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|H I D D E N   T R U T H|

You and Jungkook safely arrived at your doctor's own clinic. You pleaded him to keep it from Yoongi and he agreed. You are now nervously resting on the clinic bed, while your doctor is spreading some gel on your lower abdomen.

"Is my baby going to be okay?", you asks as you nervously tighten your grip on Jungkook's hand. You both look at your doctor waiting for her response.

"I wish, Ms. Lee. I know there's something more you aren't telling us", she uttered as she concernly observed your bruised wrist and the fading bruise on your neck.

You and Jungkook look into each other's eyes with different emotions showing. He caress your hands with his finger as he can feel how nervous you are. The doctor starts the ultrasound and one sound that make you all look in the monitor.

"Ms. Lee! Oh my, I'm grateful that your baby is safe. We can clearly hear the heartbeat", the three of you smiles at each other as you glance dearly to the man on your side.

"She's safe, Jungkook", your tears starts to flow down your pale cheeks. Jungkook gave you a caring hug as Dr. Kim just smiles at her view. She stops the ultrasound and check all the other details. She requests you to take good care of yourself and never get tired of reminding you that your first pregnancy is sensitive. She adviced you to take a rest and avoid getting stress. She even tell you and ask Jungkook to take counceling as she thought he was your partner. Judging by how this man act when he's with you.

"You can buy those in the pharmacy, this will make your baby's grip more stronger since you have sensitive pregnancy. Also, I'm thankfull I get to check on you as my vip patient. My family is a big fan of you also him", she smiles as she offers shake hands and you both accepts it. She hand Jungkook the prescription paper and the ultrasound results and photos. Luckily, the bleeding had happened only because of to much pressure and stress.

"It was also nice having you as my doctor, Dr. Kim", you smiles at her before leaving the clinic.

Jungkook helps you as he opens the car door for you and buckle your seatbelt. He secure the envelope that contains all you record today in the back seat and buckle his own seatbelt. "VME?", he straightly asks.

You just nod and avert your gaze from him.

"I'm glad you're both healthy and safe", he calmly uttered as he safely drive his benz heading to your dad's building.

"I'm also glad nothing bad happens", you blankly replies. You return your eyes to him and observe him while he was so focus on driving. He didn't even notice your stare. "I wish my bias was also happy that his baby is safe", you uttered with a glimpse of sadness in your voice.

Jungkook avert his eyes on you and look at you with curious eyes.

"I always wish to be his girl, I never imagine myself being with other man. Is it only because I'm an obssess fan, Jungkook?", you rant. Sadness were clearly shown in your glistening eyes.

"You aren't obsess Raeya, you're just inlove", he tries to strengthen himself for you. He his eyes on the road as his heart and ears were all yours.

"How can I be inlove with someone I only see on screen and through the crowd. How pathetic", you sadly chuckle as you massages the side of your head.

"I've been inlove with someone that was my idol. You're an Army, right? I bet you already know it", he also chuckles but it wasn't that of happiness.

"IU", you whispers as he hums in response. "How did you overcome your feelings for her then?", you curiously asks. To be honest, you are hurting. You are hurt to know that the father of your child already has someone else he truly love. You are hurt how he only acknowledge you as his fan. Nothing but one of his fans.

"Well, I found another person that I'm now simping with, again", now his chuckle was genuine. You both look into each other's eyes as he came back to focus on the busy road. You can clearly sew from hsi bunny smile, how this someone inspires him.

"Since when? I thought IU was the one", you smiles at him.

"2018", he muttered. Your brows archs together as his tone lowers. The date, the year. That was the year that you were first declare as one of the famous model in your country.

"Who?", you again asks. Curiousity takes you at your highest as you focus your gaze on him.

"A famous model that took over the internet and all other medias. You. You, Lee Raeya. I will always remember how I stupidly smile when I saw some of your billboards around our country, how I smile whenever I collect your photobooks and magazine, I'm also happy to know that you're a fan of my former group, BTS. Unfortunately, I wasn't your bias", all of his words caught you off guard. His eyes were still focus on the road.

"That was a lot of information, I can't even sink it all in me at once. But, you were my wrecker in case you didn't know. You were written on one of my limited edition book of interviews", you chuckles at the simple detail that you uttered.

He smirks and spoke, "I've read that, I really paid a lot to get that one hell of a book. It was the only collection that I can clearly see my name, not my hyung", his voice were clear but empty.

"You'll see your name more now than Yoongi's. I might also change my bias, let's pray for that", you teasingly said. He again releases a chuckle and gave you a genuine smile.

"I'll look forward to that", he happily announces as he carefully parks the car and stop to stare at you. "But be happy with Suga hyung, Raeya. I hope this marriage can help you both grow", he wishes. His eyes were clearly staring at you with sadness and sincerity. "Anyways, no more drama. I saw your hiatus announcement. How will that go?", he shifts the topic quickly as he saw how your reaction from his last words differ.

"Uhm. You already know, we're three in this marriage so it was a bit crowded. Anyways, yes. I guess dad helped me fix that problem. All of my shoots and runways are on hold. Even celine, vogue and other big brands. I hate it", you pout as you observe yourself from your reflection on the phone. You look like a mess, pale, plain, and unconfident.

"I'll help you out after your child's birth. Don't worry about the brands, they'll give you chance whatever your situation is, if they really want you to be their ambasadress", he comforts you as he gave you a soft smile then tuck your bangs on your ear. "Really love your long hair", he suddenly added.

You chuckle and look at him, "You really make me go into mix of emotion. One time you're into drama, then other time you're into sudden compliment and jokes".

"But, I wasn't joking. You really have healthy and beautiful hair Ms. Lee", he smiles and uncbuckle his seatbelt. You two have been talking inside the car for minutes.

"I like you with long hair too, Bts' Jungkook", you smiles at him and brush his hair to his multi-pierced ear.

"Oh, how I miss being called that way. It's been 2 years since our disbandment", his eyes show how he really miss being the BTS' Jungkook. How he missed being on stage with his hyungs and seeing their fan as a whole group. It's been tough and cold being a solo, or as soloist calles JK. He missed the comfort, guide, and help he gets when he was still in his botherhood or his former group named BTS.

"I also miss BTS", you calmly replied. You unbuckle your seatbelt and observe the man in front of you.

"We'll have dinner soon, I'll invite you", he assures you and you just nod and opens the car door.

"I'll go now, thanks again for today", you smiles and softly waves at him.

He pulls your wrist to stop you from getting out of his benz. "Can I stay for tonight?", his voice were calming and soothing that I unvoluntarily nods at him without even realizing his question.

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