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Yujin growls as he tried to control his emotions while opening another door. He can clearly hear your pulse alarm. He can't even notice what was the other man in the room does to ever save you. He rush to your almost lifeless body as he cautiously saw the empty syringes all over the area. Yoongi also peek to see what has happened, and his can't clearly tell him what to do or what to react. All he feels is just mere nervousness as he can be at blame if something bad will happen to you. He doesn't even know why you have all those syringe in your room. Yujin keeps on shouting at him to trail the two of you but his mind cannot deliver any sound in the moment. He was just staring at the exact place were your body lies.

"Collect your fucking self and help me! Open the fucking door Yoongi!", Yujin again shouts at the man who was still staring in the same spot for almost minutes. He dudge him on the shoulder to make him up to his senses.

Yoongi shakes his head as he can now hear your pulse alarm, also Yujin who keeps on yelling to open the door, "L-let's go", he uttered opening the door and trailing Yujin. He brush his hair down hiding his blank eyes.

"That alarm is fucking annoying. Turn it off!", Yoongi mumbled as he keeps on trying to focus on driving quicker but safer. They decided to use your car and let Yoongi drive as Yujin holds you dearly in his arms. He doesn't know what to do, this is his first time encountering you in this situation. The slow hearbeat was all he can feel from you, your breathing were slow too, and it makes both of them too much pressured.

"Then how am I supposed to know if she's still alive, idiot! That's her pulse monitor, she's in the binge of death because of you! Get your fucking self driving!, Yujin rebutted. His hand were holding your cold ones tight. As he harshly glare on the other man in your driver's seat.

Silenece take over the whole ride as Yujin already called the hospital that a VIP will be arriving soon. Minutes have passed and they arrived safely.

"We're here", Yoongi announces. He open the back door and help Yujin.

They rush to the emergency room as nurses and doctor help the two man in panic. Some of the patients in the emergency room already recognised you, and the two men who accompanied you. They start to whisper with each other, almost giving different gossips and theories on what really happened. The doctor requested to bring you to one of their VIP rooms as they notice the commotion.

"Pulse is weak",the newly assigned doctor to yours announces. "What happened to her, sir?", he asks looking straightly to Yoongi as he's the one standing near your bed. While Yujin is just silently sitted in the couch on the side.

"I'm her guardian. She tried to take her life. She injected more than two of her blockers, doc. Will you please check her quickly, she's pregnant", he mumble those words with his heart beating out of his ribcage. There's a lot to explain but that's the easiest way to get it all over.

The doctor and his nurses starts to test your almost lifeless body. They conduct every necessary one to make your heartbeat normal again, too much dosage of your medicine can really cause death luckily this two men brought you out of your misery on time. The doctor also checks the situation of the baby, it did affect the baby's heart beat but thankfuly it was strong enough to cope his mother's decisions. The baby is safe but now in sensitive kind of pregnancy.

The two of them waited patiently for every result but their minds also think of other things that this current situation can affect.

Yujin always think about your safety but the two of you pursue Paris for this specific event. Celine Fashion Show. He knows how important it is to you and him but because of this sudden happenings, he do not think of you attending it anymore. It would be tomorrow and it would be safer for you to stay on this hospital and never appear in public for weeks after this. He can clearly see some leaked tweets of photos of you and Yoongi running histericaly on street of Paris. Some also leaked photos from earlier in the emergency room. They can't clearly see your face, but the only korean model that was invited in this important event is you. More of, those people who leaked are also those one who knows yours and Yoongi's identity. As your manager he always check public or social media in case something bad happened, like this.

Yoongi on the other side of the hospital lounge thinks on how he can solve this suppose to be forgotten meet. He can clearly feel his phone vibrates and notifies from time to time. He feels so concern and guilty as he knows he ruin your plans here in Paris. He already saw the two leaked photos as he decides to contact one of his past member, a friend. Taehyung.

"Tae, I need help. There's a leaked photos of me and Ms. Lee all over the social media platforms. Can you request to your contact to block those?", he nervously typed all those unsure words. "I'll pay extra later, please notice this as soon as possible. I can't risk to ruin both of our image. She's also in the hospital right now. I don't think she can appear on the Celine show tomorrow", he press the sent button. Minutes after his younger friend replied as quick as he expected.

"I also saw it, already contact him to block all of it. But, what happen to her?! She's supposed to be the main point of model's show tomorror. She has importamt role in the show, hyung. The coordinator tries to contact me as Yujin doesn't even gave them a single information. Be thankful, I'll cover it up. I can request to take her place if she can't attend. Inform me later", he politely replied. He is the only closest to Raeya's manager Yujin, as the coordinators show so they also tries to contact Tae for update as the two of you didn't attent any meetings today.

"She tried to kill herself. It's a long story, we'll discuss it in Korea. You can contact Yujin, I don't think I'm in the place to make official update of her. He's her friend and workmate after all",Yoongi replies. Trying to avoid any commotions again.

The doctor arrived in their area, approaching Yujin as he is the one who signed as your guardian. He announces all the good and badnews as the two men concern for one specific lady carefuly listens.

"She needs rest and so the baby. We make all our best to save them both and thankfully their body fights more than the mother's willingness to pass. Her pulse and blood pressure are becoming normal but we are sure that this pregnancy will now be more sensitive and cautious because of the effect of her blockers. Sir, please watch over her, blockers can easily kill a human if it exceeds over amount of dosage. She isn't that over dose but her heart is weaker in the process because of stress and panic attacks. We won't request further investigation for this even if we know that the three of you right here, are valuable personas from Korea. Please be carefull next time. We also restrict unconnected patients, staffs, and visitors in her room. Medicines to take will be given later", the tall serious mannered doctor uttered giving Yujin a pat on his trembling shoulder.

Yoongi also heard what the doctor has said and one thing he can sure of is, you are his responsibility now. This is also all his fault.

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