3 |mistake|

157 13 2

|I N F L U E N C E
O F A L C O H O L|

He was busy scrolling on his phone as he was almost done with his last cigarette, he noticed the sound of elevator. Out of curiousity, he peak on the wall and notice a completely wasted girl. You walk like a zombie trying to be a human. You can't even fix yourself either your clothes. You also can't see anything clear, just a blurred white walls and dim lights surrounding the hallway. You surely saw a shadow of a man in front of you so you,

"Hey! C-can you help me!", you yell at him. Still stumbling as you walk heading to his direction.

Yoongi sighed and shook his head, "She ain't one of Ace members. Why would I even care", he borely muttered.

"I-I live here. Room 117", you replied without even thinking that saying those important details can bring you into trouble if this man was complete a stranger or a stalker. "Yahh! Don't leave me here please! I-I'm so tired", you sob, trying to find a great vision of his eyes as he look back at you. You just earned another sigh but grateful enough that you saw him walk towards you.

You let yourself rest on his shoulder as he help you stand on your feet and hold you tightly on your shoulder and waist.

"Do know how hard life is?", your drunk ass mumble. Almost kissing his cheeks.

"No, talking to you was harder", his voice was deep and familiar. It's like you've heard it somewhere, repeatedly. It was like a music for you. "You card", he added.

"W-what card?", you look confusely at him with a barely opened eyes.

"Dumb girl, I need to open your door or else I'll leave you here alone and sleep on this floor",he uttered. His patience wasn't that long that he can't even look at you without gritting his teeth.

"Ah! Yes, it's in my lovely ba-!", you announces, voice were too loud to wake anyone in the floor.

He covers your mouth and gently open your bag. It was easy for him to find as you only bring the card, wallet, lipstick, and phone with you. The car keys were somewhere in your skirt pockets. "Here, I'll remove your heels, okay?", he sweetly asks, checking if you still have a little bit of conciousness.

He was about to exit your room but you pulled him down your bed causing him to sit beside you.

He was now battling with his mind and his manhood. This ain't right, this girl might be one of their trainees, why is she so careless.

You do your best to carry your own weight, sitting closing to him. "Man am I dreaming?", you mumble, shaking his shoulders as you try look at him with a more clearer vision.

"Nah", there again the familiar voice.

You blink your eyes again and held his pale face with both of your cold hands. "Yoongiah, I-I always dream of seeing you but no one allows me to go in each of your fan meet. They said I'll just cause commotions there 'cause I'm a popular model here", your drunk ass mind spills more than it can spill when you drown your self with alcohol. "Sugassi! Can't I see you? Like for a single sign for my album. They won't let me in! Argh!", words just came out your lips loudly that even Yoongi had to blink because of your loud voice.

⚠️trigger warning,
[mature content, rape]

"Hm. Do you know that you look so attractive?", you seducely ask the man in front of you thinking that you were just dreaming of having Yoongi in the presence with you tonight.

"I know", that mysterious voice again answered. He hold both of your hand with him and tries to lay you down.

Your hands quickly lingers on his nape, slowly pulling him with you. His eyes were shock, but yours seems in love and relaxed. He knows well that you are badly drunk, and this kind of reaction may happen. He barely know who you are so there wasn't a problem. He knows to well that you will eventually forget this night. He slowly gave in, caressing your cheeks as he look dearly into your eyes.

"You're not dreaming, I really am your Yoongi", he whispers right exactly in the sweet spot on your neck.

"Then, I want you", you replied. Both of your pantings echoes the room as the temperature rises against your bodies. This night wasn't be the biggest regret you will ever have but this happened with you being half concious and out of your good mind. He knew it, he knew this happened only because he misses that sensation, that feeling and he doesn't care who you are. You'll eventually forget this night. He slips a pill in your mouth before continuing with his actions. You then, accept it without even knowing what it was.

"Yoongiah", you muttered almost having a hard time catching your breath. You just earned a hum as he continously do his thing with your body. "I-I n-need my b-blocker", you stutter, he notice your unusual way of saying those words but he doesn't know what a blocker is. He just finished his thing and let you rest on your own. Without even knowing that you passed out due to pulse increase.

"Thank you", he muttered as he zip up his pants and click another cigarette on his lips. He reassure that you are wearing all your clothes well and untouch as he lock your door carefuly not to get caught.

That became a relief for him, he finally releases his frustration inside you. Well in fact, this wasn't just an one night stand, but attempted raped that includes drugging.

An hour after what happened, you are already knock out on your bed while Yoongi were still a night own. Eyes were focused on his monitor searching for something. The CEO gave him access with the company's secured files where trainees, producers, and other artists' profile were kept. He check one by one, the faces of all those trainees but he can't find or familiarize the face he had a one night stand earlier. He maybe five rooms away from yours but it keeps bothering him on why he can not find a single file about you. There are only thirty girl trainees and twenty boy trainees, he checked it one by one but you weren't there. He also checks the employees folder and producer but not a single information about you were recorded in VME' secured page.

"This is a mess! Fuck! Who was that mystery girl, please, don't let her remember this. My girlfriend would literally kill me!", he shouts in frustration. He definitely have a long term girlfriend yet due to his needs, he usualy find it with different available girls around the world. Without anyone knowing, because of the pills he always make every girl consume. It makes them forget what happened and usually feels like hallucinating and dreaming. One thing he forget was, he really got carried away with this one. He did it without protection. "Fuck!", he muttered. "Woah! This a fucking mistake! Argh! Focus on your work Yoongi!", he releases all his tension and pressure as he agressively close his tired eyes and punch the the wall until blood oozes from his pale knuckles.

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