"I'll go with him. Stay right there and do not try stand up, okay?", Yujin spoke. You just nodded and rest yourself. Your mind is filled with thoughts.

You notice that Yujin left your and his phone on the side table. You tries to sit yourself and grab your phone. You opens it and check, it has a lot of notifications. You firstly check your dad's chats. His one specific message made your heart stop,

"The two of you will go home and marry. I'm sorry daughter but this is an agreement of me and Yoongi's dad just after your mom gave birth to you. It is the perfect time to fulfill it."

"I will never let that young man run from his responsibilities. Please take care of yourself. You know that I never controlled you or stop you from your own plans and action but this marriage is part of our contract. I'm sorry."

"Don't tell him soon, his dad said he will oppose on any blind dates or arranged something like this. I know you like him too Rae, so please live with it. Cooperate with us."

You heart smiles a bit but you trully knows that it is wrong. Despite Yoongi does wrong thing to you, but setting him on trap like this and using your feelings and your baby is also wrong. Your dad and his dad is surely unstoppable. You do not know how to react yet your heart really aches for something. You hide you phone and fix yourself as you heard footsteps approaching your room.

"How are you Ms. Lee?", the male doctors asks as Yujin and Yoongi followed him from the back.

"I'm fine just feeling a bit tired and weak. Is my baby fine doc?", the very firast time you asks about it as you caress your stomach.

"Good. Your baby is safe, same as you but I advice you to be more carefull this time. The pregnancy is sensitive and cautious, I need you to take bed rest after your flight. At least for a month or two. Also, that is normal, your body recovering from what had happened so you need rest. You can go home the day after tomorrow", the doctor advices as the three of you just solely listen to his words.

You nodded and hummed in agreement with him and he smiles at you. The doctor turns his way and face Yoongi and Yujin.

"Who's her guardian?", he shortly asks.

Yujin quickly answered, "I am doc".

"So you're the father of the baby?", the doctor reassured while checking something on the records.

Yujin turn his gaze on Yoongi and let him speak, "I am the father, doc", Yoongi peacefully muttered.

"I need to talk to you in my office. Let the guardian stay with her for a while", both of them nodded as Yoongi stare blankly on you before following the doctor outside.

Yujin approaches you and sit on the side of your bed. He caress and fix your hair as you gave him a reassuring smile. "You'll be okay Raeya. With or without me", he whipered. He tries to hold back his tears and trying to be strong in front of you. The two of you left in silence.

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